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0.6. Acknowledgments

Both authors are grateful for the expert guidance from Paula Ferguson, Andy Oram, Jon Orwant, Michel Rodriguez, Simon St.Laurent, Matt Sergeant, Ilya Sterin, Mike Stok, Nat Torkington, and their editor, Linda Mui.

Erik would like to thank his wife Jeannine; his family (Birgit, Helen, Ed, Elton, Al, Jon-Paul, John and Michelle, John and Dolores, Jim and Joanne, Gene and Margaret, Liane, Tim and Donna, Theresa, Christopher, Mary-Anne, Anna, Tony, Paul and Sherry, Lillian, Bob, Joe and Pam, Elaine and Steve, Jennifer, and Marion); his excellent friends Derrick Arnelle, Stacy Chandler, J. D. Curran, Sarah Demb, Ryan Frasier, Chris Gernon, John Grigsby, Andy Grosser, Lisa Musiker, Benn Salter, Caroline Senay, Greg Travis, and Barbara Young; and his coworkers Lenny, Mela, Neil, Mike, and Sheryl.

Jason would like to thank Julia for her encouragement throughout this project; Looney Labs games ( and the Boston Warren for maintaining his sanity by reminding him to play; Josh and the Ottoman Empire for letting him escape reality every now and again; the Diesel Cafe in Somerville, Massachusetts and the 1369 Coffee House in Cambridge for unwittingly acting as his alternate offices; housemates Charles, Carla, and Film Series: The Cat; Apple Computer for its fine iBook and Mac OS X, upon which most writing/hacking was accomplished; and, of course, Larry Wall and all the strange and wonderful people who brought (and continue to bring) us Perl.

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