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Our simple language has so far not provided for the procedure concept in any way. It is the aim of the next two chapters to show how Clang and its compiler can be extended to provide procedures and functions, using a model based on those found in block-structured languages like Modula-2 and Pascal, which allow the use of local variables, local procedures and recursion. This involves a much deeper treatment of the concepts of storage allocation and management than we have needed previously.

As in the last two chapters, we shall develop our arguments by a process of slow refinement. On the source diskette will be found Cocol grammars, hand-crafted parsers and code generators covering each stage of this refinement, and the reader is encouraged to study this code in detail as he or she reads the text.

16.1 Parameterless procedures

In this chapter we shall confine discussion to parameterless regular procedures (or void functions in C++ terminology), and discuss parameters and value-returning functions in the following chapter.

16.1.1 Source handling, lexical analysis and error reporting

The extensions to be discussed in this chapter require no changes to the source handler, scanner or error reporter classes that were not pre-empted in the discussion in Chapter 14.

16.1.2 Syntax

Regular procedure declaration is inspired by the way it is done in Modula-2, described in EBNF by

    Block             =   { ConstDeclarations | VarDeclarations | ProcDeclaration }
                          CompoundStatement .
    ProcDeclaration   =  "PROCEDURE" ProcIdentifier ";" Block ";" .

It might be thought that the same effect could be achieved with

    ProcDeclaration   =  "PROCEDURE" ProcIdentifier ";" CompoundStatement ";" .

but the syntax first suggested allows for nested procedures, and for named constants and variables to be declared local to procedures, in a manner familiar to all Modula-2 and Pascal programmers.

The declaration of a procedure is most easily understood as a process whereby a CompoundStatement is given a name. Quoting this name at later places in the program then implies execution of that CompoundStatement. By analogy with most modern languages we should like to extend our definition of Statement as follows:

    Statement         =   [  CompoundStatement | Assignment | ProcedureCall
                            | IfStatement | WhileStatement
                            | WriteStatement | ReadStatement ] .
    ProcedureCall     =  ProcIdentifier .

However, this introduces a non-LL(1) feature into the grammar, for now we have two alternatives for Statement (namely Assignment and ProcedureCall) that begin with lexically indistinguishable symbols. There are various ways of handling this problem:

16.1.3 The scope and extent of identifiers

Allowing nested procedures - or even local variables on their own - introduces the concept of scope, which should be familiar to readers used to block-structured languages, although it often causes confusion to many beginners. In such languages, the "visibility" or "accessibility" of an identifier declared in a Block is limited to that block, and to blocks themselves declared local to that block, with the exception that when an identifier is redeclared in one or more nested blocks, the innermost accessible declaration applies to each particular use of that identifier.

Perhaps any confusion which arises in beginners' minds is exacerbated by the fact that the rather fine distinction between compile-time and run-time aspects of scope is not always made clear. At compile-time, only those names that are currently "in scope" will be recognized when translating statements and expressions. At run-time, each variable has an extent or lifetime. Other than the "global variables" (declared within the main program in Modula-2 or Pascal, or outside of all functions in C++), the only variables that "exist" at any one instant (that is, have storage allocated to them, with associated values) are those that were declared local to the blocks that are "active" (that is, are associated with procedures that have been called, but which have not yet returned).

One consequence of this, which a few readers may have fallen foul of at some stage, is that variables declared local to a procedure cannot be expected to retain their values between calls on the procedure. This leads to a programming style where many variables are declared globally, when they should, ideally, be "out of scope" to many of the procedures in the program. (Of course, the use of modules (in languages like Modula-2) or classes (in C++) allows many of these to be hidden safely away.)


16.1 Extend the grammar for Topsy so as to support a program model more like that in C and C++, in which routines may not be nested, although both global and local variables (and constants) may be declared.

16.1.4 Symbol table support for the scope rules

Scope rules like those suggested in the last section may be easily handled in a number of ways, all of which rely on some sort of stack structure. The simplest approach is to build the entire symbol table as a stack, pushing a node onto this stack each time an identifier is declared, and popping several nodes off again whenever we complete parsing a Block, thereby ensuring that the names declared local to that block then go out of scope. The stack structure also ensures that if two identifiers with the same names are declared in nested blocks, the first to be found when searching the table will be the most recently declared. The stack of identifier entries must be augmented in some way to keep track of the divisions between procedures, either by introducing an extra variant into the possibilities for the TABLE_entries structure, or by constructing an ancillary stack of special purpose nodes.

The discussion will be clarified by considering the shell of a simple program:

      PROGRAM Main;
        VAR G1;                   (* global *)

        PROCEDURE One;
          VAR L1, L2;             (* local to One *)
            (* body of One *)

          (* body of Main *)

For this program, either of the approaches suggested by Figure 16.1(a) or (b) would appear to be suitable for constructing a symbol table. In these structures, an extra "sentinel" node has been inserted at the bottom of the stack. This allows a search of the table to be implemented as simply as possible, by inserting a copy of the identifier that is being sought into this node before the (linear) search begins.

