Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#
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  1. Complete the implementation of the DynamicArray class given in Program gif to Program gif. Write a test suite to verify all of the functionality. Try to exercise every line of code in the implementation.
  2. Complete the implementation of the LinkedList class given in Program gif to Program gif. Write a test suite to verify all of the functionality. Try to exercise every line of code in the implementation.
  3. Change the implementation of the LinkedList class given in Program gif to Program gif by removing the tail field. That is, implement the singly-linked list variant shown in Figure gif (a). Write a test suite to verify all of the functionality. Try to exercise every line of code in the implementation.
  4. Change the implementation of the LinkedList class given in Program gif to Program gif so that it uses a circular, singly-linked list with a sentinel as shown in Figure gif (c). Write a test suite to verify all of the functionality. Try to exercise every line of code in the implementation.
  5. The MultiDimensionalArray class given in Program gif to Program gif only supports subscript ranges starting at zero. Modify the implementation to allow an arbitrary subscript base in each dimension.
  6. Design and implement a three-dimensional matrix class Matrix3D based on the two-dimensional class DenseMatrix given in Program gif to Program gif
  7. A row vector is a tex2html_wrap_inline60425 matrix and a column vector is an tex2html_wrap_inline60427 matrix. Define and implement classes RowVector and ColumnVector as classes derived from the base class DynamicArray given in Program gif to Program gif. Show how these classes can be combined to implement the Matrix interface declared in Program gif.

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Bruno Copyright © 2001 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.