homeworks Homework 4
Some Clarifications

Problem 2
Note the change in (a) : find the rho length. Exact calculation
is not required,  give an estimate.
On Hellman's tradeoff:
"A single matrix cannot efficiently cover all the $N$ points,
(in particular, the only way we can cover the approximately $N/e$ leaves
of a random directed graph is to choose them as starting points). As we
add more rows to the matrix, we reach a situation in which we start to
re-cover points which are already covered, which makes the coverage
increasingly wasteful. To find this critical value of $m$, assume
that the first $m$ paths are all disjoint, but the next path
has a common point with one of the previous paths. The first $m$ paths
contain exactly $mt$ distinct points (since they are assumed to have
no repetitions), and the additional path is likely to contain exactly
$t$ distinct points (assuming that $t$ is less than $\sqrt N$).
By the birthday paradox, the two sets are likely to be disjoint
as long as $t \cdot mt \leq N$, and thus we choose $m$ and $t$
which satisfy the relation $mt^2=N$, which we call
{\bf the matrix stopping rule}."

Problem 3
Please ignore the initial permutation (IP) of DES. In question (b)
assume that bits are numbered 1..64 from left to right, so that
the zero bit (bit 64) is entering the F-function of the first round.

Problem 5
I have added Part II to this exercise for additional points.
Both Part I and II can be solved with about 2^{16} queries and steps.