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Chapter 11. Miscellaneous Topics Reference

This chapter is a comprehensive reference of CVS topics other than commands. It is intended to be useful as a quick reference, not a tutorial.

If you have never used CVS before, I suggest you read Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 before reading this reference. Those chapters explain the basic concepts of CVS and how to use it effectively.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Section 11.1

Describes CVS administrative files in the sandbox on the client computer or in the user's home directory on the server.

Section 11.2

Describes CVS administrative files in the repository's CVSROOT directory.

Section 11.3

Describes variables you can use in the administrative files in the CVSROOT directory.

Section 11.4

Describes date and time formats you can use with CVS.

Section 11.5

Describes environment variables on the server or the client that affect CVS.

Section 11.6

Describes the keywords CVS uses, the expansion modes that affect how CVS processes the keywords, and how CVS processes line endings.

Section 11.7

Describes regular-expression and wildcard pattern matching in CVS.

Section 11.8

Describes methods used to access local and remote CVS repositories.

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