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 ěZd? kl B kl ěZ la+la >hGSimulating the a8251 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide ?hGSimulating the a8259 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide @hDSymbol Interleaver/De-Interleaver MegaCore Function User Guide Ah9Turbo Encoder/Decoder MegaCore Function User Guide B UTM` White Papers C _fah-5.0-Volt Tolerance in APEX 20KE Devices Dn3-h+ATF1500AS Analysis Report White Paper CEh(Using LVDS in the Quartus Software kl kl ̱"" h7"AN 85In-System Programming Times for MAX Devices hD#AN 86Implementing the pci_a Master/Target in FLEX 10K Devices hJ$AN 88Using the Jam Language for ISP & ICR via an Embedded Processor  h?%AN 90SameFrame Pin-Out Designs for FineLine BGA Packages !h)&AN 91Understanding FLEX 10K Timing "h*'AN 92Understanding FLEX 6000 Timing #h)(AN 94Understanding MAX 7000 Timing $h4)AN 95In-System Programmability in MAX Devices %h<*AN 96Performance Measurements of Typical Applications &h6+AN 97Comparing Performance of High-Density PLDs 'h9,AN 98Comparing Performance of Common Megafunctions (h?-AN 99Comparing Performance of Dual-Port Memory Functions )h1.AN 100In-System Programmability Guidelines *hQ/AN 101Improving Performance in FLEX 10K Devices with the Synplify Software +hV0AN 102Improving Performance in FLEX 10K Devices with Leonardo Spectrum Software ,h)1AN 106Designing with 2.5-V Devices .h=2AN 107Using Altera Devices in Multiple Voltage Systems /h?3AN 109Using the HP 3070 Tester for In-System Programming 0h;4AN 110Gate Counting Methodology for APEX 20K Devices 1 h@5AN 111Embedded Programming using the 8051 & Jam Byte-Code 2h?6AN 112Integrating Product-Term Logic in APEX 20K Devices 3h27AN 113Plastic Package Reliability & Testing 4h18AN 114Designing with FineLine BGA Packages 5hF9AN 115Using the ClockLock & ClockBoost Features in APEX Devices 6h?:AN 116Configuring APEX 20K, FLEX 10K & FLEX 6000 Devices 7h=;AN 117Using Selectable I/O Standards in Altera Devices 8 h7<AN 118Scripting with Tcl in the Quartus Software 9hF=AN 119Implementing High-Speed Search Applications with APEX CAM :hD>AN 122Using Jam STAPL for ISP & ICR via an Embedded Processor ;h:?AN 123Using Timing Analysis in the Quartus Software <h1@AN 125Evaluating AMPP & MegaCore Functions = UT"` Brochures ? hAAPEX Devices Brochure QḴhBQuartus Brochure d l/@?l/@?fN) UTUT`Application Briefs  31h4AB 124Prescaled Counters in FLEX 8000 Devices h8 AB 130Parity Generators in FLEX 8000 Devices h# AB 131State Machine Encoding hA AB 135Ripple-Carry Gray Code Counters in FLEX 8000 Devices  UT``Application Notes  rh) AN 33Configuring FLEX 8000 Devices f^h, AN 36Designing with FLEX 8000 Devices  h2AN 38Configuring Multiple FLEX 8000 Devices  hFAN 39IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera Devices  h2AN 41PCI Bus Applications in Altera Devices  h+AN 42Metastability in Altera Devices  h+AN 43Designing with MAX 9000 Devices h5AN 46ATM Packet Scheduler in FLEX 8000 Devices h0AN 49Implementing CRCCs in Altera Devices h;AN 51Using Programmable Logic for Gate Array Designs h=AN 71Guidelines for Handling J-Lead, QFP & BGA Devices h4AN 73Implementing FIR Filters in FLEX Devices h/AN 74Evaluating Power for Altera Devices h$AN 75High-Speed Board Designs h*AN 76Understanding FLEX 8000 Timing h)AN 77Understanding MAX 9000 Timing h3AN 78Understanding MAX 5000 & Classic Timing h0AN 80Selecting Sockets for Altera Devices hAAN 81Reflow Soldering Guidelines for Surface-Mount Devices h;AN 82Highly Optimized 2-D Convolvers in FLEX Devices h$ AN 83Binary Numbering Systems AhA!AN 84Implementing fft with On-Chip RAM in FLEX 10K Devices l`0l`0l`0`0la? 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la? ěZd la?# la?~  < h$|In-Circuit Test Vendor Support =h}Glossary >h~How to Contact Altera ?h;Introduction (to the Altera  1999 Data Book ) @h5Jam Byte-Code Compiler Version 1.01 README File Ah2Jam Byte-Code Player Version 1.0 README File Bh5Jam Compiler & Player Installation Instructions Ch)Jam Player Version 2.12 README File Dh3Jam Programming & Test Language Specification EhLegal Notice Fh#MAX+PLUS II BASELINE Overview Gh*MAX+PLUS II Version 9.4 READ.ME File HhOrdering Information Ih(Programming Hardware Manufacturers Jh3Sales Offices, Distributors & Representatives KhASaving Board Space with MAX 7000S & MAX 7000A TQFP Packages Lh0Technical Support from Altera Applications MhLThird-Party Programmer Support for the Jam Programming & Test Language N UT`Product Information Bulletins O.hL PIB 18CPLDs vs. FPGAs Comparing High-Capacity Programmable Logic P =fUh9PIB 20Benefits of Embedded RAM in FLEX 10K Devices QhKPIB 21Implementing Logic with the Embedded Array in FLEX 10K Devices RhEPIB 22Design Tools for 100,000 Gate Programmable Logic Devices Sh6PIB 23Digital Signal Processing in FLEX Devices Th?PIB 24Advantages of ISP-Based PLDs over Traditional PLDs UhNPIB 26Concurrent Programming through the JTAG Interface for MAX Devices Vh5PIB 27Jam Programming & Test Language Overview W UTU=`Selector Guides X 3hComponent Selector Guide Yh&Development Tools Selector Guide Fh*Intellectual Property Selector Guide CZ h'Megafunctions Selector Guide  kl  kl ěZd kl )kl ̱"" (aTB 49Generating Post-Route Files in the MAX+PLUS II Software for Third-Party Verification @Tools h6TB 51Advantages of Quartus Internet Integration h;TB 52Increasing Performance Using ATOM Netlist Files hITB 53Quartus Software Feature Comparison with Xilinx Alliance 2.1i  h5TB 54Quartus Revision Control Software Support !h<TB 56Using APEX 20KE CAM for Fast Search Applications "hETB 57Power Consumption Comparison: APEX 20K vs. Virtex Devices #h9TB 58In-Circuit Test Support with MAX 7000 Devices $hETB 59Hierarchical Design Methodology with the Quartus Software %h4TB 60Advantages of APEX PLLs Over Virtex DLLs &h:TB 61CAM Comparison: APEX 20KE vs. Virtex-E Devices 'h-TB 62MAX 7000AE Performance Comparison (hHTB 63Programming Time Comparison: MAX 7000AE vs. XC9500XL Devices )h@TB 64New Features of the Quartus Software Version 2000.02 *h@TB 65Design Fitting: MAX 7000AE vs. ispLSI 2000VE Devices +h4TB 67Advanced Synthesis with LeonardoSpectrum ,h0TB 68Advanced Synthesis with FPGA Express -hFTB 69HDL Simulation with the Model Sim Altera Software . UT'x`User Guides & Software Manuals / 9fUh/FIR Compiler MegaCore Function User Guide 0H3!h2Installing the Visual IP Software User Guide 1h(MAX+PLUS II Getting Started Manual 2 h0pci_b & pcit1 MegaCore Function User Guide 3h(pci_c MegaCore Function User Guide 4h&PCI MegaCore Function User Guide 5h. Quartus Installation & Licensing for PCs 6h< Quartus Installation & Licensing for UNIX Workstations 7 h$ Quartus SignalTap Users Guide 8h Quartus Tutorial :h8 Reed-Solomon Compiler MegaCore Function User Guide ;h/Reed-Solomon MegaCore Function User Guide <hGSimulating the a6402 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide A=hGSimulating the a8237 Model with the Visual IP Software User Guide la? la?  ěZ ";e{s/, ";e{s/  W-` l9пl7}GÄ#&~ l/Z 2Ml/ZWOUTUTd hQIuT!u7# hQIuT!uLLl,7!"!,H<,,7 "" ,H<,,7!%, ! ^P"ѓh͟^P"ѓ =EPSI #%vxU%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator(TM) 5.5 %%For: (Jill Vanoncini) () %%Title: (Logo2R.301) %%CreationDate: (11/30/95) (8:59 AM) %%BoundingBox: -884 250 -775 274 %%DocumentProcessColors: %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset Adobe_packedarray 2.0 0 %%+ procset Adobe_cshow 1.1 0 %%+ procset Adobe_customcolor 1.0 0 %%+ procset Adobe_typography_AI3 1.0 1 %%+ procset Adobe_pattern_AI3 1.0 0 %%+ procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 1.0 1 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%%Version: 1.1 %%CreationDate: (1/23/89) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_cshow 3 dict dup begin put /initialize { /cshow where { pop } { userdict /Adobe_cshow_vars 1 dict dup begin put /_cshow {} def Adobe_cshow begin Adobe_cshow { dup xcheck { bind } if userdict 3 1 roll put } forall end end } ifelse } def /terminate { } def /cshow { exch Adobe_cshow_vars exch /_cshow exch put { 0 0 Adobe_cshow_vars /_cshow get exec } forall } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_customcolor 1.0 0 %%Title: (Custom Color Operators) %%Version: 1.0 %%CreationDate: (5/9/88) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_customcolor 5 dict dup begin put /initialize { /setcustomcolor where { pop } { Adobe_customcolor begin Adobe_customcolor { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_customcolor begin } ifelse } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_customcolor eq { end } if } def /findcmykcustomcolor { 5 packedarray } def /setcustomcolor { exch aload pop pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } def /setoverprint { pop } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_typography_AI3 2.0 0 %%Title: (Typography Operators) %%Version: 2.0 %%CreationDate:(5/31/90) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_typography_AI3 48 dict dup begin put /initialize { /TZ where { pop } { Adobe_typography_AI3 begin Adobe_typography_AI3 { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_typography_AI3 begin } ifelse } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_typography_AI3 eq { end } if } def /modifyEncoding { /_tempEncode exch ddef /_pntr 0 ddef { counttomark -1 roll dup type dup /marktype eq { pop pop exit } { /nametype eq { _tempEncode 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roll tr _psf newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave dup currentpoint 3 2 roll trj _pjsf newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef } def /e0 { /Tx { tr _psf } ddef /Tj { trj _pjsf } ddef } def /e1 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave tr _psf grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave trj _pjsf grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef } def /i0 { /Tx { tr sp } ddef /Tj { trj jsp } ddef } def /i1 { W N } def /o0 { /Tx { tr sw rmoveto } ddef /Tj { trj swj rmoveto } ddef } def /r0 { /Tx { tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj { trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /r1 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll currentpoint gsave newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll currentpoint gsave newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef } def /To { pop _ctm currentmatrix pop } def /TO { iTe _ctm setmatrix newpath } def /Tp { pop _tm astore pop _ctm setmatrix _tDict begin /W {} def /h {} def } def /TP { end iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Tr { _render 3 le {currentpoint newpath moveto} if dup 8 eq {pop 0} {dup 9 eq {pop 1} if} ifelse dup /_render exch ddef _renderStart exch get load exec } def /iTm { _ctm setmatrix _tm concat 0 _rise translate _hs 1 scale } def /Tm { _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Td { _mtx translate _tm _tm concatmatrix pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /iTe { _render -1 eq {} {_renderEnd _render get dup null ne {load exec} {pop} ifelse} ifelse /_render -1 ddef } def /Ta { pop } def /Tf { dup 1000 div /_fScl exch ddef exch findfont exch scalefont setfont } def /Tl { pop 0 exch _leading astore pop } def /Tt { pop } def /TW { 3 npop } def /Tw { /_cx exch ddef } def /TC { 3 npop } def /Tc { /_ax exch ddef } def /Ts { /_rise exch ddef currentpoint iTm moveto } def /Ti { 3 npop } def /Tz { 100 div /_hs exch ddef iTm } def /TA { pop } def /Tq { pop } def /Th { pop pop pop pop pop } def /TX {pop} def %/Tx %/Tj /Tk { exch pop _fScl mul neg 0 rmoveto } def /TK { 2 npop } def /T* { _leading aload pop neg Td } def /T*- { _leading aload pop Td } def /T- { _hyphen Tx } def /T+ {} def /TR { _ctm currentmatrix pop _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /TS { 0 eq {Tx} {Tj} ifelse } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_pattern_AI3 1.1 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 3.0 Pattern Operators) %%Version: 1.1 %%CreationDate: (7/21/89) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1990 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_pattern_AI3 16 dict dup begin put /initialize { /definepattern where { pop } { Adobe_pattern_AI3 begin Adobe_pattern_AI3 { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall mark cachestatus 7 1 roll pop pop pop pop exch pop exch { { 10000 add dup 2 index gt { break } if dup setcachelimit } loop } stopped cleartomark } ifelse } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_pattern_AI3 eq { end } if } def errordict /nocurrentpoint { pop stop } put errordict /invalidaccess { pop stop } put /patternencoding 256 array def 0 1 255 { patternencoding exch ( ) 2 copy exch 0 exch put cvn put } for /definepattern { 17 dict begin /uniform exch def /cache exch def /key exch def /procarray exch def /mtx exch matrix invertmatrix def /height exch def /width exch def /ctm matrix currentmatrix def /ptm matrix def /str 32 string def /slice 9 dict def slice /s 1 put slice /q 256 procarray length div sqrt floor cvi put slice /b 0 put /FontBBox [0 0 0 0] def /FontMatrix mtx matrix copy def /Encoding patternencoding def /FontType 3 def /BuildChar { exch begin /setstrokeadjust where {pop true setstrokeadjust} if slice begin dup q dup mul mod s idiv /i exch def dup q dup mul mod s mod /j exch def q dup mul idiv procarray exch get /xl j width s div mul def /xg j 1 add width s div mul def /yl i height s div mul def /yg i 1 add height s div mul def uniform { 1 1 } { width 0 dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt dup 1 add exch div 0 height dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt dup 1 add exch div } ifelse width 0 cache { xl 4 index mul yl 4 index mul xg 6 index mul yg 6 index mul setcachedevice } { setcharwidth } ifelse gsave scale newpath xl yl moveto xg yl lineto xg yg lineto xl yg lineto closepath clip newpath end end exec grestore } def key currentdict definefont end } def /patterncachesize { gsave newpath 0 0 moveto width 0 lineto width height lineto 0 height lineto closepath patternmatrix setmatrix pathbbox exch ceiling 4 -1 roll floor sub 3 1 roll ceiling exch floor sub mul 1 add grestore } def /patterncachelimit { cachestatus 7 1 roll 6 npop 8 mul } def /patternpath { exch dup begin setfont ctm setmatrix concat slice exch /b exch slice /q get dup mul mul put FontMatrix concat uniform { width 0 dtransform round width div exch round width div exch 0 height dtransform round height div exch height div exch 0 0 transform round exch round exch ptm astore setmatrix } { ptm currentmatrix pop } ifelse {currentpoint} stopped not { 2 npop pathbbox true 4 index 3 index eq 4 index 3 index eq and { pop false { {2 npop} {3 npop true} {7 npop true} {pop true} pathforall } stopped { 5 npop true } if } if { height div ceiling height mul 4 1 roll width div ceiling width mul 4 1 roll height div floor height mul 4 1 roll width div floor width mul 4 1 roll 2 index sub height div ceiling cvi exch 3 index sub width div ceiling cvi exch 4 2 roll moveto FontMatrix mtx invertmatrix dup dup 4 get exch 5 get rmoveto ptm ptm concatmatrix pop slice /s patterncachesize patterncachelimit div ceiling sqrt ceiling cvi dup slice /q get gt { pop slice /q get } if put 0 1 slice /s get dup mul 1 sub { slice /b get add gsave 0 1 str length 1 sub { str exch 2 index put } for pop dup { gsave ptm setmatrix 1 index str length idiv {str show} repeat 1 index str length mod str exch 0 exch getinterval show grestore 0 height rmoveto } repeat grestore } for 2 npop } { 4 npop } ifelse } if end } def /patternclip { clip } def /patternstrokepath { strokepath } def /patternmatrix matrix def /patternfill { dup type /dicttype eq { Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternmatrix get } if gsave patternclip Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternpath get exec grestore newpath } def /patternstroke { dup type /dicttype eq { Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternmatrix get } if gsave patternstrokepath true { { { newpath moveto } { lineto } { curveto } { closepath 3 copy Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternfill get exec } pathforall 3 npop } stopped { 5 npop patternclip Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternfill get exec } if } { patternclip Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternfill get exec } ifelse grestore newpath } def /patternashow { 3 index type /dicttype eq { Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternmatrix get 4 1 roll } if { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 6 index 6 index 6 index Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternfill get exec grestore newpath moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def /patternawidthshow { 6 index type /dicttype eq { Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternmatrix get 7 1 roll } if { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq {5 index 5 index rmoveto} if false charpath currentpoint 9 index 9 index 9 index Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternfill get exec grestore newpath moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 8 npop } def /patternashowstroke { 4 index type /dicttype eq { patternmatrix /patternmatrix get 5 1 roll } if 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix 7 index 7 index 7 index Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternstroke get exec grestore newpath moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 6 npop } def /patternawidthshowstroke { 7 index type /dicttype eq { patternmatrix /patternmatrix get 8 1 roll } if 7 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq {5 index 5 index rmoveto} if false charpath currentpoint 7 index setmatrix 10 index 10 index 10 index Adobe_pattern_AI3 /patternstroke get exec grestore newpath moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 9 npop } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 1.1 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 3.0 Full Prolog) %%Version: 1.1 %%CreationDate: (3/7/1994) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 71 dict dup begin put /initialize { userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI3_vars 67 dict dup begin put /_lp /none def /_pf {} def /_ps {} def /_psf {} def /_pss {} def /_pjsf {} def /_pjss {} def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def /cf currentflat def /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [/e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0] def /_renderEnd [null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1] def /_render -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def /_ay 0 def /_cx 0 def /_cy 0 def /_leading [0 0] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_cnt 0 def /_hs 1 def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def /_wv 0 def /Tx {} def /Tj {} def /CRender {} def /_AI3_savepage {} def /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc {} def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc {} def /_pd 1 dict def /_ed 15 dict def /_pm matrix def /_fm null def /_fd null def /_fdd null def /_sm null def /_sd null def /_sdd null def /_i null def Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 begin Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 dup /nc get begin { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end end end Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 begin Adobe_Illustrator_AI3_vars begin newpath } def /terminate { end end } def /_ null def /ddef { Adobe_Illustrator_AI3_vars 3 1 roll put } def /xput { dup load dup length exch maxlength eq { dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def } if load begin def end } def /npop { { pop } repeat } def /sw { dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll mul add } def /swj { dup 4 1 roll dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll mul add 6 2 roll /_cnt 0 ddef {1 index eq {/_cnt _cnt 1 add ddef} if} forall pop exch _cnt mul exch _cnt mul 2 index add 4 1 roll 2 index add 4 1 roll pop pop } def /ss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 3 npop } def /jss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq { exch 6 index 6 index 6 index 5 -1 roll widthshow currentpoint } { false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke }ifelse grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 6 npop } def /sp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop false charpath 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 2 npop } def /jsp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put _sp eq { exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow } { false charpath }ifelse 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where { pop true setstrokeadjust /c { curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { lineto } def /L /l load def /m { moveto } def } { /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def } ifelse /d { setdash } def /cf {} def /i { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j { setlinejoin } def /J { setlinecap } def /M { setmiterlimit } def /w { setlinewidth } def /H {} def /h { closepath } def /N { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq {clip /_doClip 0 ddef} if newpath } { /CRender {N} ddef }ifelse } def /n {N} def /F { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf }ifelse } { /CRender {F} ddef }ifelse } def /f { closepath F } def /S { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps }ifelse } { /CRender {S} ddef }ifelse } def /s { closepath S } def /B { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S }ifelse } { /CRender {B} ddef }ifelse } def /b { closepath B } def /W { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* { count 0 ne { dup type (stringtype) eq {pop} if } if _pola 0 eq {newpath} if } def /u {} def /U {} def /q { _pola 0 eq {gsave} if } def /Q { _pola 0 eq {grestore} if } def /*u { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq {CRender} if } def /D {pop} def /*w {} def /*W {} def /` { /_i save ddef 6 1 roll 4 npop concat pop userdict begin /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash /setstrokeadjust where {pop false setstrokeadjust} if newpath 0 setgray false setoverprint } def /~ { end _i restore } def /@ {} def /& {} def /O { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /dp { dup null eq { pop _dp 0 ne { 0 1 _dp 1 sub _dl mod { _da exch get 3 get } for _dp 1 sub _dl mod 1 add packedarray _da 0 get aload pop 8 -1 roll 5 -1 roll pop 4 1 roll definepattern pop } if } { _dp 0 ne _dp _dl mod 0 eq and { null dp } if 7 packedarray _da exch _dp _dl mod exch put _dp _dl mod _da 0 get 4 get 2 packedarray /_dp _dp 1 add def } ifelse } def /E { _ed begin dup 0 get type /arraytype ne { 0 { dup 1 add index type /arraytype eq { 1 add } { exit } ifelse } loop array astore } if /_dd exch def /_ury exch def /_urx exch def /_lly exch def /_llx exch def /_n exch def /_y 0 def /_dl 4 def /_dp 0 def /_da _dl array def 0 1 _dd length 1 sub { /_d exch _dd exch get def 0 2 _d length 2 sub { /_x exch def /_c _d _x get _ ne def /_r _d _x 1 add get cvlit def _r _ ne { _urx _llx sub _ury _lly sub [1 0 0 1 0 0] [ /save cvx _llx neg _lly neg /translate cvx _c { nc /begin cvx } if _r dup type /stringtype eq { cvx } { {exec} /forall cvx } ifelse _c { /end cvx } if /restore cvx ] cvx /_fn 12 _n length add string def _y _fn cvs pop /_y _y 1 add def _fn 12 _n putinterval _fn _c false dp _d exch _x 1 add exch put } if } for } for null dp _n _dd /_pd end xput } def /fc { _fm dup concatmatrix pop } def /p { /_fm exch ddef 9 -2 roll _pm translate fc 7 -2 roll _pm scale fc 5 -1 roll _pm rotate fc 4 -2 roll exch 0 ne { dup _pm rotate fc 1 -1 _pm scale fc neg _pm rotate fc } { pop } ifelse dup _pm rotate fc exch dup sin exch cos div 1 0 0 1 0 6 2 roll _pm astore fc neg _pm rotate fc _pd exch get /_fdd exch ddef /_pf { save /_doClip 0 ddef 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm patternfill } { pop fill } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore newpath } ddef /_psf { save /_doClip 0 ddef 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm 9 copy 6 npop patternashow } { pop 6 copy 3 npop ashow } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore %3 npop newpath sw rmoveto } ddef /_pjsf { save /_doClip 0 ddef 0 1 _fdd length 1 sub { /_fd exch _fdd exch get ddef _fd 0 2 _fd length 2 sub { gsave 2 copy get dup _ ne { cvx exec _fc } { pop } ifelse 2 copy 1 add get dup _ ne { aload pop findfont _fm 12 copy 6 npop patternawidthshow } { pop 9 copy 3 npop awidthshow } ifelse grestore pop } for pop } for restore swj rmoveto } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /sc { _sm dup concatmatrix pop } def /P { /_sm exch ddef 9 -2 roll _pm translate sc 7 -2 roll _pm scale sc 5 -1 roll _pm rotate sc 4 -2 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/J{setlinecap}bdf /j{setlinejoin}bdf /M{setmiterlimit}bdf /n{newpath}bdf /N{newpath}bdf /q{gsave}bdf /Q{grestore}bdf /w{setlinewidth}bdf /sepdef{ dup where