Logo Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++
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One of the problems with building storage pool implementations is that it is very difficult to predict how they will behave when subjected to the sequence of Acquire and Release operations generated by a particular application. Furthermore, an implementation that performs well when subjected to the access pattern of one application may perform very poorly when subjected to the access pattern of another. When things become too difficult to analyze, people often turn to simulation for the answer. In this section, we show how to test a storage pool implementation under a simulated load.

A simulated load is a sequence of Acquire and Release operations that is generated by a program whose behavior is supposed to mimic the behavior of a real application. A typical application periodically calls the Acquire function to allocate some memory for its use. The application holds on to this memory for some amount of time and then it calls Release to return the memory to the storage pool.

We shall mimic this behavior with a time-stepped simulation. A time stepped simulation is a program which has the following form:

for (time t = 0; t < timeLimit; ++t)

Simulate the behavior of the application at time t.

At each point in time, the application performs the following steps:
  1. It releases all the storage areas that were previously scheduled to be freed at this time.
  2. It acquires a storage area of size tex2html_wrap_inline63034 and schedules the release of that storage area tex2html_wrap_inline63030 time units from now.
In order to keep track of the storage areas to be released, a priority queue is used (Chapter gif). The elements of the priority queue record the address of the area to be freed and are keyed using the time at which the area is to be freed.

The values tex2html_wrap_inline63034 and tex2html_wrap_inline63030 in step 2 are randomly generated. The random distributions are chosen to mimic the system behavior that we expect.

For example, we may specify that the size tex2html_wrap_inline63034 (in bytes) is uniformly distributed in the interval tex2html_wrap_inline68373 and that the time tex2html_wrap_inline63030 is uniformly distributed in the interval [1,100]. I.e., at each time step, the application allocates between 100 and tex2html_wrap_inline68379 bytes of storage which it releases after between 1 and 100 time steps.

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Bruno Copyright © 1997 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.