            .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.
  Latest -->| L2 |-->| L1 |-->| -- |-->|One |-->| G1 |-->| -- |-->|Main|-->|    |--.
            `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'  |
  (b)                                                                              =
            .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.   .----.
  Latest -->| L2 |-->| L1 |-->|One |-->| G1 |-->|Main|-->|    |---.
            `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'   `----'   |
                                ­                 ­        ­      =
                                |                 |        |
                                |              .--'        |
                    .------.    |  .------.    |  .------. |
                    | Last |----'  | Last |----'  | Last |-'
                    |------|       |------|       |------|
  Envelope -------->| Down |------>| Down |------>| Down |-.
                    `------'       `------'       `------' |

  Figure 16.1 Stack-based Symbol Table with (a) extra nodes marking scope
              boundaries (b) ancillary stack marking scope boundaries

As it happens, this sort of structure becomes rather more difficult to adapt when one extends the language to allow procedures to handle parameters, and so we shall promote the idea of having a stack of scope nodes, each of which contains a pointer to the scope node corresponding to an outer scope, as well as a pointer to a structure of identifier nodes pertinent to its own scope. This latter structure could be held as a stack, queue, tree, or even hash table. Figure 16.2 shows a situation where queues have been used, each of which is terminated by a common sentinel node.

               .-----.      .------.   .------.
   TopScope -->|First|----->|  L1  |-->|  L2  |--.
               |-----|      `------'   `------'  |
               |Down |                           |
               `-----'                           |
                 ¯                               |    Sentinel
               .-----.      .------.   .------.  `-->.--------.
               |First|----->|  G1  |-->| One  |----->|        |--.
               |-----|      `------'   `------'  .-->`--------'  |
               |Down |                           |               =
               `-----'                           |
                 ¯                               |
               .-----.      .------.             |
               |First|----->| Main |-------------'
               |-----|      `------'
               |Down |

   Figure 16.2  Symbol Table based on a set of queues, with ancillary stack marking scope boundaries

Although it may not immediately be seen as necessary, it turns out that to handle the addressing aspects needed for code generation we shall need to associate with each identifier the static level at which it was declared. The revised public interface to the symbol table class requires declarations like

  enum TABLE_idclasses { TABLE_consts, TABLE_vars, TABLE_progs, TABLE_procs };

  struct TABLE_entries {
    TABLE_alfa name;             // identifier
    int level;                   // static level
    TABLE_idclasses idclass;     // class
    union {
      struct {
        int value;
      } c;                       // constants
      struct {
        int size, offset;
        bool scalar;
      } v;                       // variables
      struct {
        CGEN_labels entrypoint;
      } p;                       // procedures

  class TABLE {
      void openscope(void);
      // Opens new scope before parsing a block

      void closescope(void);
      // Closes scope after parsing a block

      // rest as before (see section 14.6.3)

On the source diskette can be found implementations of this symbol table handler, while a version extended to meet the requirements of Chapter 17 can be found in Appendix B. As usual, a few comments on implementation techniques may be helpful to the reader:


16.2 Follow up the suggestion that the symbol table can be stored in a stack, using one or other of the methods suggested in Figure 16.1.

16.3 Rather than use a separate SCOPE_nodes structure, develop a version of the symbol table class that simply introduces another variant into the existing TABLE_entries structure, that is, extend the enumeration to

enum TABLE_idclasses { TABLE_consts, TABLE_vars, TABLE_progs, TABLE_procs, TABLE_scopes };

16.4 How, if at all, does the symbol table interface require modification if you wish to develop the Topsy language to support void functions?

16.5 In our implementation of the table class, scope nodes are deleted by the closescope routine. Is it possible or advisable also to delete identifier nodes when identifiers go out of scope?

16.6 Some compilers make use of the idea of a forest of binary search trees. Develop a table handler to make use of this approach. How do you adapt the idea that a call to search will always return a well-defined entry?

For example, given source code like

                    PROGRAM Silly;
                      VAR B, A, C;

                      PROCEDURE One;
                        VAR X, Y, Z;

                        PROCEDURE Two;
                          VAR Y, D;

the symbol table might look like that shown in Figure 16.3 immediately after declaring D.

              .-------.    .-------.    .-------.    .-------.
  TopScope -->| Down  |--->| Down  |--->| Down  |--->| Down  |-----.
              |-------|    |-------|    |-------|    |-------|     |
              | First |    | First |    | First |    | First |     =
              `-------'    `-------'    `-------'    `-------'
                    |            |            |            `-------------.
                .---'            |            `--------.                 |
                ¯                ¯                     ¯                 ¯
            .-- Y --.      .---- X ----.            .-- B ----.      .- Silly -.
            |       |      ¯           ¯            ¯         ¯      |         |
         .- D -.    =  .- Two -.   .-- Y --.     .- A -.  .-- C --.  =         =
         |     |       |       |   |       ¯     |     |  |       ¯
         =     =       =       =   =   .-- Z --. =     =  =  .-- One --.
                                       |       |             |         |
                                       =       =             =         =

   Figure 16.3  Symbol Table based on a forest of Binary Search Trees

Further reading

More sophisticated approach to symbol table construction are discussed in many texts on compiler construction. A very readable treatment may be found in the book by Elder (1994), who also discusses the problems of using a hash table approach for block-structured languages.

16.1.5 Parsing declarations and procedure calls

The extensions needed to the attributed grammar to describe the process of parsing procedure declarations and calls can be understood with reference to the Cocol extract below, where, for temporary clarity, we have omitted the actions needed for code generation, while retaining those needed for constraint analysis:

    =                         (. TABLE_entries entry; .)
       Ident<>      (. entry.idclass = TABLE_progs;
                                 Table->enter(entry); Table->openscope(); .)
       WEAK ";" Block "." .

    =  SYNC
       { ( ConstDeclarations | VarDeclarations | ProcDeclaration ) SYNC }
       CompoundStatement      (. Table->closescope(); .) .

    =                         (. TABLE_entries entry; .)
       Ident<>      (. entry.idclass = TABLE_procs;
                                 Table->enter(entry); Table->openscope(); .)
       WEAK ";"  Block ";" .

    =  SYNC [  CompoundStatement | AssignmentOrCall | IfStatement
              | WhileStatement | ReadStatement | WriteStatement ] .

