Chapter 10 Contents

10 Identification and Entity Authentication
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Identification objectives and applications
10.1.2 Properties of identification protocols
10.2 Passwords (weak authentication)
10.2.1 Fixed password schemes: techniques
10.2.2 Fixed password schemes: attacks
10.2.3 Case study - UNIX passwords
10.2.4 PINs and passkeys
10.3 Challenge-response identification (strong authentication)
10.3.2 Challenge-response by symmetric-key techniques
10.3.3 Challenge-response by public-key techniques
10.4 Customized and zero-knowledge identification protocols
10.4.1 Overview of zero-knowledge concepts
10.4.2 Feige-Fiat-Shamir identification protocol
10.4.3 GQ identification protocol
10.4.4 Schnorr identification protocol
10.4.5 Comparison: Fiat-Shamir, GQ, and Schnorr
10.5 Attacks on identification protocols
10.6 Notes and further references
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