Matthew's Stats

First things first: everyone is now home and doing very well. With that out of the way, the following is not new information, but I felt it was important to leave Matthew's stats on-line for those of you wanted to know.

Date and time of birth: November 15, 2001 at 7:34 PM
Date of first web site: November 16, 2001 around noon
Weight*: 2 pounds 1.5 ounces
Length: 13 inches
Apgar scores (scale 0-10): 4 at the time of birth
9 five minutes later
*Some of you may note that the first reported weight was 1 pound 9.5 ounces. This was found to be wrong due to a bad scale in the delivery room.

As I (his father) said on Matthew's first web page, on Thursday, November 15, 2001, after Karen had been on a week of bed rest at home, I took her for a scheduled visit to her "high-risk" baby doctor. She was seeing this doctor after having blown an AFP test off the charts in August. Two hours after arriving at the doctor's office, Karen was in the hospital receiving an emergency C-section.

Four days after Matthew was born, he underwent surgery for a small hole in his intestines, most likely a result of poor blood flow in that small area. The operation went very well. Babies must have unbelievable healing powers because you really have to look for the scar. They must have made an incision over an inch long and now it just looks like a wrinkle in his skin.

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