not { AltsysSepDict } if 3 1 roll exch put }bdf /st{settransfer}bdf /colorimage defed /_rci xdf /_NXLevel2 defed { _NXLevel2 not { /colorimage where { userdict eq { /_rci false def } if } if } if } if /md defed{ md type /dicttype eq { /colorimage where { md eq { /_rci false def }if }if /settransfer where { md eq { /st systemdict /settransfer get def }if }if }if }if /setstrokeadjust defed { true setstrokeadjust /C{curveto}bdf /L{lineto}bdf /m{moveto}bdf } { /dr{transform .25 sub round .25 add exch .25 sub round .25 add exch itransform}bdf /C{dr curveto}bdf /L{dr lineto}bdf /m{dr moveto}bdf /setstrokeadjust{pop}bdf }ifelse /rectstroke defed /xt xdf xt {/yt save def} if /privrectpath { 4 -2 roll m dtransform round exch round exch idtransform 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor {dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto} {exch dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto} ifelse closepath }bdf /rectclip{newpath privrectpath clip newpath}def /rectfill{gsave newpath privrectpath fill grestore}def /rectstroke{gsave newpath privrectpath stroke grestore}def xt {yt restore} if /_fonthacksave false def /currentpacking defed { /_bfh {/_fonthacksave currentpacking def false setpacking} bdf /_efh {_fonthacksave setpacking} bdf } { /_bfh {} bdf /_efh {} bdf }ifelse /packedarray{array astore readonly}ndf /` { false setoverprint /-save0- save def 5 index concat pop storerect left bottom width height rectclip pop userdict begin /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath } bdf /currentpacking defed{true setpacking}if /min{2 copy gt{exch}if pop}bdf /max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bdf /xformfont { currentfont exch makefont setfont } bdf /fhnumcolors 1 statusdict begin /processcolors defed { pop processcolors } { /deviceinfo defed { deviceinfo /Colors known { pop deviceinfo /Colors get } if } if } ifelse end def /printerRes gsave matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix 72 72 dtransform abs exch abs max grestore def /graycalcs [ {Angle Frequency} {GrayAngle GrayFrequency} {0 Width Height matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} {0 GrayWidth GrayHeight matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} ] def /calcgraysteps { forcemaxsteps { maxsteps } { /currenthalftone defed {currenthalftone /dicttype eq}{false}ifelse { currenthalftone begin HalftoneType 4 le {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} { HalftoneType 5 eq { Default begin {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} end } {0 60} ifelse } ifelse end } { currentscreen pop exch } ifelse printerRes 300 max exch div exch 2 copy sin mul round dup mul 3 1 roll cos mul round dup mul add 1 add dup maxsteps gt {pop maxsteps} if } ifelse } bdf /nextrelease defed { /languagelevel defed not { /framebuffer defed { 0 40 string framebuffer 9 1 roll 8 {pop} repeat dup 516 eq exch 520 eq or { /fhnumcolors 3 def /currentscreen {60 0 {pop pop 1}}bdf /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf }if }if }if }if fhnumcolors 1 ne { /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf } if /currentpagedevice defed { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance known { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance get { /calcgraysteps { forcemaxsteps {maxsteps} {256 maxsteps min} ifelse } def } if } if } if /gradfrequency 144 def printerRes 1000 lt { /gradfrequency 72 def } if /adjnumsteps { dup dtransform abs exch abs max printerRes div gradfrequency mul round 5 max min }bdf /goodsep { spots exch get 4 get dup sepname eq exch (_vc_Registration) eq or }bdf /BeginGradation defed {/bb{BeginGradation}bdf} {/bb{}bdf} ifelse /EndGradation defed {/eb{EndGradation}bdf} {/eb{}bdf} ifelse /bottom -0 def /delta -0 def /frac -0 def /height -0 def /left -0 def /numsteps1 -0 def /radius -0 def /right -0 def /top -0 def /width -0 def /xt -0 def /yt -0 def /df currentflat def /tempstr 1 string def /clipflatness currentflat def /inverted? 0 currenttransfer exec .5 ge def /tc1 [0 0 0 1] def /tc2 [0 0 0 1] def /storerect{/top xdf /right xdf /bottom xdf /left xdf /width right left sub def /height top bottom sub def}bdf /concatprocs{ systemdict /packedarray known {dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or}{false}ifelse { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def proc1 aload pop proc2 aload pop proc1 length proc2 length add packedarray cvx } { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }ifelse }bdf /i{dup 0 eq {pop df dup} {dup} ifelse /clipflatness xdf setflat }bdf version cvr 38.0 le {/setrgbcolor{ currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll setrgbcolor}bdf}if /vms {/vmsv save def} bdf /vmr {vmsv restore} bdf /vmrs{vmsv restore /vmsv save def}bdf /eomode{ {/filler /eofill load def /clipper /eoclip load def} {/filler /fill load def /clipper /clip load def} ifelse }bdf /normtaper{}bdf /logtaper{9 mul 1 add log}bdf /CD{ /NF exch def { exch dup /FID ne 1 index/UniqueID ne and {exch NF 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse }forall NF }bdf /MN{ 1 index length /Len exch def dup length Len add string dup Len 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval }bdf /RC{4 -1 roll /ourvec xdf 256 string cvs(|______)anchorsearch {1 index MN cvn/NewN exch def cvn findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup/FontName NewN put dup /Encoding ourvec put NewN exch definefont pop}{pop}ifelse}bdf /RF{ dup FontDirectory exch known {pop 3 -1 roll pop} {RC} ifelse }bdf /FF{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known {exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop} {pop dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup /Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont} ifelse}bdf /RFJ{ dup FontDirectory exch known {pop 3 -1 roll pop FontDirectory /Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H known {pop pop /Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H dup}if } {RC} ifelse }bdf /FFJ{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known {exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop} {pop dup FontDirectory exch known not {FontDirectory /Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H known {pop /Ryumin-Light-83pv-RKSJ-H}if }if dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup /Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont} ifelse}bdf /fps{ currentflat exch dup 0 le{pop 1}if { dup setflat 3 index stopped {1.3 mul dup 3 index gt{pop setflat pop pop stop}if} {exit} ifelse }loop pop setflat pop pop }bdf /fp{100 currentflat fps}bdf /clipper{clip}bdf /W{/clipper load 100 clipflatness dup setflat fps}bdf userdict begin /BDFontDict 29 dict def end BDFontDict begin /bu{}def /bn{}def /setTxMode{av 70 ge{pop}if pop}def /gm{m}def /show{pop}def /gr{pop}def /fnt{pop pop pop}def /fs{pop}def /fz{pop}def /lin{pop pop}def /:M {pop pop} def /sf {pop} def /S {pop} def /@b {pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop} def /_bdsave /save load def /_bdrestore /restore load def /save { dup /fontsave eq {null} {_bdsave} ifelse } def /restore { dup null eq { pop } { _bdrestore } ifelse } def /fontsave null def end /MacVec 256 array def MacVec 0 /Helvetica findfont /Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval MacVec 127 /DEL put MacVec 16#27 /quotesingle put MacVec 16#60 /grave put /NUL/SOH/STX/ETX/EOT/ENQ/ACK/BEL/BS/HT/LF/VT/FF/CR/SO/SI /DLE/DC1/DC2/DC3/DC4/NAK/SYN/ETB/CAN/EM/SUB/ESC/FS/GS/RS/US MacVec 0 32 getinterval astore pop /Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis/Udieresis/aacute /agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute/egrave /ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde/oacute /ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex/udieresis /dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/notequal/AE/Oslash /infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal/yen/mu/partialdiff/summation /product/pi/integral/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/Omega/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/radical/florin/approxequal/Delta/guillemotleft /guillemotright/ellipsis/nbspace/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide/lozenge /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright/fi/fl /daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase /perthousand/Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute /Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex /apple/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde /macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron MacVec 128 128 getinterval astore pop end %. AltsysDict %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup AltsysDict begin _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Symbol _efh 0 dict dup begin end /f0 /Symbol FF def end %. AltsysDict %%EndSetup AltsysDict begin /onlyk4{false}ndf /ccmyk{dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 max exch}ndf /cmyk2gray{ 4 -1 roll 0.3 mul 4 -1 roll 0.59 mul 4 -1 roll 0.11 mul add add add 1 min neg 1 add }bdf /setcmykcolor{1 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop setrgbcolor}ndf /maxcolor { max max max } ndf /maxspot { pop } ndf /setcmykcoloroverprint{4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor}ndf /findcmykcustomcolor{5 packedarray}ndf /setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndf /setseparationgray{setgray}ndf /setoverprint{pop}ndf /currentoverprint false ndf /cmykbufs2gray{ 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 4 index 1 index get 0.3 mul 4 index 2 index get 0.59 mul 4 index 3 index get 0.11 mul 4 index 4 index get add add add cvi 255 min 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put }for 4 1 roll pop pop pop }bdf /colorimage{ pop pop [ 5 -1 roll/exec cvx 6 -1 roll/exec cvx 7 -1 roll/exec cvx 8 -1 roll/exec cvx /cmykbufs2gray cvx ]cvx image } %. version 47.1 on Linotronic of Postscript defines colorimage incorrectly (rgb model only) version cvr 47.1 le statusdict /product get (Lino) anchorsearch{pop pop true}{pop false}ifelse and{userdict begin bdf end}{ndf}ifelse fhnumcolors 1 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf ic im iy ik cmyk2gray /xt xdf currenttransfer {dup 1.0 exch sub xt mul add}concatprocs st image } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 1 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 3 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf 1.0 dup ic ik add min sub 1.0 dup im ik add min sub 1.0 dup iy ik add min sub /ic xdf /iy xdf /im xdf currentcolortransfer 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub ic mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub iy mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub im mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}true 3 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 3 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 4 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf currentcolortransfer {1.0 exch sub ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}{dummy} true 4 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 4 ne {yt restore} if /separationimage{image}ndf /newcmykcustomcolor{6 packedarray}ndf /inkoverprint false ndf /setinkoverprint{pop}ndf /setspotcolor { spots exch get dup 4 get (_vc_Registration) eq {pop 1 exch sub setseparationgray} {0 5 getinterval exch setcustomcolor} ifelse }ndf /currentcolortransfer{currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndf /setcolortransfer{st pop pop pop}ndf /fas{}ndf /sas{}ndf /fhsetspreadsize{pop}ndf /filler{fill}bdf /F{gsave {filler}fp grestore}bdf /f{closepath F}bdf /S{gsave {stroke}fp grestore}bdf /s{closepath S}bdf /bc4 [0 0 0 0] def /_lfp4 { /iosv inkoverprint def /cosv currentoverprint def /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /k2 xdf /y2 xdf /m2 xdf /c2 xdf /k1 xdf /y1 xdf /m1 xdf /c1 xdf c1 c2 sub abs m1 m2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs k1 k2 sub abs maxcolor calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 1} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 dup 0 eq {pop 0.5 } { div } ifelse taperfcn /frac xdf bc4 0 c2 c1 sub frac mul c1 add put bc4 1 m2 m1 sub frac mul m1 add put bc4 2 y2 y1 sub frac mul y1 add put bc4 3 k2 k1 sub frac mul k1 add put bc4 vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat iosv setinkoverprint cosv setoverprint }bdf /bcs [0 0] def /_lfs4 { /iosv inkoverprint def /cosv currentoverprint