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11.2 IP: The Internet Protocol

The Internet Protocol is the glue that holds together modern computer networks. IP specifies the way that messages are sent from computer to computer; it essentially defines a common "language" that is spoken by every computer stationed on the Internet.

This section describes IPv4, the fourth version of the Internet Protocol, which has been used on the Internet since 1982. IPv4 is universally used today, and will likely see continued use for many years to come. IPv5 was an experimental protocol that was never widely used. IPv6 is the newest version of the Internet Protocol. IPv6 provides for a dramatically expanded address space, built-in encryption, and plug-and-play Internet connectivity. As this book goes to press, IPv6 is largely being used on an experimental basis, although use of this new Internet Protocol is increasing. Nevertheless, we expect IPv4 to be the dominant protocol version for many years to come.

As we said earlier, at a very abstract level the Internet is similar to the phone network. However, looking more closely at the underlying protocols, we find that it is actually quite different. On the telephone network, each conversation is assigned a circuit (either a pair of wires or a channel on a multiplexed connection) that used for the duration of the telephone call. Whether you talk or not, the channel remains open until you hang up the phone.

On the Internet, the connections between computers are shared by all of the conversations. Data is sent in blocks of characters called datagrams, or more colloquially, packets. Each packet has a small block of bytes called the header, which identifies the sender and intended destination on each computer. The header is followed by another, usually larger, block of characters of data called the packet's contents (see Figure 11-3). After the packets reach their destination, they are often reassembled into a continuous stream of data; this fragmentation and reassembly process is usually invisible to the user. As there are often many different routes from one system to another, each packet may take a slightly different path from source to destination. Because the Internet switches packets, instead of circuits, it is called a packet-switching network.

Figure 11-3. IP header and packet

We'll borrow an analogy from Vint Cerf, one of the original architects of the ARPANET. Think of the IP protocol as sending a novel a page at a time, numbered and glued to the backs of postcards. All the postcards from every user are thrown together and carried by the same trucks to their destinations, where they are sorted. Sometimes, the postcards are delivered out of order. Sometimes, a postcard may not be delivered at all, but you can use the page numbers to request another copy. And, a key point for those concerned with security, anyone in the postal service who handles the post cards can read the contents without the recipient or sender knowing about it.

There are four distinct ways to directly connect two computers using IP:

  • The computers can all be connected to the same local area network. Three common LANs are Ethernet, 802.11 wireless, and token ring. Internet packets are then encapsulated within the packets used by the local area network. [5]

    [5] LANs and token rings can also carry protocols other than IP (including Novell IPX and Appletalk), often at the same time as IP network traffic.

  • Two computers can be directly connected to each other with a serial line. IP packets are then sent using PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), or CSLIP (Compressed SLIP). If each computer is, in turn, connected to a local area network, the serial line can bridge together the two LANs. (See Figure 11-4.)

  • Two networks can be connected using special-purpose, packet-forwarding computers called routers. (See Figure 11-5.)

  • The IP packets can themselves be encapsulated within packets used by other network protocols. Today, many IP networks built from "leased lines" actually send IP packets encapsulated within Frame Relay or ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networks.

Figure 11-4. Connecting one computer to another with a telephone line
Figure 11-5. Connecting two local area networks with a pair of routers

IP is a scalable network protocol: it works as well with a small office network of 10 workstations as it does with a university-sized network supporting a few thousand workstations, or with the national (and international) networks that support millions of computers.[6] IP scales because it views these large networks merely as collections of smaller ones. Computers connected to a network are called hosts. Computers that are connected to two or more networks can be programmed to forward packets automatically from one network to another; today, these computers are called routers (originally, they were called gateways). Routers use routing tables to determine where to send packets next.

[6] Well, to a point. The need to support tens of millions of computers has led to some changes in the way IP addressing and routing is performed today and will be performed in the future. Today, network address translation (NAT) is frequently used to assign the same set of addresses to workstations on many different local networks. In the future, IPv6 will greatly expand the IP address space and the number of addressable hosts.

11.2.1 Internet Addresses

Every interface that a computer has on an IPv4 network is assigned a unique 32-bit address. These addresses are often expressed as a set of four 8-bit numbers called octets. A sample address is Think of an IP address as if it were a telephone number: if you know a computer's IP address, you can connect to it and exchange information.[7]

[7] Note that a computer can have multiple network interfaces, each with a different address, and potentially with each on a different LAN or serial line.

