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-r file test operator : Named Unary and File Test Operators
radio buttons
Radio Buttons
<input type=radio>
Radio buttons
Radio Object
Backward radio and checkbox arrays
radio buttons:multiple-choice questions : Quiz/Test Form Application
radio buttons;checkboxes;buttons:checkboxes;forms:checkboxes;forms:radio buttons
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
rand function : rand
random URL generator : A random URL generator
random hypertext links;links:random hypertext;URLs (uniform resource locators):randomly following;hypertext links:random;programs, CGI:to follow links randomly[programs, CGI:follow links randomly] : Random Links
random links : The Link Object
random numbers
random( ) : Math Object
Core Language Changes
range (..) operator
Range Operator
Awk Traps