    =                         (. TABLE_entries entry; .)
       Designator<classset(TABLE_vars, TABLE_procs), entry>
       (                      (. if (entry.idclass != TABLE_vars) SemError(210); .)
          ":=" Expression SYNC
         |                    (. if (entry.idclass != TABLE_procs) SemError(210); .)
       ) .

The reader should note that:


16.7 In Exercise 14.50 we suggested that undeclared identifiers might be entered into the symbol table (and assumed to be variables) at the point where they were first encountered. Investigate whether one can do better than this by examining the symbol which appears after the offending identifier.

16.8 In a hand-crafted parser, when calling Block from within ProcDeclaration the semicolon symbol has to be added to Followers, as it becomes the legal follower of Block. Is it a good idea to do this, since the semicolon (a widely used and abused token) will then be an element of all Followers used in parsing parts of that block? If not, what does one do about it?

16.2 Storage management

If we wish procedures to be able to call one another recursively, we shall have to think carefully about code generation and storage management. At run-time there may at some stage be several instances of a recursive procedure in existence, pending completion. For each of these the corresponding instances of any local variables must be distinct. This has a rather complicating effect at compile-time, for a compiler can no longer associate a simple address with each variable as it is declared (except, perhaps, for the global variables in the main program block). Other aspects of code generation are not quite such a problem, although we must be on our guard always to generate so-called re-entrant code, which executes without ever modifying itself.

16.2.1 The stack frame concept

Just as the stack concept turns out to be useful for dealing with the compile-time accessibility aspects of scope in block-structured languages, so too do stack structures provide a solution for dealing with the run-time aspects of extent or existence. Each time a procedure is called, it acquires a region of free store for its local variables - an area which can later be freed when control returns to the caller. On a stack machine this becomes almost trivially easy to arrange, although it may be more obtuse on other architectures. Since procedure activations strictly obey a first-in-last-out scheme, the areas needed for their local working store can be carved out of a single large stack. Such areas are usually called activation records or stack frames, and do not themselves contain any code. In each of them is usually stored some standard information. This includes the return address through which control will eventually pass back to the calling procedure, as well as information that can later be used to reclaim the frame storage when it is no longer required. This housekeeping section of the frame is called the frame header or linkage area. Besides the storage needed for the frame header, space must be also be allocated for local variables (and, possibly, parameters, as we shall see in a later section).

This may be made clearer by a simple example. Suppose we come up with the following variation on code for satisfying the irresistible urge to read a list of numbers and write it down in reverse order:

        PROGRAM Backwards;
          VAR Terminator;

          PROCEDURE Start;
            VAR Local1, Local2;

            PROCEDURE Reverse;
              VAR Number;
                IF Terminator <> Number THEN Start;  10: Write(Number)

            BEGIN (* Start *)
              Reverse;  20:

          BEGIN (* Backwards *)
            Terminator := 9;
            Start; 30:
          END (* Backwards *).

(Our language does not provide for labels; these have simply been added to make the descriptions easier.)

We note that a stack is also the obvious structure to use in a non-recursive solution to the problem, so the example also highlights the connection between the use of stacks to implement recursive ideas in non-recursive languages.

If this program were to be given exciting data like 56 65 9, then its dynamic execution would result in a stack frame history something like the following, where each line represents the relative layout of the stack frames as the procedures are entered and left.

                             Stack grows ---->
   start main program        Backwards
   call Start                Backwards   Start
   call Reverse              Backwards   Start   Reverse
   read 56 and recurse       Backwards   Start   Reverse   Start
      and again              Backwards   Start   Reverse   Start   Reverse
   read 65 and recurse       Backwards   Start   Reverse   Start   Reverse   Start
      and again              Backwards   Start   Reverse   Start   Reverse   Start   Reverse
   read 9, write 9, return   Backwards   Start   Reverse   Start   Reverse   Start
      and again              Backwards   Start   Reverse   Start   Reverse
   write 65 and return       Backwards   Start   Reverse   Start
      and again              Backwards   Start   Reverse
   write 56 and return       Backwards   Start
      and again              Backwards

At run-time the actual address of a variable somewhere in memory will have to be found by subtracting an offset (which, fortunately, can be determined at compile-time) from the address of the appropriate stack frame (a value which, naturally but unfortunately, cannot be predicted at compile-time). The code generated at compile-time must contain enough information for the run-time system to be able to find (or calculate) the base of the appropriate stack frame when it is needed. This calls for considerable thought.

The run-time stack frames are conveniently maintained as a linked list. As a procedure is called, it can set up (in its frame header) a pointer to the base of the stack frame of the procedure that called it. This pointer is usually called the dynamic link. A pointer to the top of this linked structure - that is, to the base of the most recently activated stack frame - is usually given special status, and is called the base pointer. Many modern architectures provide a special machine register especially suited for use in this role; we shall assume that our target machine has such a register (BP), and that on procedure entry it will be set to the current value of the stack pointer SP, while on procedure exit it will be reset to assume the value of the dynamic link emanating from the frame header.

If a variable is local to the procedure currently being executed, its run-time address will then be given by BP - Offset, where Offset can be predicted at compile-time. The run-time address of a non-local variable must be obtained by subtracting its Offset from an address found by descending a chain of stack frame links. The problem is to know how far to traverse this chain, and at first seems easily solved, since at declaration time we have already made provision to associate a static declaration level with each entry in the symbol table. When faced with the need to generate code to address an identifier, we can surely generate code (at compile-time) which will use this information to determine (at run-time) how far down the chain to go. This distance at first appears to be easily predictable - nothing other than the difference in levels between the level we have reached in compilation, and the level at which the identifier (to which we want to refer) was declared.