Theoretically, the 32-bit IP address allows a maximum of 232 = 4,294,967,296 computers to be attached to the Internet at a given time. In practice, the total number of computers that can be connected is much more than 232 because it is possible for many computers to share a single IP address through the use of technologies such as proxies and Network Address Translation. These multiple systems behind the single IP address can be configured with a variety of policies to govern connectivity between machines, allowing no access, restricted access, or unlimited access in either or both directions.

Here are some sample Internet addresses:

IP addresses are typically abbreviated ii.jj.kk.ll, in which the numbers ii, jj, kk, and ll are between 0 and 255. This notation is sometimes called a dotted quad. Each decimal number represents an 8-bit octet. Together, they represent the 32-bit IP address. IP addresses can also be written as a single decimal number, although this notation is typically used only by people such as spammers who are attempting to obscure their Internet addresses. IP networks

The Internet is a network of networks. Although many people think of these networks as being major networks, such as those belonging to companies like AT&T, WorldCom, and Sprint, most of the networks that make up the Internet are actually local area networks, such as the network in an office building or the network in a small research laboratory. Each of these small networks is given its own network number.

There are two methods of looking at network numbers. The "classical" network numbers were distinguished by a unique prefix of bits in the address of each host in the network. This approach partitioned the address space into a well-defined set of differently sized networks. However, several of these networks had large "holes," which are sets of host addresses that were never used. With the explosion of sites on the Internet, a somewhat different interpretation of network addresses has been proposed, which allows more granularity in the assignment of network addresses and less waste. This approach is the Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) scheme. We briefly describe both schemes in the following sections. Classical network addresses

There are five primary kinds of IP addresses in the "classical" address scheme; the first few bits of the address (the most significant bits) define the class of network to which the address belongs. The remaining bits are divided into a network part and a host part:

Class A addresses

Hosts on Class A networks have addresses in the form N.a.b.c, in which N is the network number and a.b.c is the host number; the most significant bit of N must be 0. There are not many Class A networks, as they are quite wasteful; unless your network has 16,777,216 separate hosts, you don't need a Class A network. Nevertheless, many early pioneers of the Internet, such as MIT and Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), were assigned Class A networks. Of course, these organizations don't really put all of their computers on the same physical network. Instead, most of them divide their internal networks as (effectively) Class B or Class C networks. This approach is known as subnetting.

Class B addresses

Hosts on Class B networks have addresses in the form N.M.a.b, in which N.M is the network number and a.b is the host number; the most significant two bits of N must be 10. Class B networks are commonly found at large universities and major commercial organizations.

Class C addresses

Hosts on Class C networks have addresses in the form N.M.O.a, in which N.M.O is the network number, and a is the host number; the most significant three bits of N must be 110. These networks can only accommodate a maximum of 254 hosts. (Flaws and incompatibilities between various IP implementations make it unwise to assign IP addresses ending in either 0 or 255.) Most organizations have one or more Class C networks.

Class D addresses

A Class D address is of the form N.M.O.a, in which the most significant four bits of N are 1110. These addresses are not actually of networks, but of multicast groups, which are sets of hosts that listen on a common address to receive broadcast addresses.

Class E addresses

A Class E address is of the form N.M.O.P, in which the most significant four bits of N are 1111. These addresses are currently reserved for experimental use. CIDR addresses

In recent years, a new form of address assignment has superseded traditional network address classes. This assignment is the CIDR method. As the name implies, there are no "classes" of addresses as in the classical scheme. Instead, networks are defined as being the most significant k bits of each address, with the remaining 32-k bits being used for the host part of the address. Thus, a service provider could be given a range of addresses whereby the first 14 bits of the address are fixed at a particular value (the network address), and the remaining 18 bits represent the portion of the address available to allocate to hosts. This method allows the service provider to allocate up to 218 distinct addresses to customers.

CIDR networks are often abbreviated as the lowest IP address in the range, followed by a slash and the size, in bits, of the network portion. For example, the network represents all of the IP addresses from to Another way that this network is often abbreviated is with the lowest IP address in the range, followed by a slash and the netmask, which is the dotted octet in which the k most significant bits are 1s and all others are 0s. In our example, this abbreviation would be

In reality, the host portion of an address is often further divided into subnets. This subdivision is done by fixing the first j bits of the host portion of the address to some set value, and using the remaining bits for host addresses. And those can be further divided into subnets, and so on. A CIDR-format address is of the form k.j.l.(m...n), in which each of the fields is of variable length. Thus, the fictional service-provider network address described above could be subdivided into 1,024 subnets, one for each customer. Each customer would have 28 bits of host address, which they could further subdivide into local subnets.

