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CCSO Nameserver (ph) lookups V8.10 and above

Prior to V8.10 sendmail, redirecting email with a ph server required running the phquery program. Beginning with V8.10 sendmail, a database-map type called ph has been added that allows sendmail to perform direct ph queries. You declare it like this:

Kname ph  switches  

The complete list of switches for this database-map type is shown in Table 23-22.

Table 23-22. The ph database-map type K command switches






Append values for duplicate keys



Append tag on successful match



Don't use this database map if DeliveryMode=defer



Don't fold keys to lowercase


See this section

Hosts that serve this network database map


See this section

Specify a list of fields to query


-l (lowercase L)

Set a timeout for the lookup[13]



Suppress replacement on match



Append a null byte to all keys



Never add a null byte



This database map is optional



Don't strip quotes from key



Space replacement character



Suffix to append on temporary failure



Ignore temporary errors



Deprecated, use -k instead

[13] As of V8.10, _FFR_PHMAP_TIMEOUT must be defined when compiling sendmail to enable this -l switch. As of V8.11, that definition is no longer necessary.

This ph database map was contributed by Mark Roth of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For additional information see

The -h ph database-map switch

The -h switch is used to specify the host to which to connect for the lookup. In general, the host specified should be a fully qualified hostname:

-h phserver.your.domain

In the event you wish to employ multiple ph servers, you can list them, one separated from the next by a space character:

-h "phserver.your.domain phserver2.your.domain"

Because the host list contains space characters, it must be quoted.

Note that this -h switch is mandatory. If it is omitted, the following error is printed and logged:

ph_map_parseargs: -h flag is required

The -k ph database-map switch

The -k switch[14] specifies a quoted, space-delimited list of fields to query.[15] Fields are queried in the order listed, and the first query that returns a single match is the one whose returned value is used. If the -k switch is omitted, the list of fields to query is obtained by looking up the mailmatches field in the ph server's siteinfo list.

[14] This used to be the -v switch, but -v has been deprecated in this role.

[15] Note that the spacedname field name is no longer understood by ph.

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