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Splitter-based ADSL

G.Lite (G.922.2)

Universal DSL, also called "splitterless DSL." A version of ADSL technology that does not require a POTS splitter to be installed in the customer's home. A POTS splitter separates voice from data transmission for simultaneous telephone and data access use. G.Lite, a lightweight version of ADSL l supports downstream data rates of up to 1.5 Mbps and upstream data rates of up to 512 Kbps


G2 is the name of the RealNetworks most recent audio/video CODEC technology. The G2 includes several features targeted specifically at streaming media applications including synchronization with other media types such as video and graphics, and the ability to handle data loss. According to RealAudio, the G2 Music Codec can handle packet loss up to 10-15% with minimal reduction of audio quality.

Galois Theory

A branch of mathematics dealing with the general solution of equations.

Gate Array

Simple type of ASIC used in creating small density semi-custom designs by interconnecting fixed blocks of logic.


Graphical Device Interface: the native graphical language of Windows. A GDI-compliant printer will print exactly what is displayed on a Windows screen without having to transpose it into a printer language. All the processing happens on the PC. This helps reduce the price of the printer, since image processing circuitry isn't needed.


Fixed orbit, approximately 36.000 km above the Earth´s equator. Satellites parked in this orbit travel at the same speed as the rotation of the Earth.


Gigahertz: A billion hertz.

Gibb's Phenomenon

A phenomenon that is observed when a rectangular pulse is approximated by too few numbers of waveforms resulting in a smudged nonrectangular version of the pulse.


One billion bit


A situation where the outputs of a source device go active while the inputs of a target device are receptive to signal transitions. Here, it is possible for the outputs of a source device to go from a high impedance state to High or Low logic level, to cross the switching threshold of the inputs to the target device thereby causing a false transition.


Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying


General Purpose Serial Interface

Gray Scale

Technique where shades of gray are synthesized using patterns of black and white dots.

Ground Bounce

Noise on ground-plane causing false data at the device pins.


Global System for Mobile Communications


Acronym for Gunning Transceiver Logic. It is a high speed, low power backplane standard.


Acronym for Graphical User Interface. A software interface that is Windows based.

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