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Cadence Interface - Glossary

Concept HDL
FPGA Studio
Affirma NC Verilog
Affirma NC VHDL
OrCad Capture

Concept HDL
Cadence's Concept HDL is a schematic design entry system.

FPGA Studio
The PCB Systems Division FPGA Studio series is a solution for designing FPGAs that includes schematic entry; FPGA synthesis; HDL simulation; and web-based project management. Customers have a choice of Orcad Capture schematic or Cadence Concept. HDL schematic entry; Synplicity node-locked Synplify for FPGA synthesis; and the Cadence Affirma NC VHDL desktop simulator or Verilog-XL desktop simulator for HDL simulation.

The Cadence INCA (Interleaved Native Compiled Architecture) technology allows for simulation of components written in either Verilog or VHDL hardware description languages. This gives customers the ability to choose a mixture of event and cycle simulation, enables simulation for mixed-analog and digital designs, and provides a path to formal verification techniques. This flexibility is increasingly important when faced with the integration of intellectual property (IP) blocks coming from multiple sources and full system simulation.

Affirma NC Verilog
The Affirma NC Verilog simulator uses Cadence's INCA technology to provide a massively scalable, native compiled, Verilog simulator.

Affirma NC VHDL
The Affirma NC VHDL simulator uses Cadence's INCA technology to provide a massively scalable, native compiled, VHDL simulator.

OrCad Capture
Orcad Capture is a schematic design entry system

SPW is a block-oriented design, simulation, and implementation environment for electronic systems. Common application areas for SPW include wireless and wired communications, multimedia, and networking equipment. SPW is ideal for algorithm development, filter design, C code generation, hardware/software architecture co-design and hardware synthesis. It generates RTL Verilog/VHDL code for input to any synthesis tool. Hence, the flow works for all Xilinx devcies which are supported by synthesis tools.

Cadence's interpretive Verilog simulator.

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