This is nearly true, but in fact we cannot simply traverse the dynamic link chain by that number of steps. This chain, as its name suggests, reflects the dynamic way in which procedures are called and their frames stacked, while the level information in the symbol table is related to the static depth of nesting of procedures as they were declared. Consider the case when the program above has just read the second data number 65. At that stage the stack memory would have the appearance depicted in Figure 16.4, where the following should be noted:

  Address Purpose     Contents

    511                      <-.<--- Original BP, SP = 511
    510  Terminator       9  <--.              frame for main program (level 1)
    509  Dynamic Link    511  -'|
    508  Return Address  "30"   |              frame for Start (level 2)
    507  Local1           ?     |
    506  Local2           ?  <-.|
    505  Dynamic Link    510  --'
    504  Return Address  "20"  |               frame for Reverse (level 3)
    503  Number           56 <--.
    502  Dynamic Link    506  -'|
    501  Return Address  "10"   |              frame for Start (level 2)
    500  Local1           ?     |
    499  Local2           ?  <--|--- BP = 499
    498  Dynamic Link    503 ---'    BP - 1
    497  Return Address  "20"        BP - 2    frame for Reverse (level 3)
    496  Number           65 <------ SP = 496

  Figure 16.4  Appearance of run-time stack after four procedure calls

The compiler would know (at compile-time) that Terminator was declared at static level 1, and could have allocated it an offset address of 1 (relative to the base pointer that is used for the main program). Similarly, when parsing the reference to Terminator within Reverse, the compiler would be aware that it was currently compiling at a static level 3 - a level difference of 2. However, generation of code for descending two steps along the dynamic link chain would result (at run-time) in a memory access to a dynamic link masquerading as a "variable" at location 505, rather than to the variable Terminator at location 510.

16.2.2 The static link chain

One way of handling the problem just raised is to provide a second chain for linking data segments, one which will be maintained at run-time using only information that has been embedded in the code generated at compile- time. This second chain is called the static link chain, and is set up when a procedure is invoked. By now it should not take much imagination to see that calling a procedure is not handled by simply executing a machine level JSR instruction, but rather by the execution of a complex activation and calling sequence.

Procedure activation is that part of the sequence that reserves storage for the frame header and evaluates the actual parameters needed for the call. Parameter handling is to be discussed later, but in anticipation we shall postulate that the calling routine initiates activation by executing code that

When a procedure is called, code is first executed that stores in the first three elements of its activation record

whereafter the BP register can be reset to value that was previously saved in MP, and control transferred to the main body of the procedure code.

This calling sequence can, in principle, be associated with either the caller or the called routine. Since a routine is defined once, but possibly called from many places, it is usual to associate most of the actions with the called routine. When this code is generated, it incorporates (a) the (known) level difference between the static level from which the procedure is to be called and the static level at which it was declared, and (b) the (known) starting address of the executable code. We emphasize that the static link is only set up at run-time, when code is executed that follows the extant static chain from the stack frame of the calling routine for as many steps as the level difference between the calling and called routine dictates.

Activating and calling procedures is one part of the story. We also need to make provision for accessing variables. To achieve this, the compiler embeds address information into the generated code. This takes the form of pairs of numbers indicating (a) the (known) level difference between the static level from which the variable is being accessed and the static level where it was declared, and (b) the (known) offset displacement that is to be subtracted from the base pointer of the run-time stack frame. When this code is later executed, the level difference information is used to traverse the static link chain when variable address computations are required. In sharp contrast, the dynamic link chain is used, as suggested earlier, only to discard a stack frame at procedure exit.

With this idea, and for the same program as before, the stack would take on the appearance shown in Figure 16.5.

       Address   Purpose     Contents

      .-> 511                      <----. <--- Original BP, SP
  .---|-> 510  Terminator       9  <--. |           frame for main program (level 1)
  |   |                               | |
  |   |   509  Static Link     511  --|-|           header for Start
  |   `-- 508  Dynamic Link    511    | |
  |       507  Return Address  "30"   | |           frame for Start (level 2)
  |       506  Local1           ?     | |
  |  .--> 505  Local2           ?     | |
  |  |                                | |
  |  |    504  Static Link     510 ->-' |           header for Reverse
  `--|--- 503  Dynamic Link    510      |
     |    502  Return Address  "20"     |           frame for Reverse (level 3)
  .--|--> 501  Number          56  <--. |
  |  |                                | |
  |  |    500  Static Link     511 ---|-'           header for Start
  |  `--- 499  Dynamic Link    505    |
  |       498  Return Address  "10"   |             frame for Start (level 2)
  |       497  Local1           ?     |
  |       496  Local2           ?     |   <-- BP, MP
  |                                   |
  |       495  Static Link     501 ->-'   <-- BP-1  header for Reverse
  `-----  494  Dynamic Link    501        <-- BP-2
          493  Return Address  "20"       <-- BP-3  frame for Reverse (level 3)
          492  Number          65         <-- SP

  Figure 16.5  Appearance of run-time stack after four procedure calls, using static
  links for non-local variable access

16.2.3 Hypothetical machine support for the static link model

We postulate some extensions to the instruction set of the hypothetical stack machine introduced in section 4.4 so as to support the execution of programs that have simple procedures. We assume the existence of another machine register, the 16-bit MP, that points to the frame header at the base of the activation record of the procedure that is about to be called.

One instruction is redefined, and three more are introduced:

ADR  L  A   Push a run-time address onto the stack, for a variable stored at an offset A within the stack
            frame that is L steps down the static link chain that begins at the current base register BP.