The CIDR scheme is compatible with the classical address format, with Class A addresses using an 8-bit network field (e.g.,, Class B networks using a 16-bit network address (e.g.,, and so on.

11.2.2 Routing

Despite the complexity of the Internet and IP addressing, computers can easily send each other messages across the global network. To send a packet, most computers simply set the packet's destination address and then send the packet to a computer on their local network called a gateway. If the gateway makes a determination of where to send the packet next, the gateway is a router.[8] The router takes care of sending the packet to its final destination by forwarding the packet to a directly connected gateway that is (supposed to be) one step closer to the destination host.

[8] When is a gateway not a router? Consider a machine that accepts packets, logs statistics about them, and delivers them all to another machine that is responsible for routing them toward their destination. This kind of statistics gateway probably wouldn't be called a router, as its "routing policy" is so trivial.

Many organizations configure their internal networks as a large tree. At the root of the tree is the organization's connection to the Internet. When a gateway receives a packet, it decides whether to send it to one of its own subnetworks or direct it towards the root.

Out on the Internet, major IP providers have far more complicated networks with sophisticated routing algorithms and specialized routing protocols. Many of these providers have redundant networks so that if one link malfunctions, other links can take over.

Nevertheless, from the point of view of any computer on the Internet, routing is transparent, regardless of whether packets are being sent across the room or across the world. The only information that you need to know to make a connection to another computer on the Internet is the computer's 32-bit IPv4 address—you do not need to know the route to the host, or on what type of network the host resides. You do not even need to know if the host is connected by a high-speed local area network, or if it is at the other end of a modem-based PPP connection. All you need to know is the address of the destination, and your packets are on their way.

Of course, if you are the site administrator and are configuring the routing on your system, you do need to be concerned with a little more than the IP number of a destination machine. You must know at least the addresses of the gateway or gateways out of your network and possibly set up a system for automatically choosing which gateway to use if there is more than one. We'll assume you know how to do that.[9]

[9] If not, you should consult your vendor manual, or one of the references in Appendix C..

11.2.3 Hostnames

A hostname is the name of a computer on the Internet. Hostnames make life easier for users: they are easier to remember than IP addresses. You can change a computer's IP address but keep its hostname the same. If you think of an IP address as a computer's phone number, think of its hostname as the name under which it is listed in the telephone book. Some hosts can also have more than one address on more than one network. Rather than needing to remember each one, you can remember a single hostname and let the underlying network mechanisms pick the most appropriate addresses to use—or try all of them in sequence.

This is so important that it needs to be repeated: a single hostname can have more than one IP address, and a single IP address can be associated with more than one hostname. Both of these facts have profound implications for people who are attempting to write secure network programs. Format of the hostname

Hostnames must begin with a letter or number and may contain letters, numbers, and a few symbols, such as the hyphen (-).[10] Case is ignored. A sample hostname is For more information on host names, see RFC 1122 and RFC 1123.

[10] Technically, hostnames should not contain the underscore (_) character, but most systems that map hostnames to IP addresses grudgingly accept the underscore, and Microsoft's Active Directory service effectively requires it, in violation of at least one RFC.

Each hostname has two parts: the computer's machine name and its domain. The computer's machine name is the name to the left of the first period; the domain name is everything to the right of the first period. In our example above, the machine name is tock, and the domain is The domain name may represent further hierarchical domains if there is a period in the name. For instance, represents the CERIAS center domain, which is part of the Purdue University domain, which is, in turn, part of the Educational Institutions domain.

Here are some other examples:

If you specify a machine name, but do not specify a domain, then your computer might append a default domain when it tries to resolve the name's IP address. Alternatively, your computer might simply return an "unknown host" error message. The /etc/hosts file

Early Unix systems used a single file named /etc/hosts to keep track of the network address for each host on the Internet. Many systems still use this file today to keep track of the IP addresses of computers on the organization's LAN.

