When sendmail
processes one of the check_ rule sets (Section 7.1), and when that rule set rejects a message,
sendmail logs the following message:
... ruleset=rset, arg1=firstarg, reject=reason
Here, rset is the name of the rule set called
(such as check_mail, Section 7.1.2). The workspace passed to the rule set is
indicated by firstarg. The reason for the
rejection is echoed with the
reject=reason. For example,
the following rule causes mail to fax to be
Rfax $#error $@ 5.1.3 $: cannot send mail to fax
This rule would produce a reject=
syslog(3) message such as this:
reject=553 5.1.3 <fax@ourhost>... cannot send mail to fax
A complete description of the construction of rejection messages can
be found in Chapter 7.