#!/usr/bin/python ################################################################# # Display any cgi (or other) server-side file without running it. # The file name can be passed in a URL param or form field; e.g., # http://server/~lutz/Basics/getfile.cgi?filename=somefile.cgi. # Users can cut-and-paste or "View source" to save file locally. # On IE, running the text/plain version (formatted=0) sometimes # pops up Notepad, but end-of-lines are not always in DOS format; # Netscape shows the text correctly in the browser page instead. # Sending the file in text/html mode works on both browsers--text # is displayed in the browser response page correctly. We also # check the filename here to try to avoid showing private files; # this may or may not prevent access to such files in general. ################################################################# import cgi, os, sys formatted = 1 # 1=wrap text in html privates = ['../PyMailCgi/secret.py'] # don't show these html = """