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22.3 Cleaning Up After the Intruder

This section discusses in detail how to find out what an intruder may have done and how you should clean up afterwards.

22.3.1 Analyzing the Log Files

Even if you don't catch an intruder in the act, you still have a good chance of finding the intruder's tracks by routinely looking through the system logs. (For a detailed description of the Unix log files, see Chapter 21.) Remember: look for things out of the ordinary. For example:

  • Users logging in at strange hours

  • Unexplained reboots

  • Unexplained changes to the system clock

  • Unusual error messages from the mailer, ftp daemon, or other network server

  • Failed login attempts with bad passwords

  • Unauthorized or suspicious use of the su command

  • Users logging in from unfamiliar sites on the network

On the other hand, if the intruder is sufficiently skillful and achieves superuser access on your machine, he may erase all evidence of the invasion. Simply because your system has no record of an intrusion in the log files, you can't assume that your system hasn't been attacked.

Many intruders operate with little finesse: instead of carefully editing out a record of their attacks, they simply delete or corrupt the entire log file. This means that if you discover a log file deleted or containing corrupted information, there is a possibility that the computer has been successfully broken into. However, a break-in is not the only possible conclusion. Missing or corrupted logs might mean that one of your system administrators was careless; there might even be an automatic program in your system that erases the log files at periodic intervals.

You may also discover that your system has been attacked if you notice unauthorized changes in system programs or in an individual user's files. This is another good reason for using something like the Tripwire tool to monitor your files for changes (see Chapter 20).

If your system logs to a hardcopy terminal or another computer, you may wish to examine that log first because you know that it couldn't have been surreptitiously modified by an attacker coming in by the telephone or network.

22.3.2 Preserving the Evidence

If you wish to prosecute your attacker (if you ever find the person) or sue them for damages, you will need to preserve some evidence that a crime has been committed. Even if you do not wish to take any legal action, you may find it useful to collect evidence of the attack so that you have the ability to reconstruct what happened.

If you have a compromised system, a very powerful thing that you can do is to make a block-for-block image of the partitions on the compromised computer. These images can then be analyzed at a later time using The Coroner's Toolkit (written by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema), TASK (an updated version of TCT by Brian Carrier), or a commercial product such as EnCase (Guidance Software).

You can make a block-for-block image by either copying a disk's raw partitions into a disk file of a larger hard drive (such as a high-capacity removable Firewire drive) or by copying the blocks over a local area network to a suitable system.

For example, suppose that this is the df output of the compromised system:

# df
Filesystem  1K-blocks      Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1a    257838     80448   156764    34%    /devfs
                    1         1        0   100%    /dev
/dev/ad0s1d    257838         4   237208     0%    /tmp
/dev/ad0s1f   7025318   1747156  4716138    27%    /usr
/dev/ad0s1e    257838      5090   232122     2%    /var

You should probably make a copy of the /dev/ad0s1a, /dev/ad0s1d, /dev/ad0s1f, and /dev/ad0s1e partitions, used for the /, /tmp, /usr, and /var partitions. You should probably also copy the /dev/ad0s1b partition, which is used for swapping.

To make these copies with the dd command and send the contents to another computer, you could pipe the output from dd into ssh:

# dd if=/dev/ad0s1a conv=noerror,sync | ssh myhost "cat > root.img"
# dd if=/dev/ad0s1b conv=noerror,sync | ssh myhost "cat > swap.img"
# dd if=/dev/ad0s1d conv=noerror,sync | ssh myhost "cat > tmp.img"
# dd if=/dev/ad0s1f conv=noerror,sync | ssh myhost "cat > usr.img"
# dd if=/dev/ad0s1e conv=noerror,sync | ssh myhost "cat > var.img"

Making a block-for-block copy of a partition will freeze in place all of the files—including files that are regular files and files that were recently deleted but are still accessible. It will not, however, freeze memory, capture the current state of processes, or otherwise freeze the running system. For that you will need to take other measures such as using the lsof command or making selective copies of items in the /proc filesystem.

Here are some other ideas:

  • Using the tar, dd, or dump commands, make a complete copy of the computer's disk drives. Now remove the original disks, place them in a vault, and work with the copies on another machine. If your system uses the /proc filesystem, the copied /proc may be of particular interest.

  • Use the tar command to copy key files that were left or modified by the intruder into an archive. Make a copy of this tar archive on several computers.

