Chapter 11 Contents

11 Digital Signatures
11.1 Introduction
11.2 A framework for digital signature mechanisms
11.2.1 Basic definitions
11.2.2 Digital signature schemes with appendix
11.2.3 Digital signature schemes with message recovery
11.2.4 Types of attacks on signature schemes
11.3 RSA and related signature schemes
11.3.1 The RSA signature scheme
11.3.2 Possible attacks on RSA signatures
11.3.3 RSA signatures in practice
11.3.4 The Rabin public-key signature scheme
11.3.5 ISO/IEC 9796 formatting
11.3.6 PKCS #1 formatting
11.4 Fiat-Shamir signature schemes
11.4.1 Feige-Fiat-Shamir signature scheme
11.4.2 GQ signature scheme
11.5 The DSA and related signature schemes
11.5.1 The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
11.5.2 The ElGamal signature scheme
11.5.3 The Schnorr signature scheme
11.5.4 The ElGamal signature scheme with message recovery
11.6 One-time digital signatures
11.6.1 The Rabin one-time signature scheme
11.6.2 The Merkle one-time signature scheme
11.6.3 Authentication trees and one-time signatures
11.6.4 The GMR one-time signature scheme
11.7 Other signature schemes
11.7.1 Arbitrated digital signatures
11.7.2 ESIGN
11.8 Signatures with additional functionality
11.8.1 Blind signature schemes
11.8.2 Undeniable signature schemes
11.8.3 Fail-stop signature schemes
11.9 Notes and further references
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