A sample /etc/hosts file for a small organization might look like this:

# /etc/hosts
# server art science sci engineering eng

In this example, the computer named server has the network address The computer named engineering has the address The hostname sci following the computer named science means that sci can be used as a second name, or alias, for that computer.

In the mid 1980s, the number of hosts on the Internet started to jump from thousands to tens of thousands and more. Maintaining a single file of hostnames and addresses soon proved to be impossible. Instead, the Internet adopted a distributed system for hostname resolution known as the Domain Name System (DNS). This is described in Section 11.2.6 later in this chapter.

11.2.4 Packets and Protocols

Today there are four main kinds of IP packets that are sent on the Internet that will be seen by typical hosts. Each is associated with a particular protocol:[11]

[11] In addition to these protocols, there are additional routing or maintenance protocols in use on the Internet backbone or other major network trunks. On a single Ethernet, there are also frequently many non-IP packets floating around. Some VPN implementations use yet other protocols.


Internet Control Message Protocol. This protocol is used for low-level operation of the IP protocol. There are several subtypes—for example, for the exchange of routing and traffic information.


Transmission Control Protocol. This protocol is used to create a two-way stream connection between two computers. It is a "connected" protocol and includes time-outs and retransmission to ensure reliable delivery of information.


User Datagram Protocol.[12] This protocol is used to send packets from host to host. The protocol is "connectionless" and makes a best-effort attempt at delivery.

[12] UDP does not stand for Unreliable Datagram Protocol, even though the protocol is technically unreliable because it does not guarantee that information sent will be delivered. Internet designers use the term best-effort because the underlying network infrastructure is expected to make its best effort to get the packets to their destination. In fact, most UDP packets reach their destination under normal operating circumstances.


Internet Group Management Protocol. This protocol is used to control multicasting, which is the process of purposely directing a packet to more than one host. Multicasting is the basis of the Internet's multimedia backbone, the MBONE. (Currently, IGMP is not used inside the MBONE, but is used on the edge.) ICMP

The Internet Control Message Protocol is used to send messages between gateways and hosts regarding the low-level operation of the Internet. For example, the ping command uses ICMP Echo packets to test for network connectivity; the response to an Echo packet is usually either an ICMP Echo Reply or an ICMP Destination Unreachable message type.

Each ICMP packet contains a header that includes the following information:

  • Host address of the packet's source (32 bits)

  • Host address of the packet's destination (32 bits)

  • Packet type (8 bits)

Table 11-1 lists some typical ICMP packet types; some of these types are no longer used on the Internet, although many of them remain supported in most TCP/IP implementations. This has been an occasional source of security problems.

Table 11-1. Typical ICMP packet types


ICMP message type


Echo Reply (used by ping)


Destination Unreachable


Source Quench


Redirect (change a route)


Echo Request (used by ping)


Router Advertisement


Router Solicitation


Time Exceeded for a Datagram


Parameter Problem on a Datagram


Timestamp Request


Timestamp Reply


Information Request (obsolete)


Information Reply (obsolete)


Address-Mask Request


Address-Mask Reply

Although we have included all of these types for completeness, the most important types for our purposes are types 3, 4, and 5. An attacker can craft ICMP packets with these fields to redirect your network traffic, or perform a denial of service. Although the other packet types present less of an immediate risk, different versions of different operating systems often have subtly different responses to these ICMP packets, and attackers can use the pattern of responses to help "fingerprint" the operating system on your system to exploit known bugs. If you use a firewall, you should be sure that many ICMP packet types are blocked or monitored. You can generally safely block incoming ICMP packets of types 5, 13, 14, 17, and 18, and outgoing ICMP packets of types 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, and 18. TCP

TCP provides a reliable, ordered, two-way transmission stream between two programs that are running on the same or different computers. "Reliable" means that every byte transmitted is guaranteed to reach its destination (or you are notified that the transmission failed), and that each byte arrives in the order in which it was sent. Of course, if the connection is physically broken, bytes that have not been transmitted will not reach their destination unless an alternate route can be found. In such an event, the computer's TCP implementation should send an error message to the process that is trying to send or receive characters, rather than give the impression that the link is still operational.

Each TCP connection is attached at each end to a port. Ports are identified by 16-bit numbers. For most TCP protocols the server uses the port number assigned to the service it is providing, and the client's port number is randomly chosen by the client on a per-connection basis.[13] Some well-known port numbers are port 80 for HTTP servers and port 25 for SMTP servers.