  • Write modified files to CDR or DVD-RAM media.

  • Run arp -a or arp -v to print the contents of the ARP table, which may suggest network connections that have been recently established.

  • Save the HTML pages of a modified server on your computer's hard drive. Use a screen capture utility to record a copy of how the image looked on your computer's screen.

  • Take copies of X Window System displays that might reflect the current state of the compromised system using a command such as:

    xwd -display localhost:0 -root > screen-image.xwd

    The xwud command can be used to view the image later.

  • Compute the MD5 of any images or files that you recover. Print the MD5 on a piece of paper, sign it, date it, and put it in your incident log book. You can use this MD5 at a later point in time to establish that the evidence has not been altered.

There are commercial products that you may find useful to assist you in preserving evidence, including high-speed disk duplicators and network forensics analysis tools (NFATs) that record all packets entering and leaving an organization.

If you have involved law enforcement authorities, try to speak with them before attempting to preserve any evidence on your own.

22.3.3 Assessing the Damage

If your intruder gained superuser access, or access to another privileged account such as mail, he may have modified your system to make it easier for him to break in again. In particular, your intruder may have:

  • Created a new account

  • Changed the password on an existing account

  • Changed the protections on certain files or devices

  • Created SUID or SGID programs

  • Replaced or modified system programs

  • Left zombies running that monitor your network and, when directed, attack third-party computers

  • Modified your kernel or installed new kernel modules

  • Installed a special alias in the mail system to run a program, allowing a new break-in by sending email to a specified address

  • Added a command to the cron system

  • Scheduled a program to be run automatically by the at system

  • Used your system to break into another system—possibly a system that trusts your system

  • Installed additional addresses on existing aliases so that your confidential email is automatically sent outside your company

  • Installed a password sniffer

  • Stolen the password file for later cracking

If the intruder committed either of the last two misdeeds, he'll potentially have access to a legitimate account and will be able to get back in no matter what other precautions are taken. You'll have to change all of the passwords on the system.

After a successful break-in, you must perform a careful audit to determine the extent of the damage. Depending on the nature of the break-in, you'll have to examine your entire system. You may also need to examine other systems on your local network, or possibly the entire network (including routers and other network devices).

As the list above demonstrates, there are a large number of ways that an intruder can compromise a system. Many of these ways can be difficult or impossible to detect. If your system has been compromised, the safest course of action is to reinstall your computer's operating system from scratch, apply all relevant security patches, reinstall all application programs, apply those patches, and then carefully restore your user files from either a backup or the compromised disks. (A backup is safer, but a current backup may not always be available.) Although it may not always be possible to follow this strategy, it is the least risky way to proceed after a break-in. Unless you have cryptographically signed your files, or you are running your computer from read-only media such as CD-ROM, you cannot be sure of what may have changed. New accounts

After a break-in, scan the /etc/passwd file for newly created accounts. If you have made a backup copy of /etc/passwd, use diff to compare the two files. But don't let the automated check be a substitute for going through the /etc/passwd file by hand because the intruder might have also modified your copy of the file or the diff program. (This is the reason why it is advantageous to keep a second copy of the /etc/passwd file and all of your comparison tools on removable media such as a Zip disk.)

Delete any accounts that have been created by an intruder. You may wish to make a paper record of each account before deleting it in case you wish to prosecute the intruder (assuming that you ever find the villain).

Also, be sure to check that every line of the /etc/passwd file is in the proper format, and that no UID or password fields have been changed to unauthorized values. Remember: simply adding an extra colon to the /etc/passwd entry for root can do the same amount of damage as removing the superuser's password entirely!

The following awk command will print /etc/passwd entries that do not have seven fields,[5] that specify the superuser, or that do not have a password. In this example, note that you may need to replace cat /etc/passwd with another command to display the file containing encrypted passwords, particularly if you use shadow passwords or a network-based authentication system like NIS or NIS+:

[5] Solaris and Linux systems require seven fields in the /etc/passwd file; other systems may require other numbers of fields. Additional fields may be present in the /etc/shadow file.

# cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: 'NF != 9|| $3 == 0 || $2 == "" { print $1 " " $2 " " $3}'
root xq7Xm0Tv 0
johnson f3V6Wv/u 0
sidney 104

This awk command sets the field separator to the colon (:), which matches the format of the /etc/passwd file. The awk command then prints out the first three fields (username, password, and UID) of any line in the /etc/passwd file that does not have seven fields, has a UID of 0, or has no password.

