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ASIC Alternatives
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  Virtex ASIC Alternatives
  Spartan Series FPGAs


FPGAs For All Your Logic Design Requirements

System-level Designs

on the logo matching your requirements!


Near Cost Parity
(to 500K units/year)

40K to 10M
100K to 900K
System Gates
Logic Gates
15K to 200K
5K to 100K
32K to 4.5M bits
Block RAM
Embedded Memory
16K to 56K bits
Block RAM
88 to 1108
Max I/O
77 to 284


Xilinx Advantages Over ASIC

Fastest Time-to-Market
Lowest Development Cost (no NRE)
Programmable: Block and Distributed Memory
  Remotely (via Internet)
  Leading Edge I/O standards...
(133MHz PCI)
No Minimum Order Quantities

Xilinx advanced new architectures provide a variety of 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5V programmable logic families. Whether price, performance, or density is your main design consideration or whether you want gate array or standard cell technology, Xilinx solutions let you ...

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