Function: Crc Summary: The Crc function implements both the CRC (cyclic redundancy check) encoder and decoder. The input stream represents a polynomial which is divided by the generator polynomial. The remainder of the division is the parity or checksum information. When encoding, parity information is generated. When decoding, the parity information should be zero if no errors have occured. The single bit input X is clocked in with R HIGH. When the entire data block has been clocked in, R is brought LOW Degree cycles and the parity bits are clocked out on Z. When decoding, the ERR signal can be examined after the last bit of the data block has been clocked in to determine if any errors have occurred. The generator polynomial is either constant or variable. Variable polynomials are input on the GEN bus. GEN[i] is the value of the x^i term in the polynomial. X^Degree is always 1. When a constant polymnomial is desired, ConstPoly is set to the value cDegree-1*2^Degree-1 + ... + c2+2^2 + c1*2^1 + c0*2^0. Function: Z=X mod GEN ERR=(X mod GEN)==0 Signals: Z: 1-bit output stream X: 1-bit input stream R: 1-bit reset control signal ERR: 1-bit error detection output (only if OutputErr is selected) GEN: Degree-bit generator polynomial. Parameters: Name: actual module name Degree: Degree of the generator polynomial ConstPoly: Value of the generator poynomial or zero for variable polynomial OutputErr: select to output ERR, deselect for no ERR Verilog Usage: Name(X,R,GEN,Z,ERR); (ConstPoly=0,OutputErr selected) Name(X,R,Z,ERR); (ConstPoly>0,OutputErr selected) Name(X,R,GEN,Z); (ConstPoly=0,OutputErr deselected) Name(X,R,Z); (ConstPoly>0,OutputErr deselected) Version: $Id:,v 1.2 1994/08/19 16:37:48 peter Exp $