[13] The numbers chosen for these ephemeral ports are usually higher than 1023 because on most Unix systems, only root can bind to ports numbered less than 1024, and clients generally do not need to run as root.

On the wire, TCP packets are IP packets that include an additional TCP header. This header contains, among other things:

  • TCP port number of the packet's source.

  • TCP port number of the packet's destination.

  • Sequence information, so that the receiver can correctly assemble the information in this TCP packet to its correct point in the TCP stream.

  • Flow control information, which tells the receiver how many more bytes the originator of the packet can receive. This is called the TCP window.

  • TCP checksum.

At any instant, every IPv4 connection on the Internet can be identified by a set of two 32-bit numbers and two 16-bit numbers:[14]

[14] Unless some of the information is purposely altered to hide true origin information or to support network address translation.

  • Host address of the connection's originator (from the IP header)

  • Port number of the connection's originator (from the TCP header)

  • Host address of the connection's target (from the IP header)

  • Port number of the connection's target (from the TCP header)

For example, Figure 11-6 shows three people on three separate workstations logged into a server using the ssh program. Each process's TCP connection starts on a different host and at a different originating port number, but each connection terminates on the same host (the server) and the same port (22).

Figure 11-6. A few Internet connections with port numbers

The idea that the workstations are all connecting to port number 22 can be confusing. Nevertheless, these are all distinct connections because each one is coming from a different originating host/port pair.

The TCP protocol uses two special bits in the packet header, SYN and ACK, to negotiate the creation of new connections. To open a TCP connection, the requesting host sends a packet that has the SYN bit set but does not have the ACK bit set. The receiving host acknowledges the request by sending back a packet that has both the SYN and the ACK bits set. Finally, the originating host sends a third packet, again with the ACK bit set, but this time with the SYN bit unset. This process is called the TCP "three-way handshake," and is shown in Figure 11-7.[15] By looking for packets that have the ACK bit unset, one can distinguish packets requesting new connections from those that are sent in response to connections that have already been created. This distinction is useful when constructing packet filtering-firewalls.

[15] Another way to think about this is that a connection starts by one host asking to SYNchronize packet sequence numbers with the other host, which then ACKnowledges the SYNchronization request, and is ACKnowledged in turn.

Figure 11-7. The TCP/IP "three-way handshake"

TCP is used for most Internet services that require the sustained synchronous transmission of a stream of data in one or two directions. For example, TCP is used for the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), remote terminal service, file transfer, and electronic mail. TCP is also used for sending commands to displays using the X Window system.

Table 11-2 identifies some TCP services commonly enabled on Unix machines. These services and port numbers are usually found in the /etc/services file. (Note that non-Unix hosts can run all of these services as well as [or better than] a Unix host; protocols are independent of any underlying operating system or implementation.) Significant security problems of exploitable weaknesses have been found in the majority of them, as indicated in the notes and, in many cases, further detailed in Chapter 12.

Table 11-2. Some common TCP services and ports

TCP port

Service name


Security concerns



Echoes characters (for testing)




Discards characters (for testing)




Time of day




Character generator




File Transfer Protocol (FTP)




Secure Shell (virtual terminal and file transfer)




Virtual terminal




Electronic mail




Time of day




TCP nameservice




NIC whois service




Domain Name Service (DNS)




User information




World Wide Web (WWW)




Post Office Protocol (POP3)




Sun Microsystems' Remote Procedure Call (RPC)




Remote username authentication service




Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) (Usenet)

b, d



Interactive Mail Access Protocol




SSL-encrypted HTTP




Executes commands on a remote Unix host




Logs in to a remote Unix host (rlogin)

b, d



Retrieves a shell on a remote Unix host (rsh)

b, d



Remote printing




SOCKS application proxy service




NFS over TCP




X Window system

b, d

Security concerns:

a) Service can be remotely exploited to create a denial-of-service attack.

b) Protocol requires that a password be transmitted in cleartext across the Internet without the use of any encryption (under IPv4).

c) Improper configuration of SMTP servers, CGI scripts, and proxies is a leading contributor to the relaying of unwanted junk email on the Internet.

d) Service is commonly configured for authentication using IP addresses. This is subject to spoofing and other kinds of attacks. UDP

The User Datagram Protocol provides a simple, unreliable system for sending packets of data between two or more programs running on the same or different computers. "Uunreliable" means that the operating system does not guarantee that every packet sent will be delivered, or that packets will be delivered in order. UDP does make a best effort to deliver the packets, however. On a LAN or uncrowded Internet path, UDP often approaches 100% reliability.