MST         Prepare to activate a procedure, saving stack pointer SP in MP, and then reserving
            storage for frame header.

CAL  L  A   Call and enter a procedure whose code commences at address A, and which was declared
            at a static difference L from the procedure making the call.

RET         Return from procedure, resetting SP, BP and PC.

The extensions to the interpreter of section 4.4 show the detailed operational semantics of these instructions:

   case STKMC_adr:                        // push run time address
     cpu.sp--;                            // decrement stack pointer
     if (inbounds(cpu.sp))
     { mem[cpu.sp] = base(mem[cpu.pc])    // chain down static links
                     + mem[cpu.pc + 1];   // and then add offset
       cpu.pc += 2; }                     // bump program count
   case STKMC_mst:                        // procedure activation = cpu.sp;                     // set mark stack pointer
     cpu.sp -= STKMC_headersize;          // bump stack pointer
     inbounds(cpu.sp);                    // check space available
   case STKMC_cal:                        // procedure entry
     mem[ - 1] = base(mem[cpu.pc]); // set up static link
     mem[ - 2] = cpu.bp;            // save dynamic link
     mem[ - 3] = cpu.pc + 2;        // save return address
     cpu.bp =;                     // reset base pointer
     cpu.pc = mem[cpu.pc + 1];            // jump to start of procedure
   case STKMC_ret:                        // procedure exit
     cpu.sp = cpu.bp;                     // discard stack frame
     cpu.pc = mem[cpu.bp - 3];            // get return address
     cpu.bp = mem[cpu.bp - 2];            // reset base pointer

The routines for calling a procedure and computing the run-time address of a variable make use of the small auxiliary routine base:

  int STKMC::base(int l)
  // Returns base of l-th stack frame down the static link chain
  { int current = cpu.bp;                 // start from base pointer
    while (l > 0) { current = mem[current - 1]; l--; }
    return (current);

16.2.4 Code generation for the static link model

The discussion in the last sections will be made clearer if we examine the refinements to the compiler in more detail.

The routines for parsing the main program and for parsing nested procedures make appropriate entries into the symbol table, and then call upon Block to handle the rest of the source code for the routine.

  =                           (. TABLE_entries entry; .)
     Ident<>        (. entry.idclass = TABLE_progs;
                                 Table->enter(entry); Table->openscope(); .)
     WEAK ";"
     Block<entry.level+1, TABLE_progs, 0>
     "." .

  =                           (. TABLE_entries entry; .)
     Ident<>        (. entry.idclass = TABLE_procs;
                                 Table->enter(entry); Table->openscope(); .)
     WEAK ";"
     Block<entry.level+1, entry.idclass, CGEN_headersize>
     ";" .

We note that:

Parsing a Block involves several extensions over what was needed when there was only a single main program, and can be understood with reference to the attributed production:

  Block<int blklevel, TABLE_idclasses blkclass, int initialframesize>
  =                           (. int framesize = initialframesize;
                                 CGEN_labels entrypoint;
                                 CGen->jump(entrypoint, CGen->undefined); .)
     { (   ConstDeclarations
         | VarDeclarations<framesize>
         | ProcDeclaration
       ) SYNC }               (. blockclass = blkclass; blocklevel = blklevel;
                                 // global for efficiency
                                 CGen->openstackframe(framesize - initialframesize); .)
     CompoundStatement        (. switch (blockclass)
                                 { case TABLE_progs :
                                     CGen->leaveprogram(); break;
                                   case TABLE_procs :
                                     CGen->leaveprocedure(); break;
                                 Table->closescope(); .) .

in which the following points are worthy of comment:

Code for parsing assignments and procedure calls is generated after the LL(1) conflict has been resolved by the call to Designator:

  =                           (. TABLE_entries entry; .)
     Designator<classset(TABLE_vars, TABLE_procs), entry>
     (   /* assignment */     (. if (entry.idclass != TABLE_vars) SemError(210); .)
         ":=" Expression SYNC (. CGen->assign(); .)
       | /* procedure call */ (. if (entry.idclass == TABLE_procs)
                                 { CGen->markstack();
                                   CGen->call(blocklevel - entry.level, entry.p.entrypoint);
                                 else SemError(210); .)
     ) .

This makes use of two routines, markstack and call that are responsible for generating code for initiating the activation and calling sequences (for our interpretive system these routines simply emit the MST and CAL instructions). The routine for processing a Designator is much as before, save that it must call upon an extended version of the stackaddress code generation routine to emit the new form of the ADR instruction:

  Designator<classset allowed, TABLE_entries &entry>
  =                           (. TABLE_alfa name;
                                 bool found; .)
     Ident<name>              (. Table->search(name, entry, found);
                                 if (!found) SemError(202);
                                 if (!allowed.memb(entry.idclass)) SemError(206);
                                 if (entry.idclass != TABLE_vars) return;
                                 CGen->stackaddress(blocklevel - entry.level,
                                                    entry.v.offset); .)
     (   "["                  (. if (entry.v.scalar) SemError(204); .)
         Expression           (. /* determine size for bounds check */
                                 CGen->subscript(); .)
       |                      (. if (!entry.v.scalar) SemError(205); .)
     ) .

We observe that an improved code generator could be written to make use of a tree representation for expressions and conditions, similar to the one discussed in section 15.3.2. A detailed Cocol grammar and hand-crafted parsers using this can be found on the source diskette; it suffices to note that virtually no changes have to be made to those parts of the grammar that we have discussed in this section, other than for those responsible for assignment statements.