In this example, the user johnson has had her UID changed to 0, making her account an alias for the superuser, and the user sidney has had his password removed.

Here are the original lines from /etc/passwd:

johnson:f3V6Wv/u:103:103:Glenda Johnson:/usr/home/johnson:/bin/tcsh
sidney:8d3kf873:104:104:Sidney Smith:/usr/home/sidney:/bin/tcsh

and here are the resulting modified lines:

johnson:f3V6Wv/u:0:0:Glenda Johnson:/usr/home/johnson:/bin/tcsh
sidney::104:104:Sidney Smith:/usr/home/sidney:/bin/tcsh

This automated check is much more reliable than a visual inspection, but make sure that the script you use to run this automated check hasn't been corrupted by an attacker. One approach is to type the awk command each time you use it instead of embedding it in a shell script (or use Tripwire). Changes in file contents

An intruder who gains superuser privileges can change any file on your system. Although you should make a thorough inventory of your computer's entire filesystem, you should look specifically for any changes to the system that affect security. For example, an intruder may have inserted trap doors or logic bombs to do damage at a later point in time.

One way to easily locate changes to system programs is to use the guidelines described in Chapter 6. Changes in file and directory protections

After a break-in, review the protection of every critical file on your system. Intruders who gain superuser privileges may change the protections of critical files to make it easier for them to regain superuser access in the future. For example, an intruder might have changed the mode of the /bin directory to 777 to make it easier to modify system software in the future, or altered the protections on /dev/kmem to modify system calls directly using a symbolic debugger. New SUID and SGID files

Intruders who gain superuser access frequently create SUID and SGID files. After a break-in, scan your system to make sure that new SUID files have not been created. See the section Section 6.5.6 for information about how to do this. Changes in .rhosts files

An intruder may have created new .rhosts files in your users' home directories, or may have modified existing .rhosts files. (The .rhosts file allows other users on the network to log into your account without providing a password. For more information, see Chapter 12.) After a break-in, tell your users to check their .rhosts files to make sure that none of these files have been modified.

Also, Chapter 16 contains a shell script that you can use to get a list of every .rhosts file on the system. After a break-in, you may wish to delete every .rhosts file rather than take the chance that a file modified by the attacker won't be caught by the account's rightful owner. After all, the .rhosts file is simply a convenience, and your legitimate users can recreate their .rhosts files as necessary.[6]

[6] At some sites, this may be a drastic measure, and might make some of your users very angry, so think it over carefully before taking this step. Alternatively, you could rename each .rhosts file as rhosts.old so that the file will not be used, and so that your users do not need to retype the entire file's contents. Changes to .ssh/authorized_keys files

Many security-conscious systems don't run an rlogin daemon. Instead, they run the more secure SSH daemon. Unfortunately, an intruder who gains access to your system can also create or modify the authorized_keys file (typically in the .ssh subdirectory of each user's home directory). By placing his public key into this file, the intruder (or anyone to whom he gives the private key) can connect to the user's account again. After a break-in, tell your users to check (or delete and recreate) their authorized_keys files as well. Or you may decide to take no chances and delete every authorized_keys file on your system. Changes to the /etc/hosts.equiv file

A n intruder may have added more machines to your /etc/hosts.equiv file, so be sure to check for changes to this file. Also, check your /etc/netgroups and /etc/exports files (or equivalents) if you are running NIS or NFS. Changes to startup files

An intruder may have modified the contents of dot (.) files in your users' home directories. Instruct all of your users to check these files and report anything suspicious. You can remind your users to check the files by renaming them with names like login.old, cshrc.old, and profile.old. Be sure to check the versions of those files belonging to the root user, and also check the /etc/profile file.

If you are using sendmail , the attacker may have created or modified the .forward files so that they run programs when mail is received. This aspect is especially critical on nonuser accounts such as ftp and uucp.

If you know the precise time that the intruder was logged in, you can list all of the dot files in users' home directories, sort the list by time of day, and then check them for changes. A simple shell script to use is shown here:

# Search for .files in home directories. 
for user in $(cat-passwd | /bin/awk -F: 'length($6) > 0 {print $6}')
   for name in $user/.* 
      [[ $name == $user/.. ]] && continue
      [[ -f $name ]] && print "$name"
done | xargs ls -ltd

However, using timestamps may not detect all modifications, as discussed at the end of this chapter. The -c and -l options to the ls command should also be used to check for modifications to permission settings and determine if the mtime was altered to hide a modification.