def /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bcs 0 1.0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add sub put bcs vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat iosv setinkoverprint cosv setoverprint }bdf /_rfs4 { /iosv inkoverprint def /cosv currentoverprint def /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round radius abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf radius numsteps1 div 2 div /halfstep xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness { { dup setflat W 0 1 numsteps1 { dup /radindex xdf numsteps1 div /frac xdf bcs 0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add put bcs vc 1 index setflat { newpath mark xt yt radius 1 frac sub mul halfstep add 0 360 { arc radindex numsteps1 ne { xt yt radindex 1 add numsteps1 div 1 exch sub radius mul halfstep add dup xt add yt moveto 360 0 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def /modifyEncoding { /_tempEncode exch ddef /_pntr 0 ddef { counttomark -1 roll dup type dup /marktype eq { pop pop exit } { /nametype eq { _tempEncode /_pntr dup load dup 3 1 roll 1 add ddef 3 -1 roll put } { /_pntr exch ddef } ifelse } ifelse } loop _tempEncode } def /TE { StandardEncoding 256 array copy modifyEncoding /_nativeEncoding exch def } def % /TZ { dup type /arraytype eq { /_wv exch def } { /_wv 0 def } ifelse /_useNativeEncoding exch def pop pop findfont _wv type /arraytype eq { _wv makeblendedfont } if dup length 2 add dict begin mark exch { 1 index /FID ne { def } if cleartomark mark } forall pop /FontName exch def counttomark 0 eq { 1 _useNativeEncoding eq { /Encoding _nativeEncoding def } if cleartomark } { /Encoding load 256 array copy modifyEncoding /Encoding exch def } ifelse FontName currentdict end definefont pop } def /tr { _ax _ay 3 2 roll } def /trj { _cx _cy _sp _ax _ay 6 5 roll } def /a0 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll tr _psf newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 3 2 roll trj _pjsf newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /a1 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave dup currentpoint 3 2 roll tr _psf newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave dup currentpoint 3 2 roll trj _pjsf newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr jsp } ddef } def /e0 { /Tx { tr _psf } ddef /Tj { trj _pjsf } ddef } def /e1 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave tr _psf grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll gsave trj _pjsf grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr jsp } ddef } def /i0 { /Tx { tr sp } ddef /Tj { trj jsp } ddef } def /i1 { W N } def /o0 { /Tx { tr sw rmoveto } ddef /Tj { trj swj rmoveto } ddef } def /r0 { /Tx { tr _ctm _pss } ddef /Tj { trj _ctm _pjss } ddef } def /r1 { /Tx { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll currentpoint gsave newpath moveto tr _ctm _pss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr sp } ddef /Tj { dup currentpoint 4 2 roll currentpoint gsave newpath moveto trj _ctm _pjss grestore 3 1 roll moveto tr jsp } ddef } def /To { pop _ctm currentmatrix pop } def /TO { iTe _ctm setmatrix newpath } def /Tp { pop _tm astore pop _ctm setmatrix _tDict begin /W { } def /h { } def } def /TP { end iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Tr { _render 3 le { currentpoint newpath moveto } if dup 8 eq { pop 0 } { dup 9 eq { pop 1 } if } ifelse dup /_render exch ddef _renderStart exch get load exec } def /iTm { _ctm setmatrix _tm concat 0 _rise translate _hs 1 scale } def /Tm { _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /Td { _mtx translate _tm _tm concatmatrix pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /iTe { _render -1 eq { } { _renderEnd _render get dup null ne { load exec } { pop } ifelse } ifelse /_render -1 ddef } def /Ta { pop } def /Tf { dup 1000 div /_fScl exch ddef % selectfont } def /Tl { pop 0 exch _leading astore pop } def /Tt { pop } def /TW { 3 npop } def /Tw { /_cx exch ddef } def /TC { 3 npop } def /Tc { /_ax exch ddef } def /Ts { /_rise exch ddef currentpoint iTm moveto } def /Ti { 3 npop } def /Tz { 100 div /_hs exch ddef iTm } def /TA { pop } def /Tq { pop } def /Th { pop pop pop pop pop } def /TX { pop } def /Tk { exch pop _fScl mul neg 0 rmoveto } def /TK { 2 npop } def /T* { _leading aload pop neg Td } def /T*- { _leading aload pop Td } def /T- { _hyphen Tx } def /T+ { } def /TR { _ctm currentmatrix pop _tm astore pop iTm 0 0 moveto } def /TS { currentfont 3 1 roll /_Symbol_ _fScl 1000 mul selectfont 0 eq { Tx } { Tj } ifelse setfont } def /Xb { pop pop } def /Tb /Xb load def /Xe { pop pop pop pop } def /Te /Xe load def /XB { } def /TB /XB load def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5 1.1 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 5.0 Abbreviated Prolog) %%Version: 1.1 %%CreationDate: (3/7/1994) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1994 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5_vars 70 dict dup begin put /_lp /none def /_pf { } def /_ps { } def /_psf { } def /_pss { } def /_pjsf { } def /_pjss { } def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def /cf currentflat def /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [ /e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0 ] def /_renderEnd [ null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1 ] def /_render -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def /_ay 0 def /_cx 0 def /_cy 0 def /_leading [ 0 0 ] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_cnt 0 def /_hs 1 def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def /_wv 0 def /Tx { } def /Tj { } def /CRender { } def /_AI3_savepage { } def /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc { } def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc { } def /discardSave null def /buffer 256 string def /beginString null def /endString null def /endStringLength null def /layerCnt 1 def /layerCount 1 def /perCent (%) 0 get def /perCentSeen? false def /newBuff null def /newBuffButFirst null def /newBuffLast null def /clipForward? false def end userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5 74 dict dup begin put /initialize { Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5 dup begin Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5_vars begin discardDict { bind pop pop } forall dup /nc get begin { dup xcheck 1 index type /operatortype ne and { bind } if pop pop } forall end newpath } def /terminate { end end } def /_ null def /ddef { Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5_vars 3 1 roll put } def /xput { dup load dup length exch maxlength eq { dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def } if load begin def end } def /npop { { pop } repeat } def /sw { dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll mul add } def /swj { dup 4 1 roll dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll mul add 6 2 roll /_cnt 0 ddef { 1 index eq { /_cnt _cnt 1 add ddef } if } forall pop exch _cnt mul exch _cnt mul 2 index add 4 1 roll 2 index add 4 1 roll pop pop } def /ss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 3 npop } def /jss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq { exch 6 index 6 index 6 index 5 -1 roll widthshow currentpoint } { false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke } ifelse grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 6 npop } def /sp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop false charpath 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 2 npop } def /jsp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put _sp eq { exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow } { false charpath } ifelse 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where { pop true setstrokeadjust /c { curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { lineto } def /L /l load def /m { moveto } def } { /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def } ifelse /d { setdash } def /cf { } def /i { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j { setlinejoin } def /J { setlinecap } def /M { setmiterlimit } def /w { setlinewidth } def /H { } def /h { closepath } def /N { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { clip /_doClip 0 ddef } if newpath } { /CRender { N } ddef } ifelse } def /n { N } def /F { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf } ifelse } { /CRender { F } ddef } ifelse } def /f { closepath F } def /S { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps } ifelse } { /CRender { S } ddef } ifelse } def /s { closepath S } def /B { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore clip newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S } ifelse } { /CRender { B } ddef } ifelse } def /b { closepath B } def /W { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* { count 0 ne { dup type /stringtype eq { pop } if } if newpath } def /u { } def /U { } def /q { _pola 0 eq { gsave } if } def /Q { _pola 0 eq { grestore } if } def /*u { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq { CRender } if } def /D { pop } def /*w { } def /*W { } def /` { /_i save ddef clipForward? { nulldevice } if 6 1 roll 4 npop concat pop userdict begin /showpage { } def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash /setstrokeadjust where {pop false setstrokeadjust} if newpath 0 setgray false setoverprint } def /~ { end _i restore } def /O { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc fill } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /A { pop } def /annotatepage { userdict /annotatepage 2 copy known {get exec} {pop pop} ifelse } def /discard { save /discardSave exch store discardDict begin /endString exch store gt38? { 2 add } if load stopped pop end discardSave restore } bind def userdict /discardDict 7 dict dup begin put /pre38Initialize { /endStringLength endString length store /newBuff buffer 0 endStringLength getinterval store /newBuffButFirst newBuff 1 endStringLength 1 sub getinterval store /newBuffLast newBuff endStringLength 1 sub 1 getinterval store } def /shiftBuffer { newBuff 0 newBuffButFirst putinterval newBuffLast 0 currentfile read not { stop } if put } def 0 { pre38Initialize mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff endString eq { cleartomark stop } if shiftBuffer } loop } { stop } ifelse } def 1 { pre38Initialize /beginString exch store mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff beginString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 add store } { newBuff endString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 sub store layerCount 0 eq { cleartomark stop } if } if } ifelse shiftBuffer } loop } { stop } ifelse } def 2 { mark { currentfile buffer readline not { stop } if endString eq { cleartomark stop } if } loop } def 3 { /beginString exch store /layerCnt 1 store mark { currentfile buffer readline not { stop } if dup beginString eq { pop /layerCnt dup load 1 add store } { endString eq { layerCnt 1 eq { cleartomark stop } { /layerCnt dup load 1 sub store } ifelse } if } ifelse } loop } def end userdict /clipRenderOff 15 dict dup begin put { /n /N /s /S /f /F /b /B } { { _doClip 1 eq { /_doClip 0 ddef clip } if newpath } def } forall /Tr /pop load def /Bb {} def /BB /pop load def /Bg {12 npop} def /Bm {6 npop} def /Bc /Bm load def /Bh {4 npop} def end /Lb { 4 npop 6 1 roll pop 4 1 roll pop pop pop 0 eq { 0 eq { (%AI5_BeginLayer) 1 (%AI5_EndLayer--) discard } { /clipForward? true def /Tx /pop load def /Tj /pop load def currentdict end clipRenderOff begin begin } ifelse } { 0 eq { save /discardSave exch store } if } ifelse } bind def /LB { discardSave dup null ne { restore } { pop clipForward? { currentdict end end begin /clipForward? false ddef } if } ifelse } bind def /Pb { pop pop 0 (%AI5_EndPalette) discard } bind def /Np { 0 (%AI5_End_NonPrinting--) discard } bind def /Ln /pop load def /Ap /pop load def /Ar { 72 exch div 0 dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt dup 1 lt { pop 1 } if setflat } def /Mb { q } def /Md { } def /MB { Q } def /nc 3 dict def nc begin /setgray { pop } bind def /setcmykcolor { 4 npop } bind def /setcustomcolor { 2 npop } bind def currentdict readonly pop end currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup %%IncludeFont: Helvetica Adobe_level2_AI5 /initialize get exec Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5_vars Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5 Adobe_typography_AI5 /initialize get exec Adobe_IllustratorA_AI5 /initialize get exec [ 39/quotesingle 96/grave 128/Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis /Udieresis/aacute/agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute /egrave/ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde /oacute/ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex /udieresis/dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/.notdef/AE/Oslash /.notdef/plusminus/.notdef/.notdef/yen/mu/.notdef/.notdef /.notdef/.notdef/.notdef/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/.notdef/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/.notdef/florin/.notdef/.notdef /guillemotleft/guillemotright/ellipsis/.notdef/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide /.notdef/ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright /fi/fl/daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase/perthousand /Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute/Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex /Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex/.notdef/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex /Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde/macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla /hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron TE %AI3_BeginEncoding: _Helvetica Helvetica [/_Helvetica/Helvetica 0 0 1 TZ %AI3_EndEncoding TrueType %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI3_BeginPattern: (Yellow Stripe) (Yellow Stripe) 8.4499 4.6 80.4499 76.6 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0.4 1 0 k 0 0.4 1 0 K) @ ( 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 3.6 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 8.1999 8.1999 m 80.6999 8.1999 L S 8.1999 22.6 m 80.6999 22.6 L S 8.1999 37.0001 m 80.6999 37.0001 L S 8.1999 51.3999 m 80.6999 51.3999 L S 8.1999 65.8 m 80.6999 65.8 L S 8.1999 15.3999 m 80.6999 15.3999 L S 8.1999 29.8 m 80.6999 29.8 L S 8.1999 44.1999 m 80.6999 44.1999 L S 8.1999 58.6 m 80.6999 58.6 L S 8.1999 73.0001 m 80.6999 73.0001 L S ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np 3 Bn %AI5_BeginGradient: (Black & White) (Black & White) 0 2 Bd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r [ 0 0 50 100 %_Bs 1 0 50 0 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Red & Yellow) (Red & Yellow) 0 2 Bd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r [ 0 1 0.6 0 1 50 100 %_Bs 0 0 1 0 1 50 0 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Yellow & Blue Radial) (Yellow & Blue Radial) 1 2 Bd [ < 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021222324252627 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} if } if } if } if /md defed{ md type /dicttype eq { /colorimage where { md eq { /_rci false def }if }if /settransfer where { md eq { /st systemdict /settransfer get def }if }if }if }if /setstrokeadjust defed { true setstrokeadjust /C{curveto}bdf /L{lineto}bdf /m{moveto}bdf } { /dr{transform .25 sub round .25 add exch .25 sub round .25 add exch itransform}bdf /C{dr curveto}bdf /L{dr lineto}bdf /m{dr moveto}bdf /setstrokeadjust{pop}bdf }ifelse /rectstroke defed /xt xdf xt {/yt save def} if /privrectpath { 4 -2 roll m dtransform round exch round exch idtransform 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor {dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto} {exch dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto} ifelse closepath }bdf /rectclip{newpath privrectpath clip newpath}def /rectfill{gsave newpath privrectpath fill grestore}def /rectstroke{gsave newpath privrectpath stroke grestore}def xt {yt restore} if /packedarray{array astore readonly}ndf /` { false setoverprint /-save0- save def 5 index concat pop storerect left bottom width height rectclip pop userdict begin /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath false setstrokeadjust } bdf /currentpacking defed{true setpacking}if /min{2 copy gt{exch}if pop}bdf /max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bdf /xformfont { currentfont exch makefont setfont } bdf /fhnumcolors 1 statusdict begin /processcolors defed { pop processcolors } { /deviceinfo defed { deviceinfo /Colors known { pop deviceinfo /Colors get } if } if } ifelse end def /printerRes gsave matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix 72 72 dtransform abs exch abs max grestore def /graycalcs [ {Angle Frequency} {GrayAngle GrayFrequency} {0 Width Height matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} {0 GrayWidth GrayHeight matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} ] def /calcgraysteps { /currenthalftone defed {currenthalftone /dicttype eq}{false}ifelse { currenthalftone begin HalftoneType 4 le {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} { HalftoneType 5 eq { Default begin {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} end } {0 60} ifelse } ifelse end } { currentscreen pop exch } ifelse printerRes 300 max exch div exch 2 copy sin mul round dup mul 3 1 roll cos mul round dup mul add 1 add dup maxsteps gt {pop maxsteps} if } bdf /nextrelease defed { /languagelevel defed not { /framebuffer defed { 0 40 string framebuffer 9 1 roll 8 {pop} repeat dup 516 eq exch 520 eq or { /fhnumcolors 3 def /currentscreen {60 0 {pop pop 1}}bdf /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf }if }if }if }if fhnumcolors 1 ne { /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf } if /gradfrequency 144 def printerRes 1000 lt { /gradfrequency 72 def } if /adjnumsteps { dup dtransform abs exch abs max printerRes div gradfrequency mul round 5 max min }bdf /goodsep { spots exch get 4 get dup sepname eq exch (_vc_Registration) eq or }bdf /BeginGradation defed {/bb{BeginGradation}bdf} {/bb{}bdf} ifelse /EndGradation defed {/eb{EndGradation}bdf} {/eb{}bdf} ifelse /bottom -0 def /delta -0 def /frac -0 def /height -0 def /left -0 def /numsteps1 -0 def /radius -0 def /right -0 def /top -0 def /width -0 def /xt -0 def /yt -0 def /df currentflat def /tempstr 1 string def /clipflatness currentflat 1 add def /inverted? 0 currenttransfer exec .5 ge def /tc1 [0 0 0 1] def /tc2 [0 0 0 1] def /storerect{/top xdf /right xdf /bottom xdf /left xdf /width right left sub def /height top bottom sub def}bdf /concatprocs{ systemdict /packedarray known {dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or}{false}ifelse { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def proc1 aload pop proc2 aload pop proc1 length proc2 length add packedarray cvx } { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }ifelse }bdf /i{dup 0 eq {pop df dup} {dup} ifelse 1 add /clipflatness xdf setflat }bdf version cvr 38.0 le {/setrgbcolor{ currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll setrgbcolor}bdf}if /vms {/vmsv save def} bdf /vmr {vmsv restore} bdf /vmrs{vmsv restore /vmsv save def}bdf /eomode{ {/filler /eofill load def /clipper /eoclip load def} {/filler /fill load def /clipper /clip load def} ifelse }bdf /normtaper{}bdf /logtaper{9 mul 1 add log}bdf /CD{ /NF exch def { exch dup /FID ne 1 index/UniqueID ne and {exch NF 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse }forall NF }bdf /MN{ 1 index length /Len exch def dup length Len add string dup Len 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval }bdf /RC{4 -1 roll /ourvec xdf 256 string cvs(|______)anchorsearch {1 index MN cvn/NewN exch def cvn findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup/FontName NewN put dup /Encoding ourvec put NewN exch definefont pop}{pop}ifelse}bdf /RF{ dup FontDirectory exch known {pop 3 -1 roll pop} {RC} ifelse }bdf /FF{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known {exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop} {pop dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup /Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont} ifelse}bdf /fps{ currentflat exch dup 0 le{pop 1}if { dup setflat 3 index stopped {1.3 mul dup 3 index gt{pop setflat pop pop stop}if} {exit} ifelse }loop pop setflat pop pop }bdf /fp{100 currentflat fps}bdf /clipper{clip}bdf /W{/clipper load 100 clipflatness dup setflat fps}bdf userdict begin /BDFontDict 29 dict def end BDFontDict begin /bu{}def /bn{}def /setTxMode{av 70 ge{pop}if pop}def /gm{m}def /show{pop}def /gr{pop}def /fnt{pop pop pop}def /fs{pop}def /fz{pop}def /lin{pop pop}def /:M {pop pop} def /sf {pop} def /S {pop} def /@b {pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop} def /_bdsave /save load def /_bdrestore /restore load def /save { dup /fontsave eq {null} {_bdsave} ifelse } def /restore { dup null eq { pop } { _bdrestore } ifelse } def /fontsave null def end /MacVec 256 array def MacVec 0 /Helvetica findfont /Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval MacVec 127 /DEL put MacVec 16#27 /quotesingle put MacVec 16#60 /grave put /NUL/SOH/STX/ETX/EOT/ENQ/ACK/BEL/BS/HT/LF/VT/FF/CR/SO/SI /DLE/DC1/DC2/DC3/DC4/NAK/SYN/ETB/CAN/EM/SUB/ESC/FS/GS/RS/US MacVec 0 32 getinterval astore pop /Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis/Udieresis/aacute /agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute/egrave /ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde/oacute /ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex/udieresis /dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/notequal/AE/Oslash /infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal/yen/mu/partialdiff/summation /product/pi/integral/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/Omega/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/radical/florin/approxequal/Delta/guillemotleft /guillemotright/ellipsis/nbspace/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide/lozenge /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright/fi/fl /daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase /perthousand/Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute /Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex /apple/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde /macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron MacVec 128 128 getinterval astore pop end %. AltsysDict %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup AltsysDict begin %%IncludeResource: font Symbol 0 dict dup begin end /f0 /Symbol FF def end %. AltsysDict %%EndSetup AltsysDict begin /onlyk4{false}ndf /ccmyk{dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 max exch}ndf /cmyk2gray{ 4 -1 roll 0.3 mul 4 -1 roll 0.59 mul 4 -1 roll 0.11 mul add add add 1 min neg 1 add }bdf /setcmykcolor{1 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop setrgbcolor}ndf /maxcolor { max max max } ndf /maxspot { pop } ndf /setcmykcoloroverprint{4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor}ndf /findcmykcustomcolor{5 packedarray}ndf /setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndf /setseparationgray{setgray}ndf /setoverprint{pop}ndf /currentoverprint false ndf /cmykbufs2gray{ 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 4 index 1 index get 0.3 mul 4 index 2 index get 0.59 mul 4 index 3 index get 0.11 mul 4 index 4 index get add add add cvi 255 min 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put }for 4 1 roll pop pop pop }bdf /colorimage{ pop pop [ 5 -1 roll/exec cvx 6 -1 roll/exec cvx 7 -1 roll/exec cvx 8 -1 roll/exec cvx /cmykbufs2gray cvx ]cvx image } %. version 47.1 on Linotronic of Postscript defines colorimage incorrectly (rgb model only) version cvr 47.1 le statusdict /product get (Lino) anchorsearch{pop pop true}{pop false}ifelse and{userdict begin bdf end}{ndf}ifelse fhnumcolors 1 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf ic im iy ik cmyk2gray /xt xdf currenttransfer {dup 1.0 exch sub xt mul add}concatprocs st image } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 1 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 3 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf 1.0 dup ic ik add min sub 1.0 dup im ik add min sub 1.0 dup iy ik add min sub /ic xdf /iy xdf /im xdf currentcolortransfer 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub ic mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub iy mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub im mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}true 3 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 3 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 4 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf currentcolortransfer {1.0 exch sub ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}{dummy} true 4 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 4 ne {yt restore} if /separationimage{image}ndf /newcmykcustomcolor{6 packedarray}ndf /inkoverprint false ndf /setinkoverprint{pop}ndf /setspotcolor { spots exch get dup 4 get (_vc_Registration) eq {pop 1 exch sub setseparationgray} {0 5 getinterval exch setcustomcolor} ifelse }ndf /currentcolortransfer{currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndf /setcolortransfer{st pop pop pop}ndf /fas{}ndf /sas{}ndf /fhsetspreadsize{pop}ndf /filler{fill}bdf /F{gsave {filler}fp grestore}bdf /f{closepath F}bdf /S{gsave {stroke}fp grestore}bdf /s{closepath S}bdf /bc4 [0 0 0 0] def /_lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /k2 xdf /y2 xdf /m2 xdf /c2 xdf /k1 xdf /y1 xdf /m1 xdf /c1 xdf c1 c2 sub abs m1 m2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs k1 k2 sub abs maxcolor calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bc4 0 c2 c1 sub frac mul c1 add put bc4 1 m2 m1 sub frac mul m1 add put bc4 2 y2 y1 sub frac mul y1 add put bc4 3 k2 k1 sub frac mul k1 add put bc4 vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /bcs [0 0] def /_lfs4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bcs 0 1.0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add sub put bcs vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /_rfs4 { /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round radius abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf radius numsteps1 div 2 div /halfstep xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness { { dup setflat W 0 1 numsteps1 { dup /radindex xdf numsteps1 div /frac xdf bcs 0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add put bcs vc 1 index setflat { newpath mark xt yt radius 1 frac sub mul halfstep add 0 360 { arc radindex numsteps1 ne { xt yt radindex 1 add numsteps1 div 1 exch sub radius mul halfstep add dup xt add yt moveto 360 0 arcn } if fill }stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat 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{exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /lfp4{_lfp4}ndf /lfs4{_lfs4}ndf /rfs4{_rfs4}ndf /rfp4{_rfp4}ndf /ScitexVignette defed /xt xdf xt not {/yt save def} if /anyeq { cvlit exch cvlit exch 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or and { 1 index length 1 index length eq { dup length 1 sub -1 0 { /ind exch def 1 index ind get 1 index ind get anyeq not {/ind -1 def exit} if } for pop pop ind 0 eq }{ pop pop false } ifelse }{ eq } ifelse } def /lfp4 where { pop /oldlfp /lfp4 load def /lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /kc2 xdf /yc2 xdf /mc2 xdf /cc2 xdf /kc1 xdf /yc1 xdf /mc1 xdf /cc1 xdf save 20 dict dup begin /VGVersion 0 def /typeOfVign 1 def /xDimension right left sub abs def /yDimension top bottom sub abs def /numOfColorPoints 2 def /verticalCoord [ top bottom ] def /horizontalCoord [ left left ] def /colorArray [ cc1 mc1 yc1 kc1 cc2 mc2 yc2 kc2 ] def /stepVectorFunction 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/sepdef{ dup where not { AltsysSepDict } if 3 1 roll exch put }bdf /st{settransfer}bdf /colorimage defed /_rci xdf /_NXLevel2 defed { _NXLevel2 not { /colorimage where { userdict eq { /_rci false def } if } if } if } if /md defed{ md type /dicttype eq { /colorimage where { md eq { /_rci false def }if }if /settransfer where { md eq { /st systemdict /settransfer get def }if }if }if }if /setstrokeadjust defed { true setstrokeadjust /C{curveto}bdf /L{lineto}bdf /m{moveto}bdf } { /dr{transform .25 sub round .25 add exch .25 sub round .25 add exch itransform}bdf /C{dr curveto}bdf /L{dr lineto}bdf /m{dr moveto}bdf /setstrokeadjust{pop}bdf }ifelse /rectstroke defed /xt xdf xt {/yt save def} if /privrectpath { 4 -2 roll m dtransform round exch round exch idtransform 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor {dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto} {exch dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto} ifelse closepath }bdf /rectclip{newpath privrectpath clip newpath}def /rectfill{gsave newpath privrectpath fill grestore}def /rectstroke{gsave newpath privrectpath stroke grestore}def xt {yt restore} if /_fonthacksave false def /currentpacking defed { /_bfh {/_fonthacksave currentpacking def false setpacking} bdf /_efh {_fonthacksave setpacking} bdf } { /_bfh {} bdf /_efh {} bdf }ifelse /packedarray{array astore readonly}ndf /` { false setoverprint /-save0- save def 5 index concat pop storerect left bottom width height rectclip pop userdict begin /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath false setstrokeadjust } bdf /currentpacking defed{true setpacking}if /min{2 copy gt{exch}if pop}bdf /max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bdf /xformfont { currentfont exch makefont setfont } bdf /fhnumcolors 1 statusdict begin /processcolors defed { pop processcolors } { /deviceinfo defed { deviceinfo /Colors known { pop deviceinfo /Colors get } if } if } ifelse end def /printerRes gsave matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix 72 72 dtransform abs exch abs max grestore def /graycalcs [ {Angle Frequency} {GrayAngle GrayFrequency} {0 Width Height matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} {0 GrayWidth GrayHeight matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} ] def /calcgraysteps { /currenthalftone defed {currenthalftone /dicttype eq}{false}ifelse { currenthalftone begin HalftoneType 4 le {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} { HalftoneType 5 eq { Default begin {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} end } {0 60} ifelse } ifelse end } { currentscreen pop exch } ifelse printerRes 300 max exch div exch 2 copy sin mul round dup mul 3 1 roll cos mul round dup mul add 1 add dup maxsteps gt {pop maxsteps} if } bdf /nextrelease defed { /languagelevel defed not { /framebuffer defed { 0 40 string framebuffer 9 1 roll 8 {pop} repeat dup 516 eq exch 520 eq or { /fhnumcolors 3 def /currentscreen {60 0 {pop pop 1}}bdf /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf }if }if }if }if fhnumcolors 1 ne { /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf } if /currentpagedevice defed { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance known { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance get { /calcgraysteps {256 maxsteps min} def } if } if } if /gradfrequency 144 def printerRes 1000 lt { /gradfrequency 72 def } if /adjnumsteps { dup dtransform abs exch abs max printerRes div gradfrequency mul round 5 max min }bdf /goodsep { spots exch get 4 get dup sepname eq exch (_vc_Registration) eq or }bdf /BeginGradation defed {/bb{BeginGradation}bdf} {/bb{}bdf} ifelse /EndGradation defed {/eb{EndGradation}bdf} {/eb{}bdf} ifelse /bottom -0 def /delta -0 def /frac -0 def /height -0 def /left -0 def /numsteps1 -0 def /radius -0 def /right -0 def /top -0 def /width -0 def /xt -0 def /yt -0 def /df currentflat def /tempstr 1 string def /clipflatness currentflat 1 add def /inverted? 0 currenttransfer exec .5 ge def /tc1 [0 0 0 1] def /tc2 [0 0 0 1] def /storerect{/top xdf /right xdf /bottom xdf /left xdf /width right left sub def /height top bottom sub def}bdf /concatprocs{ systemdict /packedarray known {dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or}{false}ifelse { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def proc1 aload pop proc2 aload pop proc1 length proc2 length add packedarray cvx } { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }ifelse }bdf /i{dup 0 eq {pop df dup} {dup} ifelse 1 add /clipflatness xdf setflat }bdf version cvr 38.0 le {/setrgbcolor{ currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll setrgbcolor}bdf}if /vms {/vmsv save def} bdf /vmr {vmsv restore} bdf /vmrs{vmsv restore /vmsv save def}bdf /eomode{ {/filler /eofill load def /clipper /eoclip load def} {/filler /fill load def /clipper /clip load def} ifelse }bdf /normtaper{}bdf /logtaper{9 mul 1 add log}bdf /CD{ /NF exch def { exch dup /FID ne 1 index/UniqueID ne and {exch NF 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse }forall NF }bdf /MN{ 1 index length /Len exch def dup length Len add string dup Len 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval }bdf /RC{4 -1 roll /ourvec xdf 256 string cvs(|______)anchorsearch {1 index MN cvn/NewN exch def cvn findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup/FontName NewN put dup /Encoding ourvec put NewN exch definefont pop}{pop}ifelse}bdf /RF{ dup FontDirectory exch known {pop 3 -1 roll pop} {RC} ifelse }bdf /FF{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known {exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop} {pop dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup /Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont} ifelse}bdf /fps{ currentflat exch dup 0 le{pop 1}if { dup setflat 3 index stopped {1.3 mul dup 3 index gt{pop setflat pop pop stop}if} {exit} ifelse }loop pop setflat pop pop }bdf /fp{100 currentflat fps}bdf /clipper{clip}bdf /W{/clipper load 100 clipflatness dup setflat fps}bdf userdict begin /BDFontDict 29 dict def end BDFontDict begin /bu{}def /bn{}def /setTxMode{av 70 ge{pop}if pop}def /gm{m}def /show{pop}def /gr{pop}def /fnt{pop pop pop}def /fs{pop}def /fz{pop}def /lin{pop pop}def /:M {pop pop} def /sf {pop} def /S {pop} def /@b {pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop} def /_bdsave /save load def /_bdrestore /restore load def /save { dup /fontsave eq {null} {_bdsave} ifelse } def /restore { dup null eq { pop } { _bdrestore } ifelse } def /fontsave null def end /MacVec 256 array def MacVec 0 /Helvetica findfont /Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval MacVec 127 /DEL put MacVec 16#27 /quotesingle put MacVec 16#60 /grave put /NUL/SOH/STX/ETX/EOT/ENQ/ACK/BEL/BS/HT/LF/VT/FF/CR/SO/SI /DLE/DC1/DC2/DC3/DC4/NAK/SYN/ETB/CAN/EM/SUB/ESC/FS/GS/RS/US MacVec 0 32 getinterval astore pop /Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis/Udieresis/aacute /agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute/egrave /ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde/oacute /ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex/udieresis /dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/notequal/AE/Oslash /infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal/yen/mu/partialdiff/summation /product/pi/integral/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/Omega/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/radical/florin/approxequal/Delta/guillemotleft /guillemotright/ellipsis/nbspace/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide/lozenge /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright/fi/fl /daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase /perthousand/Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute /Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex /apple/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde /macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron MacVec 128 128 getinterval astore pop end %. AltsysDict %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup AltsysDict begin _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Symbol _efh 0 dict dup begin end /f0 /Symbol FF def _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Palatino-Italic _efh MacVec 256 array copy /f1 /|______Palatino-Italic dup RF findfont def end %. AltsysDict %%EndSetup AltsysDict begin /onlyk4{false}ndf /ccmyk{dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 max exch}ndf /cmyk2gray{ 4 -1 roll 0.3 mul 4 -1 roll 0.59 mul 4 -1 roll 0.11 mul add add add 1 min neg 1 add }bdf /setcmykcolor{1 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop setrgbcolor}ndf /maxcolor { max max max } ndf /maxspot { pop } ndf /setcmykcoloroverprint{4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor}ndf /findcmykcustomcolor{5 packedarray}ndf /setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndf /setseparationgray{setgray}ndf /setoverprint{pop}ndf /currentoverprint false ndf /cmykbufs2gray{ 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 4 index 1 index get 0.3 mul 4 index 2 index get 0.59 mul 4 index 3 index get 0.11 mul 4 index 4 index get add add add cvi 255 min 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put }for 4 1 roll pop pop pop }bdf /colorimage{ pop pop [ 5 -1 roll/exec cvx 6 -1 roll/exec cvx 7 -1 roll/exec cvx 8 -1 roll/exec cvx /cmykbufs2gray cvx ]cvx image } %. version 47.1 on