16.2.5 The use of a "Display"

Another widely used method for handling variable addressing involves the use of a so-called display. Since at most one instance of a procedure can be active at one time, only the latest instance of each local variable can be accessible. The tedious business of following a static chain for each variable access at execution time can be eliminated by storing the base pointers for the most recently activated stack frames at each level - the addresses we would otherwise have found after following the static chain - in a small set of dedicated registers. These conceptually form the elements of an array indexed by static level values. Run-time addressing is then performed by subtracting the predicted stack frame offset from the appropriate entry in this array.

When code for a procedure call is required, the interface takes into account the (known) absolute level at which the called procedure was declared, and also the (known) starting address of the executable code. The code to be executed is, however, rather different from that used by the static link method. When a procedure is called it still needs to store the dynamic link, and the return address (in its frame header). In place of setting up the start of the static link chain, the calling sequence updates the display. This turns out to be very easy, as only one element is involved, which can be predicted at compile-time to be the one that corresponds to a static level one higher than that at which the name of the called procedure was declared. (Recall that a ProcIdentifier is attributed with the level of the Block in which it is declared, and not with the level of the Block which defines its local variables and code.)

Similarly, when we leave a procedure, we must not only reset the program counter and base pointer, we may also need to restore a single element of the display. This is strictly only necessary if we have called the procedure from one declared statically at a higher level, but it is simplest to update one element on all returns.

Consequently, when a procedure is called, we arrange for it to store in its frame header:

When a procedure relinquishes control, the base pointer is reset from the dynamic link, the program counter is reset from the return address, and one element of the display is restored from the display copy. The element in question is that for a level one higher than the level at which the name of the called routine was declared, that is, the level at which the block for the routine was compiled, and this level information must be incorporated in the code generated to handle a procedure exit.

Information pertinent to variable addresses is still passed to the code generator by the analyser as pairs of numbers, the first giving the (known) level at which the identifier was declared (an absolute level, not the difference between two levels), and the second giving the (known) offset from the run-time base of the stack frame. This involves only minor changes to the code generation interface so far developed.

This should be clarified by tracing the sequence of procedure calls for the same program as before. When only the main program is active, the situation is as depicted in Figure 16.6(a).

                  Stack                            Display
         Address  Purpose     Contents         Contents  Level

           511                    ?      <--------  511      1
           510   Terminator                         ?        2
                                                    ?        3

    Figure 16.6(a)  Stack frames extant immediately after starting execution

After Start is activated and called, the situation changes to that depicted in Figure 16.6(b).

                   Stack                            Display
       Address    Purpose     Contents         Contents  Level

       .-> 511                    ?      <--------  511      1
       |   510   Terminator       9      <--------  510      2
       |                                            ?        3
       |   509   Display Copy     ?                 ?        4
       `-- 508   Dynamic Link     511
           507   Return Address  "30"                     Start Frame
           506   Local1           ?
           505   Local2           ?

    Figure 16.6(b)  Stack frames extant immediately after first procedure call

After Reverse is called for the first time it changes again to that depicted in Figure 16.6(c).

                   Stack                            Display
       Address    Purpose     Contents         Contents  Level

       .-> 511                    ?      <--------  511      1
     .-|-> 510   Terminator       9      <--------  510      2
     | |                                     .----  505      3
     | |   509   Display Copy     ?          |      ?        4
     | `-- 508   Dynamic Link     511        |
     |     507   Return Address  "30"        |            Start Frame
     |     506   Local1           ?          |
     |     505   Local2           ?      <---'    <---- BP, MP
     |     504   Display Copy     ?
     `---  503   Dynamic Link     510                     Reverse Frame
           502   Return Address  "20"
           501   Number           56              <------ SP

    Figure 16.6(c)  Stack frames extant immediately after first call to Reverse

After the next (recursive) call to Start the changes become rather more significant, as the display copy is now relevant for the first time (Figure 16.6(d)).

       Address    Purpose     Contents         Contents  Level

       .-> 511                    ?      <--------  511      1
     .-|-> 510   Terminator       9        .------- 501      2
     | |                                   | .----- 505      3
     | |   509   Display Copy     ?        | |      ?        4
     | `-- 508   Dynamic Link     511      | |
     |     507   Return Address  "30"      | |            Start Frame
     |     506   Local1           ?        | |
     | .-> 505   Local2           ?      <---'
     | |                                   |
     | |   504   Display Copy     ?        |              Reverse Frame
     `-|-- 503   Dynamic Link     510      |
       |   502   Return Address  "20"      |
       |   501   Number           56     <-'      <---- BP , MP
       |   500   Display Copy     510                     Start frame
       `-- 499   Dynamic Link     505
           498   Return Address  "30"
           497   Local1           ?
           496   Local2           ?               <---- SP

    Figure 16.6(d)  Stack frames extant immediately after second call to Start

After the next (recursive) call to Reverse we get the situation in Figure 16.6(e).

                   Stack                            Display
       Address    Purpose     Contents         Contents  Level

       .-> 511                    ?      <--------  511      1
     .-|-> 510   Terminator       9          .----- 501      2
     | |                                     |  .-- 496      3
     | |   509   Display Copy     ?          |  |   ?        4
     | `-- 508   Dynamic Link     511        |  |
     |     507   Return Address  "30"        |  |         Start Frame
     |     506   Local1           ?          |  |
     | .-> 505   Local2           ?          |  |
     | |                                     |  |
     | |   504   Display Copy     ?          |  |         Reverse Frame
     `-|-- 503   Dynamic Link     510        |  |
       |   502   Return Address  "20"        |  |
     .-|-> 501   Number           56     <---'  |
     | |                                        |
     | |   500   Display Copy     510           |         Start frame
     | `-- 499   Dynamic Link     505           |
     |     498   Return Address  "30"           |
     |     497   Local1           ?             |
     |     496   Local2           ?      <------' <---- BP , MP
     |     495   Display Copy     505
     `---- 494   Dynamic Link     501                     Reverse frame
           493   Return Address  "10"
           492   Number           65              <------ SP

    Figure 16.6(e)  Stack frames extant immediately after second call to Reverse

When the recursion unwinds, Reverse relinquishes control, the stack frame in 495-492 is discarded, and Display[3] is reset to 505. When Reverse relinquishes control yet again, the frame in 504-501 is discarded and there is actually no need to alter Display[3], as it is no longer needed. Similarly, after leaving Start and discarding the frame in 509-505 there is no need to alter Display[2]. However, it is easiest simply to reset the display every time control returns from a procedure.

