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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Recommended Recording Process

  1. Gramofile to record from the sound card through line in from the source (e.g., LP record)
  2. Gramofile to identify track beginnings and endings. These are saved to a .tracks file automatically.
  3. Audacity to confirm and fine tune the track splits stored in the .tracks file.
  4. Gramofile to perform the split into tracks and to filter out pops using the Conditional Median Filter II. The tracks are saved into separate files numbered 01, 02, etc.
  5. Xmms to check the beginning and ending of each track to confirm the splits were fine.
  6. Audacity to edit out any remaining spikes in each track, being sure to export back to WAV if any changes are made.
  7. The tracks are now ready to burn to CD. Create a disk.toc:

      FILE "side1001.wav" 0
      FILE "side1002.wav" 0
      FILE "side2005.wav" 0


      $ cdrdao write disk.toc

A handy table of minutes to seconds:

1/60 2/120 3/180 4/240 5/300
6/360 7/420 8/480 9/540 10/600
11/660 12/720 13/780 14/840 15/900
16/960 17/1020 18/1080 19/1140 20/1200
21/1260 22/1320 23/1380 24/1440 25/1500
26/1560 27/1620 28/1680 29/1740 30/1800

Copyright © 1995-2006 Graham.Williams@togaware.com
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