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Processor Central
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  Companion Processors
  Soft Processor Cores



The market for processors in embedded systems is extremely diverse. No specific processor or particular architecure meets the needs of every application. Today's Platform FPGA must offer high levels of performance, flexibility and time-to-market for users of embedded processors. It should not force users to select one that they are either unfamiliar with or that requires them to modify their application because the solutions available are not well suited to the task at hand.

Xilinx is committed to providing solutions that offer you freedom of choice. The Processor Central website has been created to provide information and resources to help get the maximum benefit from our programmable solution joined with your preferred microprocessor architecture and tool set. This freedom of choice Empowers you to create competitive solutions that your customers need.

Types of Emedded Processors

The term "embedded processor" has been used so loosely that it is difficult to pin down a clear definition. Xilinx defines it simply as any processor that is used in an embedded system, regardless of how the processor is rendered in silicon. In the programmable logic space, embedded processors can be physically implemented in one of three ways:

Transistor Level Integration in the FPGA
Companion Processors
Soft Processor Cores

Follow these links to application notes, reference designs and resources to help you with your next embedded system design.

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