16.2.6 Hypothetical machine support for the display model

Besides the mark stack register MP, our machine is assumed to have a set of display registers, which we can model in an interpreter as a small array, display. Conceptually this is indexed from 1, which calls for care in a C++ implementation where arrays are indexed from 0. The MST instruction provides support for procedure activation as before, but the ADR, CAL and RET instructions are subtly different:

ADR  L  A   Push a run-time address onto the stack for a variable that was declared at static level
            L and predicted to be stored at an offset A from the base of a stack frame.

CAL  L  A   Call and enter a procedure whose ProcIdentifier was declared at static level L, and
            whose code commences at address A.

RET  L      Return from a procedure whose Block was compiled at level L.

The extensions to the interpreter of section 4.4 show the detailed operational semantics of these instructions:

   case STKMC_adr:                               // push run time address
     cpu.sp--;                                   // decrement stack pointer
     if (inbounds(cpu.sp))
     { mem[cpu.sp] = display[mem[cpu.pc] - 1]    // extract display element
                     + mem[cpu.pc + 1];          // and then add offset
       cpu.pc += 2; }                            // bump program count
   case STKMC_cal:                               // procedure entry
     mem[ - 1] = display[mem[cpu.pc]];     // save display element
     mem[ - 2] = cpu.bp;                   // save dynamic link
     mem[ - 3] = cpu.pc + 2;               // save return address
     display[mem[cpu.pc]] =;              // update display
     cpu.bp =;                            // reset base pointer
     cpu.pc = mem[cpu.pc + 1];                   // enter procedure
   case STKMC_ret:                               // procedure exit
     display[mem[cpu.pc] - 1] = mem[cpu.bp - 1]; // restore display
     cpu.sp = cpu.bp;                            // discard stack frame
     cpu.pc = mem[cpu.bp - 3];                   // get return address
     cpu.bp = mem[cpu.bp - 2];                   // reset base pointer

16.2.7 Code generation for the display model

The attributed productions in a Cocol description of our compiler are very similar to those used in a static link model. The production for Block takes into account the new form of the RET instruction, and also checks that the limit on the depth of nesting imposed by a finite display will not be exceeded:

  Block<int blklevel, TABLE_idclasses blkclass, int initialframesize>
  =                           (. int framesize = initialframesize;
                                 CGEN_labels entrypoint;
                                 CGen->jump(entrypoint, CGen->undefined);
                                 if (blklevel > CGEN_levmax) SemError(213); .)
     { (   ConstDeclarations
         | VarDeclarations<framesize>
         | ProcDeclaration
       ) SYNC }               (. blockclass = blkclass; blocklevel = blklevel;
                                                      - initialframesize); .)
     CompoundStatement        (. switch (blockclass)
                                 { case TABLE_progs :
                                     CGen->leaveprogram(); break;
                                   case TABLE_procs :
                                     CGen->leaveprocedure(blocklevel); break;
                                 Table->closescope(); .) .

The productions for AssignmentOrCall and for Designator require trivial alteration to allow for the fact that the code generator is passed absolute static levels, and not level differences:

  =                           (. TABLE_entries entry; .)
     Designator<classset(TABLE_vars, TABLE_procs), entry>
     (  /* assignment */      (. if (entry.idclass != TABLE_vars) SemError(210); .)
        ":=" Expression SYNC  (. CGen->assign(); .)
      | /* procedure call */  (. if (entry.idclass == TABLE_procs)
                                 { CGen->markstack();
                                   CGen->call(entry.level, entry.p.entrypoint);
                                 else SemError(210); .)
     ) .

  Designator<classset allowed, TABLE_entries &entry>
  =                           (. TABLE_alfa name;
                                 bool found; .)
     Ident<name>              (. Table->search(name, entry, found);
                                 if (!found) SemError(202);
                                 if (!allowed.memb(entry.idclass)) SemError(206);
                                 if (entry.idclass != TABLE_vars) return;
                                 CGen->stackaddress(entry.level, entry.v.offset); .)
     (   "["                  (. if (entry.v.scalar) SemError(204); .)
         Expression           (. /* determine size for bounds check */
                                 CGen->subscript(); .)
       |                      (. if (!entry.v.scalar) SemError(205); .)
     ) .