Another approach is to sweep the entire filesystem with a tool that will display a timeline of every file's mtime, ctime, and atime. You can configure this timeline for the time of intrusion. This may give you some clues as to what was done. For instance, if your compiler, loader, and libraries all show access times within a few seconds of each other, you can conclude that the intruder compiled something. Programs for analyzing these files are part of the Coroners Toolkit and the TASK forensics package. Another helpful program is mac-daddy, available from

If you open files to search for changes (this includes use of the grep command), the time of last access on those files will change. Therefore, you will be unable to detect patterns of access. For this reason, we suggest that you conduct your forensics on a copy of your disks, mounted read-only. If you don't have the hardware to make a copy, many systems will allow you to remount live partitions with the noatime option, which turns off updating of access times. Alternatively, you could use NFS to do a loopback mount of the partitions, and mount those copies read-only. Do your forensics on the copy. But realize that simply executing commands on this setup will likely change their access times, and the access times of any shared libraries and configuration files (unless you remount every partition with noatime)! Thus, your best bet may be to mount the disks read-only on another system, and do your checking from there. Hidden files and directories

The intruder may have created a "hidden directory" on your computer, and may be using it as a repository for stolen information or for programs that break security.

On older Unix systems, one common trick for creating a hidden directory was to unlink (as root) the ".." directory in a subdirectory and then create a new one. The contents of such a hidden directory were overlooked by programs such as find that search the filesystem for special files.[7] Modern versions of Unix, however, detect such hidden directories as inconsistencies when you run the fsck program. For this reason, be sure to run fsck on each filesystem as part of your routine security monitoring.

[7] On some older HP-UX systems, intruders stored their tools and files in a CDF (Context Dependent File) directory. On these systems, be sure to use the -H option to find and ls when you are looking for files that are out of place.

Intruders often hide their files in directories with names that are a little difficult to discover or enter on the command line. This way, a novice system administrator who discovers the hidden directory will probably not figure out how to access its contents. Filenames that are difficult to discover or enter include ".. " (dot dot space), along with control characters, backspaces, or other special characters. Some names can be entered in Unicode that display as familiar alphabetic characters but cannot be entered easily from the keyboard.

You can often discover hidden directories easily because they cause results that differ from those of normal directories. For example:

prose% ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 1 orpheus 1024 Jul 17 11:55 foobar
prose% cd foobar
foobar: No such file or directory

In this case, the real name of the directory is foobar, with a space following the letter r. The easy way of entering filenames like this one is to use the shell's wildcard capability. The wildcard *ob* will match the directory foobar, no matter how many spaces or other characters it has in it, as long the letters o and b are adjacent:

prose% ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 1 orpheus 1024 Jul 17 11:55 foobar
prose% cd *ob*

If you suspect that a filename has embedded control characters, you can use the cat -v command to determine what they are. For example:

% ls -l
total 1
-rw-r--r-- 1 john 21 Mar 10 23:38 bogus?file
% echo * | cat -v

In this example, the file bogus?file actually has a Ctrl-Y character between the letters bogus and the letters file. Some versions of the ls command print control characters as question marks (?). To see what the control character actually was, however, you must send the raw filename to the cat command, which is accomplished with the shell echo.

If you are using a recent version of the Korn shell, you can also list all the files in the local directory in a readable manner. This approach works even when your ls command has been replaced with an altered version.

$ printf $'entry: %q\n' .* *
entry: .
entry: ..
entry: $'..\n'
entry: $'bogus\031file'
entry: temp0001
entry: temp0002

Another powerful tool for viewing the contents of directories is the GNU Emacs dired mode. This mode gives you a graphical display of the files and subdirectories that a directory contains. You can initiate this mode by using the M-X dired command, or simply by using the C-X C-F find-file command and specifying a directory name instead of a filename. Once you are viewing a directory with dired, you can use it to step in and out of subdirectories and view files, even if the directory and filenames contain untypable characters. Unowned files

Sometimes attackers leave files in the filesystem that are not owned by any user or group—that is, the files have a UID or GID that does not correspond to any entries in the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files. This can happen if the attacker created an account and some files, and then deleted the account—leaving the files. Alternatively, the attacker might have been modifying the raw inodes on a disk and changed a UID by accident.

