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Product Details

StateCAD Features at a Glance

Draw state machines and data flow logic

StateCAD automates state machine development in VHDL and Verilog.  Using the FSM wizard, complex, concurrent state machines are specified.  Random logic and Mealy/Moore outputs are added to complete the design.

Optimize for speed and area

To meet tough product requirements, StateCAD optimizes the code it generates for speed, area, loading and more.  Vendor specific code generation guarantees the design will function, with your tools, as you expect.  StateCAD had code generators for all top name products from Synopsys, Viewlogic, Altera, Xilinx, Mentor and more!

Identify bugs before generating HDL

StateCAD automatically analyzes your designs for over 200 logic and syntax problems.  Because errors are detected before code generation, they are eliminated before you get to simulation, reducing development costs automatically!

Generate VHDL, Verilog, Abel, Altera-HDL

Once a design is error free, StateCAD translates it to VHDL, Verilog, Abel, Altera or C.  StateCAD facilitates design  migration.  Just choose the new optimizations,  HDL, and generation preferences, then StateCAD will update the code!  

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State Machine Wizard
Typical designs begin with the State Machine Wizard, which helps you develop the initial state machines. Next, use the Optimization Wizard to maximize performance for the target device. Finally, you implement the details. Once the design is completed, it is analyzed and translated to HDL, verified, and a test bench is created.

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FSM Wizard
The FSM wizard allows you to quickly create arbitrary state machines in one easy step. Manual drawing is eliminated. This wizard allows you to select the layout and reset mode for the state machine. The wizard then creates the state machine, places it into your drawing, automatically assigns state names, and resets.

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Customize FSMs
After placing a skeleton design into the diagram window, you modify state names, update conditions, and assign outputs. A complete design consists of many state machines and associated logic. Additional state machines are added in the manner just described.

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Logic Wizard

The Logic Wizard automatically creates data flow structures including shifters, registers, latches, counters and muxes. Logic can be added to states (Moore), transitions (Mealy), and as random logic.

The Logic Wizard automatically creates data flow structures including shifters, registers, latches, counters and muxes. Logic can be added to states (Moore), transitions (Mealy), and as random logic.

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Optimize Speed & Area

This Wizard asks a number of questions to help achieve your performance goals.

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Generate HDL

StateCAD automatically translates state diagrams and data flow logic to synthesizable VHDL, Verilog, Abel-HDL, Altera-HDL, and C. Signals are automatically defined, ports are created, the correct libraries for the target synthesis tool are specified and state assignment is resolved. At any time in the design process you may switch HDLs, such as when porting a design from an FPGA to an ASIC.

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VHDL and Verilog are supposed to be standard HDLs that yield uniform results across tools. In reality this is not the case. Each synthesis tool has style guidelines that must be rigidly followed to yield efficient results. Also, the synthesis tools have unique bugs, which are automatically worked around by StateCAD (and StateBench) – so you don’t have to!

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Eliminate Bugs

After optimization, the design is analyzed for problems. StateCAD identifies over 200 problems including stuck at states, conflicting conditions, and output driver conflicts. Because errors are caught prior to HDL translation, your designs are much more robust, and logically consistent. In fact, StateCAD will not produce HDL until your design is syntactically flawless, semantically valid, and logically correct!

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Good documentation greatly improves the exchange of ideas. To facilitate communication, StateCAD (and StateBench) allows images to be exported to standard documentation tools including Microsoft® Word and Wordperfect®.

StateCAD includes the high power documentation features you expect from design tools including print preview, automatic headers, page breaks, and clip board support (meta files and bitmaps).

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Verify Behavior

StateCAD comes with a built in simulator, StateBench, which automates behavioral verification. Just click a sequence of states to validate a path. In the example below, five mouse clicks causes the state machine to be initialized and verified. In user assisted mode, a sequence of small paths are defined and walked automatically, making state machine verification a snap!

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*HDL Bencher v1.0 only. HDL Bencher v2.0 available only for purchase separately.


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