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TLS/SSL version V8.11 and above

When a connection is made or received and STARTTLS is initiated, sendmail updates the value of several macros, among which is this ${tls_version} macro.

${tls_version} stores the TLS version used for the connection. The possible versions are text values that include TLSv1, SSLv3, and SSLv2. The ${tls_version} is used in the standard configuration file as part of the definition of the Received: header:

HReceived: $?sfrom $s $.$?_($?s$|from $.$_)
        $.$?{auth_type}(authenticated$?{auth_ssf} bits=${auth_ssf}$.)
        $.by $j ($v/$Z)$?r with $r$. id $i$?{tls_version}
        (version=${tls_version} cipher=${cipher} bits=${cipher_bits}
        for $u; $|;

If ${tls_version} has a value, the following is included in the Received: header's text:

(version=${tls_version} cipher=${cipher} bits=${cipher_bits} verify=${verify})

If ${tls_version} lacks a value, the preceding text is not included, meaning that a STARTTLS session was not used.

${tls_version} is transient. If it is defined in the configuration file or in the command line, that definition is ignored by sendmail. Note that a $& prefix is necessary when you reference this macro in rules (that is, use $&{tls_version}, not ${tls_version}).

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