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eSP : Reference Designs : VoIP Reference Design

Voice over IP (VoIP) Reference Design
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The Xilinx XCoNET (Xilinx Chips on Networks) team in conjunction with Insight Electronics has partnered to develop a single chip, very low-cost FPGA based VoIP (Voice over IP) reference design. The VoIP reference design provides an ideal low-cost platform to develop VoIP products, such as VoIP phone, Internet intercom, remote security monitor, Internet based voice recorder. Moreover, the Spartan-II FPGA can be reconfigured, directly over the Internet, to provide a field-upgradeable VoIP platform. 

The VoIP kit contains two VoIP reference boards that use IP based voice streaming to communicate with each other. The kit also contains the power supply, headset and user guide.


  • Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer and Application Layer all in a single chip low-cost Spartan-II FPGA
  • Highly optimized UDP (User Datagram Protocol) core
  • Supports 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
  • Spartan-II includes MII (Media Independent Interface) to 10/100 IEEE802.3 physical layer
  • RS232 port
  • Expansion connectors for user I/Os
Click here for documentation on this reference design. Ordering and additional information is available by registration.

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