UDP's advantage is that it has less overhead than TCP—less overhead lets UDP-based services transmit information with as much as 10 times the throughput. UDP is used primarily for Sun's Network Filesystem (NFS),[16] for NIS, for resolving hostnames, and for transmitting routing information. It is also used for services that aren't affected negatively if they miss an occasional packet because they will get another periodic update later, or because the information isn't really that important. For example, services such as rwho, talk, and some time services are in this category.

[16] Although Solaris 8 and later versions prefer NFS over TCP when available. Most other Unix implementations of NFS still default to NFS over UDP.

Many developers improperly use UDP for services that require reliable data transmission over extended periods of time. These developers end up adding features such as retransmission and flow control to the UDP protocol. If properly implemented, these features give UDP the same speed as TCP; if poorly implemented (as they usually are), these features give UDP significantly less performance and robustness. As the late Jon Postel said, "Those who do not understand TCP are destined to reimplement it."

As with TCP, UDP packets are also sent from a port on the sending host to another port on the receiving host. Each UDP packet also contains user data. If a program is listening to the particular port and is ready for the packet, it will be received. If no program is listening, the packet will be ignored, and the receiving host will return an ICMP error message. If a program is listening but is not prepared to receive the packet, it may simply be queued and eventually received, or simply lost.

In contrast to TCP packets, UDP packets can be broadcast, which causes them to be sent to the same port on every host that resides on the same local area network. Broadcast packets are used frequently for services such as time of day.

Ports are identified by 16-bit numbers. Table 11-3 lists some common UDP ports.

Table 11-3. Some common UDP services and ports

UDP port

Service name


Security concerns



Returns the user's data in another datagram




Does nothing




Returns time of day




Character Generator




Returns time of day




Domain Name Service (DNS)




Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)




Sun Microsystems' Remote Procedure Call (RPC) portmapper




Network Time Protocol (NTP)




Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

b, c



Alerts you to incoming mail (Biff was the name of a dog who barked when the mailman came)




Collects broadcast messages about who is logged into other machines on the subnet




System-logging facility




Initiates a talk request




The "new" talk request




Routing Information Protocol (RIP)




Write on every user's terminal



NFS (usually)

Network Filesystem (NFS)


Security concerns:

a) Service can be remotely exploited to create a denial-of-service attack.

b) Protocol requires that a password be transmitted in cleartext across the Internet without the use of any encryption.

c) Service is commonly configured for authentication using IP addresses. This is subject to spoofing and other kinds of attacks.

11.2.5 Clients and Servers

The Internet Protocol is based on the client/server model. Programs called clients initiate connections over the network to other programs called servers, which wait for the connections to be made. One example of a client/server pair is the Network Time System. The client program is the program that asks the network server for the time. The server program is the program that listens for these requests and transmits the correct time. In Unix parlance, server programs that run in the background and wait for user requests are often known as daemons.

Clients and servers are normally different programs. For example, if you wish to log onto another machine, you can use the ssh program:

% ssh
password for

Welcome to
FreeBSD 4.7

When you type ssh, the client ssh program on your computer connects to the ssh server (in this case, named sshd) running on the computer As stated, clients and servers normally reside in different programs. One exception to this rule is the sendmail program, which includes the code for both the server and a client bundled together in a single application.[17]

[17] Since Version 8.12.0 of sendmail, the server and client read different configuration files that cause the same program to run very differently in each role.

You can connect to an arbitrary TCP/IP port of a computer using the telnet program. (The telnet program was originally used for logging into remote systems. However, as this requires sending an unencrypted password over the network, such use of the telnet program is now strongly discouraged.) For instance, you might connect to port 25 (the SMTP port) to fake some mail without going through the normal mailer:

% telnet 25
Trying ...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.6/8.11.6; Sun, 18 Aug 2002 21:21:03 -0500
250 Hello, pleased to meet you
250 <agent86>... Sender ok
550 <agent99>... Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
To: agent99
From: Max <agent86>
Subject: tonight

I know I was supposed to take you out to dinner tonight, but I have
been captured by KAOS agents, and they won't let me out until they
finish torturing me. I hope you understand. 
Love, Max
250 UAA01441 Message accepted for delivery
221 closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.