It may be of interest to show the code generated for the program given earlier. The correct Clang source

            PROGRAM Debug;
              VAR Terminator;

              PROCEDURE Start;
                VAR Local1, Local2;

                PROCEDURE Reverse;
                  VAR Number;
                    IF Terminator <> Number THEN Start;


                Terminator := 9;

produces the following stack machine code, where for comparison we have shown both models:

    Static link       Display 

    0 BRN     39        0 BRN     41   jump to start of main program 
    2 BRN     32        2 BRN     33   jump to start of Start 
    4 DSP      1        4 DSP      1   start of code for Reverse (declared at level 3) 
    6 ADR  0  -4        6 ADR  3  -4   address of Number (declared at level 3) 
    9 INN               9 INN          read (Number) 
   10 ADR  2  -1       10 ADR  1  -1   address of Terminator is two levels down 
   13 VAL              13 VAL          dereference - value of Terminator on stack 
   14 ADR  0  -4       14 ADR  3  -4   address of Number is on this level 
   17 VAL              17 VAL          dereference - value of Number now on stack 
   18 NEQ              18 NEQ          compare for inequality 
   19 BZE     25       19 BZE     25
   21 MST              21 MST          prepare to activate Start 
   22 CAL  2   2       22 CAL  1   2   recursive call to Start 
   25 ADR  0  -4       25 ADR  3  -4   address of Number 
   28 VAL              28 VAL
   29 PRN              29 PRN          write(Number) 
   30 NLN              30 NLN
   31 RET              31 RET      3   exit Reverse 
   32 DSP      2       33 DSP      2   start of code for Start (declared at level 2) 
   34 MST              35 MST          prepare to activate Reverse 
   35 CAL  0   4       36 CAL  2   4   call on Reverse, which is declared at this level 
   38 RET              39 RET      2   exit Start 
   39 DSP      1       41 DSP      1   start of code for main program (level now 1) 
   41 ADR  0  -1       43 ADR  1  -1   address of Terminator on stack 
   44 LIT      9       46 LIT      9   push constant 9 onto stack 
   46 STO              48 STO          Terminator := 9
   47 MST              49 MST          prepare to activate Start 
   48 CAL  0   2       50 CAL  1   2   call Start, which is declared at this level 
   51 HLT              53 HLT          stop execution 

16.2.8 Relative merits of the static link and display models

The display method is potentially more efficient at run-time than the static link method. In some real machines special purpose fast CPU registers may be used to store the display, leading to even greater efficiency. It suffers from the drawback that it seems necessary to place an arbitrary limit on the depth to which procedures may be statically nested. The limit on the size of the display is the same as the maximum static depth of nesting allowed by the compiler at compile-time. Murphy's Law will ensure that this depth will be inadequate for the program you were going to write to ensure you a niche in the Halls of Fame! Ingenious methods can be found to overcome these problems, but we leave investigation of these to the exercises that follow.


16.9 Since Topsy allows only a non-nested program structure for routines like that found in C and C++, its run-time support system need not be nearly as complex as the one described in this section, although use will still need to be made of the stack frame concept. Discuss the implementation of void functions in Topsy in some detail, paying particular attention to the information that would be needed in the frame header of each routine, and extend your Topsy compiler and the hypothetical machine interpreter to allow you to handle multi-function programs.

16.10 Follow up the suggestion that the display does not have to be restored after every return from a procedure. When should the compiler generate code to handle this operation, and what form should the code take? Are the savings worth worrying about? (The Pascal-S system takes this approach (Wirth, 1981; Rees and Robson, 1987).)

16.11 If you use the display method, is there any real need to use the base register BP as well?

16.12 If one studies block-structured programs, one finds that many of the references to variables in a block are either to the local variables of that block, or to the global variables of the main program block. Study the source code for the Modula-2 and Pascal implementation of the hand-crafted parsers and satisfy yourself of the truth of this. If this is indeed so, perhaps special forms of addressing should be used for these variables, so as to avoid the inefficient use of the static link search or display reference at run-time. Explore this idea for the simple compiler-interpreter system we are developing.

16.13 In our emulated machine the computation of every run-time address by invoking a function call to traverse the static link chain might prove to be excessively slow if the idea were extended to a native- code generator. Since references to "intermediate" variables are likely to be less frequent than references to "local" or "global" variables, some compilers (for example, Turbo Pascal) generate code that unrolls the loop implicit in the base function for such accesses - that is, they generate an explicit sequence of N assignments, rather than a loop that is performed N times - thereby sacrificing a marginal amount of space to obtain speed. Explore the implications and implementation of this idea.

16.14 One possible approach to the problem of running out of display elements is to store as large a display as will be needed in the frame header for the procedure itself. Explore the implementation of this idea, and comment on its advantages and disadvantages.

16.15 Are there any dangers lurking behind the peephole optimization suggested earlier for eliminating redundant branch instructions? Consider carefully the code that needs to be generated for an IF ... THEN ... ELSE statement.

16.16 Can you think of a way of avoiding the unconditional branch instructions with which nearly every enveloping procedure starts, without using all the machinery of a separate forward reference table?

16.17 Single-pass compilers have difficulty in handling some combinations of mutually recursive procedures. It is not always possible to nest such procedures in such a way that they are always "declared" before they are "invoked" in the source code - indeed, in C++ it is not possible to nest procedures (functions) at all. The solution usually adopted is to support the forward declaration of procedures. In Pascal, and in some Modula-2 compilers this is done by substituting the keyword FORWARD for the body of the procedure when it is first declared. In C++ the same effect is achieved through the use of function prototypes.

Extend the Clang and Topsy compilers as so far developed so as to allow mutually recursive routines to be declared and elaborated properly. Bear in mind that all procedures declared FORWARD must later be defined in full, and at the same level as that where the forward declaration was originally made.

16.18 The poor old GOTO statement is not only hated by protagonists of structured programming. It is also surprisingly awkward to compile. If you wish to add it to Clang, why should you prevent users from jumping into procedure or function blocks, and if you let them jump out of them, what special action must be taken to maintain the integrity of the stack frame structures?

Further reading

Most texts on compiling block-structured languages give a treatment of the material discussed here, but this will make more sense after the reader has studied the next chapter.

The problems with handling the GOTO statement are discussed in the books by Aho, Sethi and Ullman (1986) and Fischer and LeBlanc (1988, 1991).

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