You can search for these files with the find command, as shown in the following example:

# find / -nouser -o -nogroup -print

Remember: if you are using NFS, you should instead run the following find command on each server:

# find / \( -local -o -prune \) -nouser -o -nogroup -print

You might also notice unowned files on your system if you delete a user from the /etc/passwd file but leave a few of that user's files on the system. Unowned files can also result from loading a tar or dump tape from another system and specifying the option to set the owner of the restored files to the archived owner—generally something to avoid. It is a good idea to scan for unowned files on a regular basis, copy them to tape (in case they're ever needed), and then delete them from your system. New network services

Many intruders (and many attack scripts) will install network daemons that provide backdoor access to the compromised host at a later time, or that can be used to direct the host to act as a zombie in attacks against other hosts. Although these new services can sometimes be detected by examining ps or top output on the compromised host, those programs are also frequently modified. Other possibilities include using netstat, lsof, sockstat, or examining the process directories in the /proc filesystem if your system supports it, but all of these could be modified by an attacker.[8] You may be able to detect new daemons using nmap or another port-scanning tool from an uncompromised machine on the same network. (Of course, it's always safest to disconnect a compromised machine from your network while you're investigating it.)

[8] On systems with /proc, each system process is represented as a directory under /proc, named for its process ID number (e.g., the init process is represented by /proc/1) and containing virtual files that report on the process's command-line arguments, executable, environment, etc. Although the /proc filesystem may seem more reliable, there are several "rootkits" for Linux that install loadable kernel modules that can cause the /proc filesystem to misreport.

22.3.4 Never Trust Anything Except Hardcopy

If your system is compromised, don't trust anything on its disks. If you discover changes in files on your system that seem suspicious, don't believe anything that your system tells you because a good system cracker can change anything on the computer. This may seem extreme, but it is probably better to spend a little extra time restoring files and playing detective now than it would be to replay the entire incident when the intruder attacks again.

Remember: an attacker who becomes the superuser on your computer can do anything to it—change any byte on the hard disk. The attacker can compile and install new versions of any system program—so there might be changes, but your standard utilities might not tell you about them. The attacker can patch the kernel that the computer is running, possibly disabling security features that you have previously enabled. The attacker can even open the raw disk devices for reading and writing. Essentially, an attacker who becomes the superuser can warp your system to her liking—if she has sufficient skill, motivation, and time. Often, she doesn't need (or have) great skill. Instead, she has access to rootkits put together by others with more skill.

For example, suppose you discover a change in a file and do an ls -l or an ls -lt. The modification time you see printed for the file may not be the actual modification time of the file. There are at least five ways for an attacker to affect the time that is displayed by this command, all of which have been used in actual system attacks:

  • The attacker could use a program that changes the modification time of the file using the utimes( ) system call.

  • The attacker could have altered the system clock by using the date command. The attacker could then modify your files and, finally, reset the date back again. This technique has the advantage for the attacker that the inode access and creation times are also set.

  • The attacker could write to the raw disk, changing saved values of any stored time.

  • The attacker could have modified the ls command to show a predetermined modification time whenever this file is examined.

  • The attacker could install a modified kernel or shared library that returns a file handle to one file when a file is opened with the open( ) function, but that runs a different, Trojaned binary when the file is run with the exec( ) function.

The only limit to the powers of an attacker who has gained superuser status is that the attacker cannot change something that has been indelibly printed on a piece of paper to which the attacker does not have access. For this reason, if you have a logging facility that logs whenever the date is changed, you should consider having the log made to a hardcopy terminal or to another computer. Then, be sure to examine this log on a regular basis.

To further protect yourself, you should have a bootable copy of your operating system on a Zip disk, CD-ROM, or other removable storage device. This gives you a way of booting and examining your system with a set of tools that are known to be uncorrupted. Coupled with a database of message digests of unmodified files,[9] you should be able to find anything important that was modified on your system—provided that your message digests were generated from uncorrupted versions of your software. Remember that you cannot necessarily trust your backups, as you don't know when the intrusion started; use distribution media if possible.

[9] You can use Tripwire to produce such a database, or you can develop your own software.

