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Cyclic types

In Objective CAML, it is possible to declare recursive data structures: such a structure may contain a value with precisely the same structure.

# type sum_ex1 = Ctor of sum_ex1 ;;
type sum_ex1 = | Ctor of sum_ex1

# type record_ex1 = { field : record_ex1 } ;;
type record_ex1 = { field: record_ex1 }

How to build values with such types is not obvious, since we need a value before building one! The recursive declaration of values allows to get out of this vicious circle.

# let rec sum_val = Ctor sum_val ;;
val sum_val : sum_ex1 = Ctor (Ctor (Ctor (Ctor (Ctor ...))))

# let rec val_record_1 = { field = val_record_2 }
and val_record_2 = { field = val_record_1 } ;;
val val_record_1 : record_ex1 = {field={field={field={field={field=...}}}}}
val val_record_2 : record_ex1 = {field={field={field={field={field=...}}}}}

Arbitrary planar trees can be represented by such a data structure.

# type 'a tree = Vertex of 'a * 'a tree list ;;
type 'a tree = | Vertex of 'a * 'a tree list
# let height_1 = Vertex (0,[]) ;;
val height_1 : int tree = Vertex (0, [])
# let height_2 = Vertex (0,[ Vertex (1,[]); Vertex (2,[]); Vertex (3,[]) ]) ;;
val height_2 : int tree =
Vertex (0, [Vertex (1, []); Vertex (2, []); Vertex (3, [])])
# let height_3 = Vertex (0,[ height_2; height_1 ]) ;;
val height_3 : int tree =
[Vertex (0, [Vertex (...); Vertex (...); Vertex (...)]); Vertex (0, [])])

(* same with a record *)
# type 'a tree_rec = { label:'a ; sons:'a tree_rec list } ;;
type 'a tree_rec = { label: 'a; sons: 'a tree_rec list }
# let hgt_rec_1 = { label=0; sons=[] } ;;
val hgt_rec_1 : int tree_rec = {label=0; sons=[]}
# let hgt_rec_2 = { label=0; sons=[hgt_rec_1] } ;;
val hgt_rec_2 : int tree_rec = {label=0; sons=[{label=0; sons=[]}]}

We might think that an enumerated type with only one constructor is not useful, but by default, Objective CAML does not accept recursive type abbreviations.
# type 'a tree = 'a * 'a tree list ;;
Characters 7-34:
The type abbreviation tree is cyclic

We can define values with such a structure, but they do not have the same type.

# let tree_1 = (0,[]) ;;
val tree_1 : int * 'a list = 0, []
# let tree_2 = (0,[ (1,[]); (2,[]); (3,[]) ]) ;;
val tree_2 : int * (int * 'a list) list = 0, [1, []; 2, []; 3, []]
# let tree_3 = (0,[ tree_2; tree_1 ]) ;;
val tree_3 : int * (int * (int * 'a list) list) list =
0, [0, [...; ...; ...]; 0, []]

In the same way, Objective CAML is not able to infer a type for a function whose argument is a value of this form.

# let max_list = List.fold_left max 0 ;;
val max_list : int list -> int = <fun>

# let rec height = function
Vertex (_,[]) -> 1
| Vertex (_,sons) -> 1 + (max_list ( height sons)) ;;
val height : 'a tree -> int = <fun>

# let rec height2 = function
(_,[]) -> 1
| (_,sons) -> 1 + (max_list ( height2 sons)) ;;
Characters 95-99:
This expression has type 'a list but is here used with type
('b * 'a list) list

The error message tells us that the function height2 could be typed, if we had type equality between 'a and 'b * 'a list, and precisely this equality was denied to us in the declaration of the type abbreviation tree.

However, object typing allows to build values, whose type is cyclic. Let us consider the following function, and try to guess its type.

# let f x = x#copy = x ;;
The type of x is a class with method copy. The type of this method should be the same as that of x, since equality is tested between them. So, if foo is the type of x, it has the form: < copy : foo ; .. >. From what has been said above, the type of this function is cyclic, and it should be rejected; but it is not:

# let f x = x#copy = x ;;
val f : (< copy : 'a; .. > as 'a) -> bool = <fun>
Objective CAML does accept this function, and notes the type cyclicity using as, which identifies 'a with a type containing 'a.

In fact, the problems are the same, but by default, Objective CAML will not accept such types unless objects are concerned. The function height is typable if it gives a cyclicity on the type of an object.

# let rec height a = match a#sons with
[] -> 1
| l -> 1 + (max_list ( height l)) ;;
val height : (< sons : 'a list; .. > as 'a) -> int = <fun>

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