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Index: V
- -V option (elvis)
: 10.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
- -v option (vile)
: 12.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
- v, V commands (elvis block mode)
: 10.8.6. Visual Mode
- v, V commands (vim block mode)
: 11.8.7. Visual Mode
- /var/tmp directory
: 1.2.1. Problems Saving Files
- variablefont display mode (elvis)
: 10.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
- versions of vi
: (see clones, vi)
- vertical bar (|)
- \| metacharacter
- 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
- 12.7. Extended Regular Expressions
- alternation metacharacter
- 8.4. Extended Regular Expressions
- 9.7. Extended Regular Expressions
- for combining ex commands
: 5.2.7. Combining ex Commands
- cursor movement command
: Movement on the current line
- vi command (UNIX)
: 1.1.1. Opening a File
- command-line options
- A. Quick Reference
- 4.2. Options When Starting vi
- editing multiple files
: 5.5.1. Invoking vi on Multiple Files
- vi commands
- 1. The vi Text Editor
- 2.1. vi Commands
- bottom-line
: 1. The vi Text Editor
- command quick reference
: A. Quick Reference
- general form of
: Words
- numeric arguments for
- 2.2.2. Numeric Arguments
- 2.4.1. Numeric Arguments for Insert Commands
- repeating
: (see repeating commands)
- running when starting vi
: 4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place
- undoing
: (see undoing)
- vi text editor
: 1. The vi Text Editor
- clones of
: (see clones, vi)
- customizing editing environment
: 7.1. Customizing vi
- emacs editor vs.
: E.3. Tastes Great, Less Filling
- filtering text with
: Filtering text with vi
- Internet and
: E. vi and the Internet
- quotes about
: E.4. vi Quotes
- Solaris vi
: (see Solaris vi)
- starting
: (see invoking vi)
- vi.exrc file (nvi)
: 9.4. Initialization
- view command (UNIX)
: 4.2.2. Read-only Mode
- :view-file command (vile)
: 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
- view mode
: 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
- vile (vi clone)
: 12. vile -- vi Like Emacs
- 4.2.3. Recovering a Buffer
- documentation and online help
: 12.3. Online Help and Other Documentation
- editing model
: 12.10.1. The vile Editing Model
- extended regular expressions
: 12.7. Extended Regular Expressions
- extension languages
: 8.1. And These Are My Brothers, Darrell, Darrell, and Darrell
- feature summary
: 8.8. Editor Comparison Summary
- important command-line arguments
: 12.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
- improvements over vi
: 12.8. Improved Editing Facilities
- infinite undo facility
: 8.6.4. Incremental Searching
- initialization of
: 12.4. Initialization
- interesting features
: 12.10. Interesting Features
- line length
: 8.6.2. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
- mode indicators
: 8.6.7. Mode Indicators
- multiwindow editing
: 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
- obtaining source code
: 12.11. Sources and Supported Operating Systems
- procedure language for
: 12.10.3. The Procedure Language
- programming assistance
: 12.9. Programming Assistance
- set command options (list)
: C.5. vile 8.0 Options
- sideways scrolling
: 8.6.5. Left-Right Scrolling
- tag stacks
: 12.8.2. Tag Stacks
- word abbreviations
: 7.3.1. Word Abbreviation
- .vile.keywords file
: 12.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
- vile-c-filt program
: 12.9.2. Syntax Highlighting
- VILE_HELP_FILE environment variable (vile)
: 12.3. Online Help and Other Documentation
- VILE_STARTUP_FILE environment variable (vile)
: 12.4. Initialization
- VILE_STARTUP_PATH environment variable (vile)
: 12.3. Online Help and Other Documentation
- VILEINIT environment variable (vile)
: 12.4. Initialization
- .vilemenu file
: 12.4. Initialization
- .vilemenu file (vile)
: 12.6.3. Adding Menus
- vim (vi clone)
: 11. vim -- vi Improved
- documentation and online help
: 11.3. Online Help and Other Documentation
- extended regular expressions
: 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
- extension languages
: 8.1. And These Are My Brothers, Darrell, Darrell, and Darrell
- feature summary
: 8.8. Editor Comparison Summary
- GUI version of
- 11.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
- 11.4.2. Initialization for the GUI
- important command-line arguments
: 11.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
- improvements over vi
: 11.8. Improved Editing Facilities
- infinite undo facility
: 8.6.4. Incremental Searching
- initialization of
: 11.4. Initialization
- interesting features
: 11.10. Interesting Features
- line length
: 8.6.2. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
- mode indicators
: 8.6.7. Mode Indicators
- multiwindow editing
: 11.5. Multiwindow Editing
- obtaining source code
: 11.11. Sources and Supported Operating Systems
- programming assistance
: 11.9. Programming Assistance
- set command options (list)
: C.4. vim 5.1 Options
- sideways scrolling
: 8.6.5. Left-Right Scrolling
- tag stacks
: 11.8.2. Tag Stacks
- word abbreviations
: 7.3.1. Word Abbreviation
- viminfo file
: 11.4.1. Initialization for All vim Invocations
- VIMINIT environment variable (vim)
: 11.4.1. Initialization for All vim Invocations
- .vimrc file (vim)
: 11.4.1. Initialization for All vim Invocations
- visual (block) mode
: 8.6.6. Visual Mode
- elvis editor
: 10.8.6. Visual Mode
- vile editor
: 12.8.7. Visual Mode
- vim editor
: 11.8.7. Visual Mode
- visual match facility (vile)
: 12.8.5. Incremental Searching
- "Visual needs addressable cursor or upline capability" message
: 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
- :viusage command (nvi)
: 9.3. Online Help and Other Documentation
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