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Convert UUCP hosts via a database deprecated

This has been deprecated as of V8.10. If you currently use this feature, you should convert to the domaintable feature (FEATURE(domaintable)) soon.

The uucpdomain feature was similar to bitdomain (FEATURE(bitdomain)) but was used to translate addresses of the form:


into a DNS domain format, such as The database for this would contain, for example, key and data pairs such as these:


This source text file was converted into a database with the makemap(1) program (Section 5.5).

The way you declare uucpdomain is like this:


This causes rules to be added so that a host with a .UUCP suffix will be looked up in the database uudomain. The uucpdomain feature also creates the declaration for that database:

Kuudomain hash /etc/mail/uudomain

If you wish to use a different form of database or a different location for the database file, you can do so by adding an argument to the feature declaration:

FEATURE(`uucpdomain', `dbm -o /etc/mail/uudomain')

Here, we tell sendmail that we will be using the NDBM form of database instead of the original NEWDB form (Section 23.1). We also add a -o to make the presence of the file optional.

If you provide a second argument that is a literal LDAP:

FEATURE(`uucpdomain', `LDAP')

the default becomes the following (we have wrapped the lines to fit the page):

Kauthinfo ldap -1 -v sendmailMTAMapValue -k (&(objectClass=sendmailMTAMapObject)

See ldap (was ldapx) for a description of the ldap database type and its -1, -v, and -k switches.

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