11.2.6 Name Service

As we mentioned, in the early days of the Internet, a single /etc/hosts file contained the address and name of each computer on the Internet. But as the file grew to contain thousands of lines, and as changes to the list of names (or the namespace) started being made on a daily basis, a single /etc/hosts file soon became impossible to maintain. Instead, the Internet developed a distributed network-based naming service called the Domain Name Service (DNS).

DNS implements a large-scale distributed database for translating hostnames into IP addresses and vice-versa, and performing related name functions. The software performs this function by using the network to resolve each part of the hostname distinctly. For example, if a computer is trying to resolve the name, it would first get the address of the root domain server (usually stored in a file) and ask that machine for the address of the au domain server. The computer would then ask the au domain server for the address of the domain server, and then would ask that machine for the address of the domain server. Finally, the computer would then ask the domain server for the address of the computer called (Name resolution is shown in Figure 11-8.) A variety of caching techniques are employed to minimize overall network traffic.

Figure 11-8. The DNS tree hierarchy for name resolution

DNS hostname lookups are typically performed over UDP, but DNS also uses TCP for some operations. DNS under Unix

The reference Unix implementation of DNS is named BIND.[18] It was originally written at the University of California at Berkeley and is now maintained by the Internet Software Consortium (ISC). This implementation is based on three parts: a library for the client side and two programs for the server:

[18] BIND stands for Berkeley Internet Name Domain (not Daemon), but the name is also a pun. The formal computer science term for matching a name to a specific location, such as a variable name to a memory address, is known as binding.

Resolver client library

The resolver library uses DNS to implement the gethostbyname( ) and gethostbyaddr( ) library calls. It is linked into any program that needs to perform name resolution using DNS. The first time that a program linked with the resolver attempts to resolve a hostname, the library reads the /etc/resolv.conf file to determine the IP address of the nameserver to be used for name resolution. The resolv.conf file can also contain the program's default domain, which is used to resolve unqualified hostnames (such as girigiri, as opposed to

named (or in.named)

The named daemon is the program that implements the server side of the DNS system. When named is started, it reads a boot file (usually /etc/named.conf) that directs the program to the location of its auxiliary files. These files then initialize the named daemon with the location of the root domain servers. If the named daemon is the nameserver for a domain or a subdomain (which is usually the case), the configuration file instructs the program to read in the domain's host tables or get them from a "master" or "primary" server.


This program is used to transfer zones from primary to secondary servers. It is run by the secondary server to perform a zone transfer (transfer of domain information). The named-xfer program connects to the named program running on the primary server and performs the transfer using TCP.

More details about DNS and the BIND nameserver may be found in the book DNS and BIND by Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu (O'Reilly). Other naming services

In addition to DNS, there are at least four vendor-specific systems for providing name service and other information to networked workstations. They are:

NIS and NIS+(Sun Microsystems)

Originally called "Yellow Pages," Sun's Network Information System (NIS) creates a simple mechanism whereby files such as /etc/passwd and /etc/hosts from one computer can be shared by another. Although NIS has numerous security problems, it is widely used—in part because free implementations of NIS are included with most Linux and BSD operating systems.

NIS+ is a total rewrite of NIS, and it dramatically increases both security and flexibility. Unlike NIS, there is no free NIS+ server implementation readily available (although there is a free client implementation).

Chapter 14 describes NIS and NIS+ in more detail.

NetInfo (Apple, Inc.)

NetInfo is a distributed database similar to NIS+. NetInfo was developed by NeXT for use with the NeXTSTEP operating system and was a part of Apple's Mac OS X operating system. It is possible that Apple will be replacing the NetInfo system in the years to come.

DCE (Open Software Foundation)

OSF's Distributed Computing Environment offers yet another system for distributing a database of information, such as usernames and host addresses, to networked workstations.

All of these systems are designed to distribute a variety of administrative information throughout a network. And all of them must use DNS to resolve hostnames outside the local organization.

Another system used to provide information is the LDAP directory service. LDAP is intended as a lightweight (low overhead) and fast protocol. It is not secure by itself, but it can be run over an encrypted SSL tunnel. An LDAP server responds to database queries from other systems on the network. We describe LDAP in Chapter 14.

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