The next step is to get a printed copy of all of the necessary logs that you may have available (e.g., console logs and printed copies of network logs) and examine these logs to try to get an idea of what the unauthorized intruder has done. You will also want to see if anything unusual has happened on the system since the time the intruder logged in. These logs may give you a hint as to which programs the intruder was running and which actions the intruder took. Be sure to initial and timestamp these printouts.

Keep in mind that the time you discover a break-in is not necessarily the same time as when it started! One of us once helped investigate an incident in which there was evidence that the actual intrusion had occurred two years before! There were no backups or copies of software on the system that could be trusted. In fact, the intruders had been making wholesale changes to the system during all that time—installing patches and upgrades! They were doing a better job of administration than the person charged with managing the machine.

22.3.5 Resuming Operation

The next step in handling a break-in is to restore the system to a working state. How quickly you must be back in operation, and what you intend to do about the break-in over the long term, will determine when and how you perform this step.

Generally, you have a few options about how to proceed from this point:

  • Do nothing whatsoever.

  • Investigate until you have determined how the break-in happened, and when. Close up the holes and restore the system to the state it was prior to the break-in.

  • Simply patch and repair whatever you think may have been related to the break-in. Then restore the system to operation with heightened monitoring.

  • Look for core files; some exploits leave core files that you can use to help identify how the intruder gained access.

  • Do a quick scan and cleanup, and put the system back into operation.

  • Call in law enforcement before you do anything else so they can start an investigation.

At a minimum, you should get whatever assurance you can that you restored everything damaged on the system, and fixed whatever it was that allowed the intruder in. Then, if you have been keeping good backups, you can restore the system to a working state.

The difficulty of determining what failed and allowed an intruder in is complicated by the fact that there is usually little data in the logs to show what happened, and there are few things you can execute to reverse-engineer the break-in. Most break-ins seem to result from either bugs or, less commonly, compromised user passwords (suspect this especially if you find that the intruders have installed a sniffer on your system).

If the break-in was the result of a bug, you may have difficulty determining what it is, especially if it is a new one that has not been widely exploited. Here are some things to try:

  • If you have been recording your network traffic, examine your analysis system to see if any of the traffic is odd or unexplained.

  • Examine your log files and look for unusual entries, unusual patterns of activity, or evidence that programs have crashed.

  • If you know the specific IP address that the attacker used as the source of the attack, search through all of your log files for records of that IP address.

If you suspect that it is a bug in some system software, you can try contacting your vendor to see if you can get some assistance there. In most cases it helps if you have a maintenance contract or are a major customer.

You might consult recent postings to the security groups on web sites or mailing lists. Often, current vulnerabilities are discussed at these locations in great detail. This is a mixed blessing because not only does this provide you with some valuable information to protect (or restore) your site, but it also often provides details to hacker wannabes who are looking for ways to break into systems. It is also the case that sometimes these sites contain information that is incorrect and even dangerous if implemented. Therefore, be very wary of what you read.

Finally, you may wish to contact a FIRST team appropriate for your site. Teams in FIRST often have some insight into current break-ins, largely because they see so many reports of them. Contacting a representative from one of the teams may result in some good advice for things to check before you put your system back into operation. However, many teams have rules of operation that prevent them from giving too much explicit information about active vulnerabilities until the appropriate vendors have announced a fix. Thus, you may not be able to get complete information from this source.

22.3.6 Damage Control

If you've already restored the system, what damage is there to control? Well, the aftermath, primarily. You need to follow through on any untoward consequences of the break-in. For instance, was proprietary information copied? If so, you need to notify your legal counsel and consider what to do.

You should determine which of the following concerns need to be addressed:

  • Do you need to file a formal report with law enforcement?

  • Do you need to file a formal report with a regulatory agency?

  • Do you need to file an insurance claim for downtime, use of hot spares, etc.?

  • Do you need to institute disciplinary or dismissal actions against one or more employees?

  • Do you need to file a report/request with your vendor?

  • Do you need to update your disaster recovery plan to account for changes or experiences in this instance?

  • Do you need to investigate and fix the software or configuration of any other systems under your control, or at any affiliated sites? That is, has this incident exposed a vulnerability elsewhere in your organization?

  • Do you need to update employee training to forestall any future incidents of this type?

  • Do you need to have your public relations office issue a formal report (inside or outside) about this incident?

The answers to the above questions will vary from situation to situation and incident to incident. We'll cover a few of them in more detail in succeeding chapters.

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