A good answer might be:

Subtracting values of the start G from corresponding values of the finish H gives: (8, -6)T

Vectors Don't have a Location

Now calculate the displacement from M to N in the diagram on the right. Subtracting values of the start N from corresponding values of the finish M gives: (8, -6)T. This is the same as for the first diagram.

Geometrically, the displacement vector from G to H is the same as the displacement vector from M to N. Using the rule for column matrix equality (to review it, click here) the two column matrices are equal. This makes sense because in walking from point G to H you go the same distance and direction as in walking from M to N. The diagrams show the displacements with the same length and direction (but different starting points):

Vectors have no location. In a diagram it is common to draw a vector as an arrow with its tail on one point and its tip on another point. But any arrow with the same length and direction represents the vector.


Is the displacement between two points unique?