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Store a value into a macro via a rule V8.10 and above

Not only is it possible to use defined macros in rule sets, as of V8.10 sendmail it is also possible to place new values into defined macros from inside rule sets. This marvel is accomplished using the macro type database map. It is an internal type, always available regardless of how sendmail was compiled.

The macro type can be used in three ways. For example:

Kstore_it_in macro
R$*     $: $(store_it_in {MyMacro} $@ $1 $)    store new value into macro
R$*     $: $(store_it_in {MyMacro} $@ $)   clear macro to empty string
R$*     $: $(store_it_in {MyMacro} $)      undefine the macro

The first line declares store_it_in to be the name of a macro database-map type that is used in the rules that follow. Those three rules show three different ways to affect the value stored in the macro {MyMacro}. Note that the macro name must not be prefixed with a $. If it is, its value will be used as the name, instead of its actual name. We cover the use of $& later.

The first rule shows that the value to be stored into the macro is passed as the first $@ argument, the $1. If this value is that of an undefined macro, the stored result is an empty string. Otherwise, the value is stored as-is into the {MyMacro} macro. If the value contains macro-like expressions (such as $x), their values are copied used. If {MyMacro} was previously undefined, it becomes defined.

The second rule shows what happens when the value to be stored is missing (or undefined). A missing value has the effect of clearing the value stored in the {MyMacro} macro to that of an empty string. If {MyMacro} was previously undefined, it becomes defined.

The third rule shows what happens when the argument part (the $@ part) is omitted. The effect is to undefine the {MyMacro} macro.

Regardless of how you update the value in the macro, an empty string is returned. This can cause the original workspace to be lost. If you need to preserve the original workspace (or part of it), consider a variation such as the following:

R$*     $: $(store_it_in {MyMacro} $@ $1 $) $1
                                    return original workspace

This macro type can also be used as an indirect way to store values into different sendmail macros. To illustrate, consider the following mini-configuration file and its use of $&:

Kput macro
R $*    $: $(put $&{Target} $@ $1 $)

Here the intention is to store the value (the $@ $1) into the macro whose name is stored in {Target}. The D line initializes that name as {LocalTarget}. To witness this indirect method in action run this mini-configuration file in rule-testing mode:

% /usr/sbin/sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> test foo in local target
test               input: foo in local target
test             returns:
> ${LocalTarget}
foo in local target
> .D{Target}{NewTarget}
> test foo in new target
test               input: foo in new target
test             returns:
> ${NewTarget}
foo in new target

This sort of indirection can be useful in rules that might, for example, cause one relay host to be selected under high load and another under low load. Another use might be to reject certain outside mail during business hours, but accept it after business hours.

No database-map switches are useful with this type.

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