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22.3 Classes with mc Configuration

In configuring with the mc technique, many classes are defined for your convenience. You need to be aware of these, not only to take advantage of them, but also to avoid reusing their names by mistake. Table 22-2 lists all the macros that the mc technique uses as of version 8.12. Most are described in other sections, but a few are described here. See a description of LOCAL_CONFIG (Section for the general method used for adding members and new class names using the mc configuration technique.

Table 22-2. Class macros used with the mc configuration technique





Section 7.5.1

With the access_db feature, the possible acceptance strings from the access database (V8.10 and above)



With the bestmx_is_local feature, the domains to look up in bestmx in place of $=w



With CANONIFY_DOMAIN or CANONIFY_DOMAIN_FILE, do canonify these domains (V8.10 and above)


Section 4.4.1

With EXPOSED_USER or EXPOSED_USER_FILE, the list of exposed users


Section 4.8.1

With GENERICS_DOMAIN or GENERICS_DOMAIN_FILE, list of domains to look up in generics table


Section 4.5.5

With LOCAL_USER or LOCAL_USER_FILE, the list of local users


See this section

With LDAPROUTE_DOMAIN or LDAPROUTE_DOMAIN_FILE, route only LDAP hosts in this class


See this section

With LDAPROUTE_EQUIVALENT or LDAPROUTE_EQUIVALENT_FILE, the host to treat as equivalent to $M for LDAP routing lookups (V8.12 and above)


Section 4.4.3

With MASQUERADE_DOMAIN or MASQUERADE_DOMAIN_FILE, the list of hosts to masquerade


Section 4.4.5

With MASQUERADE_EXCEPTION or MASQUERADE_EXCEPTION_FILE, the hosts excepted from masquerading


follows table

The list of non-username characters that can cause forwarding <, >, %, and possibly !)


follows table

The list of pseudo top-level domains (e.g., .uucp and .fax)



Mark a successful DNS lookup



With RELAY_DOMAIN or RELAY_DOMAIN_FILE, the list of domains and hosts for which to relay


Section 7.5.6

With the delay_checks feature, holds the strings SPAMFRIEND and SPAMHATER (V8.10 and above)


follows table

List of rule sets to call for searching the access database map



Possible values for TLS policy in the access database map


Section 10.9.3

With TRUST_AUTH_MECH, the mechanisms used to allow relaying (V8.10 and above)


Section 4.6

With MAILER(uucp), the locally connected UUCP hosts


Section 4.6

With MAILER(uucp), the hosts connected to UUCP relay $V



With VIRTUSER_DOMAIN or VIRTUSER_DOMAIN_FILE, the list of additional domains to look up in virtuser beyond $=w (V8.10 and above)


Section 4.6

With MAILER(uucp), the hosts connected to UUCP relay $W


Section 4.6

With MAILER(uucp), the hosts connected to UUCP relay $X


Section 4.6

With MAILER(uucp), the locally connected smart UUCP hosts


Section 4.6

With MAILER(uucp), the locally connected domainized UUCP hosts

The class $=O is used by the m4 technique to hold a list of characters that cannot be used in local usernames. This list is used to detect certain kinds of routing addresses that might otherwise be difficult to detect. This list initially contains:

@ %

but can also contain an ! if UUCP support is included.

The class $=P holds a list of pseudodomains that will not be looked up using DNS. Unless you use a FEATURE, this class will contain a dot only. Various FEATUREs will add appropriate pseudodomains to it, such as .UUCP and .REDIRECT.

The class $={src} holds a list of rule set names that can be called to look up items in the access database. It is a clever trick that you might wish to copy for use in your own rule sets. To see how this trick is performed, look for $={src} in your configuration file.[5]

[5] This $={src} class will be renamed $={Src} in V8.13.

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