Linotronic of Postscript defines colorimage incorrectly (rgb model only) version cvr 47.1 le statusdict /product get (Lino) anchorsearch{pop pop true}{pop false}ifelse and{userdict begin bdf end}{ndf}ifelse fhnumcolors 1 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf ic im iy ik cmyk2gray /xt xdf currenttransfer {dup 1.0 exch sub xt mul add}concatprocs st image } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 1 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 3 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf 1.0 dup ic ik add min sub 1.0 dup im ik add min sub 1.0 dup iy ik add min sub /ic xdf /iy xdf /im xdf currentcolortransfer 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub ic mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub iy mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub im mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}true 3 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 3 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 4 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf currentcolortransfer {1.0 exch sub ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}{dummy} true 4 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 4 ne {yt restore} if /separationimage{image}ndf /newcmykcustomcolor{6 packedarray}ndf /inkoverprint false ndf /setinkoverprint{pop}ndf /setspotcolor { spots exch get dup 4 get (_vc_Registration) eq {pop 1 exch sub setseparationgray} {0 5 getinterval exch setcustomcolor} ifelse }ndf /currentcolortransfer{currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndf /setcolortransfer{st pop pop pop}ndf /fas{}ndf /sas{}ndf /fhsetspreadsize{pop}ndf /filler{fill}bdf /F{gsave {filler}fp grestore}bdf /f{closepath F}bdf /S{gsave {stroke}fp grestore}bdf /s{closepath S}bdf /bc4 [0 0 0 0] def /_lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /k2 xdf /y2 xdf /m2 xdf /c2 xdf /k1 xdf /y1 xdf /m1 xdf /c1 xdf c1 c2 sub abs m1 m2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs k1 k2 sub abs maxcolor calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bc4 0 c2 c1 sub frac mul c1 add put bc4 1 m2 m1 sub frac mul m1 add put bc4 2 y2 y1 sub frac mul y1 add put bc4 3 k2 k1 sub frac mul k1 add put bc4 vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /bcs [0 0] def /_lfs4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bcs 0 1.0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add sub put bcs vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /_rfs4 { /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round radius abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf radius numsteps1 div 2 div /halfstep xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness { { dup setflat W 0 1 numsteps1 { dup /radindex xdf numsteps1 div /frac xdf bcs 0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add put bcs vc 1 index setflat { newpath mark xt yt radius 1 frac sub mul halfstep add 0 360 { arc radindex numsteps1 ne { xt yt radindex 1 add numsteps1 div 1 exch sub radius mul halfstep add dup xt add yt moveto 360 0 arcn } if fill }stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /_rfp4 { /k2 xdf /y2 xdf /m2 xdf /c2 xdf /k1 xdf /y1 xdf /m1 xdf /c1 xdf /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf c1 c2 sub abs m1 m2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs k1 k2 sub abs maxcolor calcgraysteps mul abs round radius abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf radius numsteps1 div 2 div /halfstep xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness { { dup setflat W 0 1 numsteps1 { dup /radindex xdf numsteps1 div /frac xdf bc4 0 c2 c1 sub frac mul c1 add put bc4 1 m2 m1 sub frac mul m1 add put bc4 2 y2 y1 sub frac mul y1 add put bc4 3 k2 k1 sub frac mul k1 add put bc4 vc 1 index setflat { newpath mark xt yt radius 1 frac sub mul halfstep add 0 360 { arc radindex numsteps1 ne { xt yt radindex 1 add numsteps1 div 1 exch sub radius mul halfstep add dup xt add yt moveto 360 0 arcn } if fill }stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /lfp4{_lfp4}ndf /lfs4{_lfs4}ndf /rfs4{_rfs4}ndf /rfp4{_rfp4}ndf /ScitexVignette defed /xt xdf xt not {/yt save def} if /anyeq { cvlit exch cvlit exch 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or and { 1 index length 1 index length eq { dup length 1 sub -1 0 { /ind exch def 1 index ind get 1 index ind get anyeq not {/ind -1 def exit} if } for pop pop ind 0 eq }{ pop pop false } ifelse }{ eq } ifelse } def /lfp4 where { pop /oldlfp /lfp4 load def /lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /kc2 xdf /yc2 xdf /mc2 xdf /cc2 xdf /kc1 xdf /yc1 xdf /mc1 xdf /cc1 xdf save 20 dict dup begin /VGVersion 0 def /typeOfVign 1 def /xDimension right left sub abs def /yDimension top bottom sub abs def /numOfColorPoints 2 def /verticalCoord [ top bottom ] def /horizontalCoord [ left left ] def /colorArray [ cc1 mc1 yc1 kc1 cc2 mc2 yc2 kc2 ] def /stepVectorFunction 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/sepdef{ dup where not { AltsysSepDict } if 3 1 roll exch put }bdf /st{settransfer}bdf /colorimage defed /_rci xdf /_NXLevel2 defed { _NXLevel2 not { /colorimage where { userdict eq { /_rci false def } if } if } if } if /md defed{ md type /dicttype eq { /colorimage where { md eq { /_rci false def }if }if /settransfer where { md eq { /st systemdict /settransfer get def }if }if }if }if /setstrokeadjust defed { true setstrokeadjust /C{curveto}bdf /L{lineto}bdf /m{moveto}bdf } { /dr{transform .25 sub round .25 add exch .25 sub round .25 add exch itransform}bdf /C{dr curveto}bdf /L{dr lineto}bdf /m{dr moveto}bdf /setstrokeadjust{pop}bdf }ifelse /rectstroke defed /xt xdf xt {/yt save def} if /privrectpath { 4 -2 roll m dtransform round exch round exch idtransform 2 copy 0 lt exch 0 lt xor {dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto neg 0 exch rlineto} {exch dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto} ifelse closepath }bdf /rectclip{newpath privrectpath clip newpath}def /rectfill{gsave newpath privrectpath fill grestore}def /rectstroke{gsave newpath privrectpath stroke grestore}def xt {yt restore} if /_fonthacksave false def /currentpacking defed { /_bfh {/_fonthacksave currentpacking def false setpacking} bdf /_efh {_fonthacksave setpacking} bdf } { /_bfh {} bdf /_efh {} bdf }ifelse /packedarray{array astore readonly}ndf /` { false setoverprint /-save0- save def 5 index concat pop storerect left bottom width height rectclip pop userdict begin /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath false setstrokeadjust } bdf /currentpacking defed{true setpacking}if /min{2 copy gt{exch}if pop}bdf /max{2 copy lt{exch}if pop}bdf /xformfont { currentfont exch makefont setfont } bdf /fhnumcolors 1 statusdict begin /processcolors defed { pop processcolors } { /deviceinfo defed { deviceinfo /Colors known { pop deviceinfo /Colors get } if } if } ifelse end def /printerRes gsave matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix 72 72 dtransform abs exch abs max grestore def /graycalcs [ {Angle Frequency} {GrayAngle GrayFrequency} {0 Width Height matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} {0 GrayWidth GrayHeight matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 72 exch div} ] def /calcgraysteps { /currenthalftone defed {currenthalftone /dicttype eq}{false}ifelse { currenthalftone begin HalftoneType 4 le {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} { HalftoneType 5 eq { Default begin {graycalcs HalftoneType 1 sub get exec} end } {0 60} ifelse } ifelse end } { currentscreen pop exch } ifelse printerRes 300 max exch div exch 2 copy sin mul round dup mul 3 1 roll cos mul round dup mul add 1 add dup maxsteps gt {pop maxsteps} if } bdf /nextrelease defed { /languagelevel defed not { /framebuffer defed { 0 40 string framebuffer 9 1 roll 8 {pop} repeat dup 516 eq exch 520 eq or { /fhnumcolors 3 def /currentscreen {60 0 {pop pop 1}}bdf /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf }if }if }if }if fhnumcolors 1 ne { /calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf } if /currentpagedevice defed { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance known { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance get { /calcgraysteps {256 maxsteps min} def } if } if } if /gradfrequency 144 def printerRes 1000 lt { /gradfrequency 72 def } if /adjnumsteps { dup dtransform abs exch abs max printerRes div gradfrequency mul round 5 max min }bdf /goodsep { spots exch get 4 get dup sepname eq exch (_vc_Registration) eq or }bdf /BeginGradation defed {/bb{BeginGradation}bdf} {/bb{}bdf} ifelse /EndGradation defed {/eb{EndGradation}bdf} {/eb{}bdf} ifelse /bottom -0 def /delta -0 def /frac -0 def /height -0 def /left -0 def /numsteps1 -0 def /radius -0 def /right -0 def /top -0 def /width -0 def /xt -0 def /yt -0 def /df currentflat def /tempstr 1 string def /clipflatness currentflat 1 add def /inverted? 0 currenttransfer exec .5 ge def /tc1 [0 0 0 1] def /tc2 [0 0 0 1] def /storerect{/top xdf /right xdf /bottom xdf /left xdf /width right left sub def /height top bottom sub def}bdf /concatprocs{ systemdict /packedarray known {dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or}{false}ifelse { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def proc1 aload pop proc2 aload pop proc1 length proc2 length add packedarray cvx } { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }ifelse }bdf /i{dup 0 eq {pop df dup} {dup} ifelse 1 add /clipflatness xdf setflat }bdf version cvr 38.0 le {/setrgbcolor{ currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll setrgbcolor}bdf}if /vms {/vmsv save def} bdf /vmr {vmsv restore} bdf /vmrs{vmsv restore /vmsv save def}bdf /eomode{ {/filler /eofill load def /clipper /eoclip load def} {/filler /fill load def /clipper /clip load def} ifelse }bdf /normtaper{}bdf /logtaper{9 mul 1 add log}bdf /CD{ /NF exch def { exch dup /FID ne 1 index/UniqueID ne and {exch NF 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse }forall NF }bdf /MN{ 1 index length /Len exch def dup length Len add string dup Len 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval }bdf /RC{4 -1 roll /ourvec xdf 256 string cvs(|______)anchorsearch {1 index MN cvn/NewN exch def cvn findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup/FontName NewN put dup /Encoding ourvec put NewN exch definefont pop}{pop}ifelse}bdf /RF{ dup FontDirectory exch known {pop 3 -1 roll pop} {RC} ifelse }bdf /FF{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known {exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop} {pop dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup /Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont} ifelse}bdf /fps{ currentflat exch dup 0 le{pop 1}if { dup setflat 3 index stopped {1.3 mul dup 3 index gt{pop setflat pop pop stop}if} {exit} ifelse }loop pop setflat pop pop }bdf /fp{100 currentflat fps}bdf /clipper{clip}bdf /W{/clipper load 100 clipflatness dup setflat fps}bdf userdict begin /BDFontDict 29 dict def end BDFontDict begin /bu{}def /bn{}def /setTxMode{av 70 ge{pop}if pop}def /gm{m}def /show{pop}def /gr{pop}def /fnt{pop pop pop}def /fs{pop}def /fz{pop}def /lin{pop pop}def /:M {pop pop} def /sf {pop} def /S {pop} def /@b {pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop} def /_bdsave /save load def /_bdrestore /restore load def /save { dup /fontsave eq {null} {_bdsave} ifelse } def /restore { dup null eq { pop } { _bdrestore } ifelse } def /fontsave null def end /MacVec 256 array def MacVec 0 /Helvetica findfont /Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval MacVec 127 /DEL put MacVec 16#27 /quotesingle put MacVec 16#60 /grave put /NUL/SOH/STX/ETX/EOT/ENQ/ACK/BEL/BS/HT/LF/VT/FF/CR/SO/SI /DLE/DC1/DC2/DC3/DC4/NAK/SYN/ETB/CAN/EM/SUB/ESC/FS/GS/RS/US MacVec 0 32 getinterval astore pop /Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis/Udieresis/aacute /agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute/egrave /ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde/oacute /ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex/udieresis /dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/notequal/AE/Oslash /infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal/yen/mu/partialdiff/summation /product/pi/integral/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/Omega/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/radical/florin/approxequal/Delta/guillemotleft /guillemotright/ellipsis/nbspace/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide/lozenge /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright/fi/fl /daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase /perthousand/Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute /Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex /apple/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde /macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron MacVec 128 128 getinterval astore pop end %. AltsysDict %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup AltsysDict begin _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Symbol _efh 0 dict dup begin end /f0 /Symbol FF def _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Palatino-Italic _efh MacVec 256 array copy /f1 /|______Palatino-Italic dup RF findfont def end %. AltsysDict %%EndSetup AltsysDict begin /onlyk4{false}ndf /ccmyk{dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 max exch}ndf /cmyk2gray{ 4 -1 roll 0.3 mul 4 -1 roll 0.59 mul 4 -1 roll 0.11 mul add add add 1 min neg 1 add }bdf /setcmykcolor{1 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop setrgbcolor}ndf /maxcolor { max max max } ndf /maxspot { pop } ndf /setcmykcoloroverprint{4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor}ndf /findcmykcustomcolor{5 packedarray}ndf /setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndf /setseparationgray{setgray}ndf /setoverprint{pop}ndf /currentoverprint false ndf /cmykbufs2gray{ 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 4 index 1 index get 0.3 mul 4 index 2 index get 0.59 mul 4 index 3 index get 0.11 mul 4 index 4 index get add add add cvi 255 min 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put }for 4 1 roll pop pop pop }bdf /colorimage{ pop pop [ 5 -1 roll/exec cvx 6 -1 roll/exec cvx 7 -1 roll/exec cvx 8 -1 roll/exec cvx /cmykbufs2gray cvx ]cvx image } %. version 47.1 on Linotronic of Postscript defines colorimage incorrectly (rgb model only) version cvr 47.1 le statusdict /product get (Lino) anchorsearch{pop pop true}{pop false}ifelse and{userdict begin bdf end}{ndf}ifelse fhnumcolors 1 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf ic im iy ik cmyk2gray /xt xdf currenttransfer {dup 1.0 exch sub xt mul add}concatprocs st image } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 1 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 3 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf 1.0 dup ic ik add min sub 1.0 dup im ik add min sub 1.0 dup iy ik add min sub /ic xdf /iy xdf /im xdf currentcolortransfer 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub ic mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub iy mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub im mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}true 3 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 3 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 4 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf currentcolortransfer {1.0 exch sub ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}{dummy} true 4 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 4 ne {yt restore} if /separationimage{image}ndf /newcmykcustomcolor{6 packedarray}ndf /inkoverprint false ndf /setinkoverprint{pop}ndf /setspotcolor { spots exch get dup 4 get (_vc_Registration) eq {pop 1 exch sub setseparationgray} {0 5 getinterval exch setcustomcolor} ifelse }ndf /currentcolortransfer{currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndf /setcolortransfer{st pop pop pop}ndf /fas{}ndf /sas{}ndf /fhsetspreadsize{pop}ndf /filler{fill}bdf /F{gsave {filler}fp grestore}bdf /f{closepath F}bdf /S{gsave {stroke}fp grestore}bdf /s{closepath S}bdf /bc4 [0 0 0 0] def /_lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /k2 xdf /y2 xdf /m2 xdf /c2 xdf /k1 xdf /y1 xdf /m1 xdf /c1 xdf c1 c2 sub abs m1 m2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs k1 k2 sub abs maxcolor calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bc4 0 c2 c1 sub frac mul c1 add put bc4 1 m2 m1 sub frac mul m1 add put bc4 2 y2 y1 sub frac mul y1 add put bc4 3 k2 k1 sub frac mul k1 add put bc4 vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark 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{exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /lfp4{_lfp4}ndf /lfs4{_lfs4}ndf /rfs4{_rfs4}ndf /rfp4{_rfp4}ndf /ScitexVignette defed /xt xdf xt not {/yt save def} if /anyeq { cvlit exch cvlit exch 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or and { 1 index length 1 index length eq { dup length 1 sub -1 0 { /ind exch def 1 index ind get 1 index ind get anyeq not {/ind -1 def exit} if } for pop pop ind 0 eq }{ pop pop false } ifelse }{ eq } ifelse } def /lfp4 where { pop /oldlfp /lfp4 load def /lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /kc2 xdf /yc2 xdf /mc2 xdf /cc2 xdf /kc1 xdf /yc1 xdf /mc1 xdf /cc1 xdf save 20 dict dup begin /VGVersion 0 def /typeOfVign 1 def /xDimension right left sub abs def /yDimension top bottom sub abs def /numOfColorPoints 2 def /verticalCoord [ top bottom ] def /horizontalCoord [ left left ] def /colorArray [ cc1 mc1 yc1 kc1 cc2 mc2 yc2 kc2 ] def /stepVectorFunction 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/calcgraysteps {maxsteps} bdf } if /currentpagedevice defed { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance known { currentpagedevice /PreRenderingEnhance get { /calcgraysteps {256 maxsteps min} def } if } if } if /gradfrequency 144 def printerRes 1000 lt { /gradfrequency 72 def } if /adjnumsteps { dup dtransform abs exch abs max printerRes div gradfrequency mul round 5 max min }bdf /goodsep { spots exch get 4 get dup sepname eq exch (_vc_Registration) eq or }bdf /BeginGradation defed {/bb{BeginGradation}bdf} {/bb{}bdf} ifelse /EndGradation defed {/eb{EndGradation}bdf} {/eb{}bdf} ifelse /bottom -0 def /delta -0 def /frac -0 def /height -0 def /left -0 def /numsteps1 -0 def /radius -0 def /right -0 def /top -0 def /width -0 def /xt -0 def /yt -0 def /df currentflat def /tempstr 1 string def /clipflatness currentflat 1 add def /inverted? 0 currenttransfer exec .5 ge def /tc1 [0 0 0 1] def /tc2 [0 0 0 1] def /storerect{/top xdf /right xdf /bottom xdf /left xdf /width right left sub def /height top bottom sub def}bdf /concatprocs{ systemdict /packedarray known {dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or}{false}ifelse { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def proc1 aload pop proc2 aload pop proc1 length proc2 length add packedarray cvx } { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }ifelse }bdf /i{dup 0 eq {pop df dup} {dup} ifelse 1 add /clipflatness xdf setflat }bdf version cvr 38.0 le {/setrgbcolor{ currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll currenttransfer exec 3 1 roll setrgbcolor}bdf}if /vms {/vmsv save def} bdf /vmr {vmsv restore} bdf /vmrs{vmsv restore /vmsv save def}bdf /eomode{ {/filler /eofill load def /clipper /eoclip load def} {/filler /fill load def /clipper /clip load def} ifelse }bdf /normtaper{}bdf /logtaper{9 mul 1 add log}bdf /CD{ /NF exch def { exch dup /FID ne 1 index/UniqueID ne and {exch NF 3 1 roll put} {pop pop} ifelse }forall NF }bdf /MN{ 1 index length /Len exch def dup length Len add string dup Len 4 -1 roll putinterval dup 0 4 -1 roll putinterval }bdf /RC{4 -1 roll /ourvec xdf 256 string cvs(|______)anchorsearch {1 index MN cvn/NewN exch def cvn findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup/FontName NewN put dup /Encoding ourvec put NewN exch definefont pop}{pop}ifelse}bdf /RF{ dup FontDirectory exch known {pop 3 -1 roll pop} {RC} ifelse }bdf /FF{dup 256 string cvs(|______)exch MN cvn dup FontDirectory exch known {exch pop findfont 3 -1 roll pop} {pop dup findfont dup maxlength dict CD dup dup /Encoding exch /Encoding get 256 array copy 7 -1 roll {3 -1 roll dup 4 -2 roll put}forall put definefont} ifelse}bdf /fps{ currentflat exch dup 0 le{pop 1}if { dup setflat 3 index stopped {1.3 mul dup 3 index gt{pop setflat pop pop stop}if} {exit} ifelse }loop pop setflat pop pop }bdf /fp{100 currentflat fps}bdf /clipper{clip}bdf /W{/clipper load 100 clipflatness dup setflat fps}bdf userdict begin /BDFontDict 29 dict def end BDFontDict begin /bu{}def /bn{}def /setTxMode{av 70 ge{pop}if pop}def /gm{m}def /show{pop}def /gr{pop}def /fnt{pop pop pop}def /fs{pop}def /fz{pop}def /lin{pop pop}def /:M {pop pop} def /sf {pop} def /S {pop} def /@b {pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop} def /_bdsave /save load def /_bdrestore /restore load def /save { dup /fontsave eq {null} {_bdsave} ifelse } def /restore { dup null eq { pop } { _bdrestore } ifelse } def /fontsave null def end /MacVec 256 array def MacVec 0 /Helvetica findfont /Encoding get 0 128 getinterval putinterval MacVec 127 /DEL put MacVec 16#27 /quotesingle put MacVec 16#60 /grave put /NUL/SOH/STX/ETX/EOT/ENQ/ACK/BEL/BS/HT/LF/VT/FF/CR/SO/SI /DLE/DC1/DC2/DC3/DC4/NAK/SYN/ETB/CAN/EM/SUB/ESC/FS/GS/RS/US MacVec 0 32 getinterval astore pop /Adieresis/Aring/Ccedilla/Eacute/Ntilde/Odieresis/Udieresis/aacute /agrave/acircumflex/adieresis/atilde/aring/ccedilla/eacute/egrave /ecircumflex/edieresis/iacute/igrave/icircumflex/idieresis/ntilde/oacute /ograve/ocircumflex/odieresis/otilde/uacute/ugrave/ucircumflex/udieresis /dagger/degree/cent/sterling/section/bullet/paragraph/germandbls /registered/copyright/trademark/acute/dieresis/notequal/AE/Oslash /infinity/plusminus/lessequal/greaterequal/yen/mu/partialdiff/summation /product/pi/integral/ordfeminine/ordmasculine/Omega/ae/oslash /questiondown/exclamdown/logicalnot/radical/florin/approxequal/Delta/guillemotleft /guillemotright/ellipsis/nbspace/Agrave/Atilde/Otilde/OE/oe /endash/emdash/quotedblleft/quotedblright/quoteleft/quoteright/divide/lozenge /ydieresis/Ydieresis/fraction/currency/guilsinglleft/guilsinglright/fi/fl /daggerdbl/periodcentered/quotesinglbase/quotedblbase /perthousand/Acircumflex/Ecircumflex/Aacute /Edieresis/Egrave/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Oacute/Ocircumflex /apple/Ograve/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Ugrave/dotlessi/circumflex/tilde /macron/breve/dotaccent/ring/cedilla/hungarumlaut/ogonek/caron MacVec 128 128 getinterval astore pop end %. AltsysDict %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup AltsysDict begin _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Symbol _efh 0 dict dup begin end /f0 /Symbol FF def _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Palatino-Italic _efh MacVec 256 array copy /f1 /|______Palatino-Italic dup RF findfont def end %. AltsysDict %%EndSetup AltsysDict begin /onlyk4{false}ndf /ccmyk{dup 5 -1 roll sub 0 max exch}ndf /cmyk2gray{ 4 -1 roll 0.3 mul 4 -1 roll 0.59 mul 4 -1 roll 0.11 mul add add add 1 min neg 1 add }bdf /setcmykcolor{1 exch sub ccmyk ccmyk ccmyk pop setrgbcolor}ndf /maxcolor { max max max } ndf /maxspot { pop } ndf /setcmykcoloroverprint{4{dup -1 eq{pop 0}if 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor}ndf /findcmykcustomcolor{5 packedarray}ndf /setcustomcolor{exch aload pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat setcmykcolor pop}ndf /setseparationgray{setgray}ndf /setoverprint{pop}ndf /currentoverprint false ndf /cmykbufs2gray{ 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 4 index 1 index get 0.3 mul 4 index 2 index get 0.59 mul 4 index 3 index get 0.11 mul 4 index 4 index get add add add cvi 255 min 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put }for 4 1 roll pop pop pop }bdf /colorimage{ pop pop [ 5 -1 roll/exec cvx 6 -1 roll/exec cvx 7 -1 roll/exec cvx 8 -1 roll/exec cvx /cmykbufs2gray cvx ]cvx image } %. version 47.1 on Linotronic of Postscript defines colorimage incorrectly (rgb model only) version cvr 47.1 le statusdict /product get (Lino) anchorsearch{pop pop true}{pop false}ifelse and{userdict begin bdf end}{ndf}ifelse fhnumcolors 1 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf ic im iy ik cmyk2gray /xt xdf currenttransfer {dup 1.0 exch sub xt mul add}concatprocs st image } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 1 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 3 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf 1.0 dup ic ik add min sub 1.0 dup im ik add min sub 1.0 dup iy ik add min sub /ic xdf /iy xdf /im xdf currentcolortransfer 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub ic mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub iy mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {dup 1.0 exch sub im mul add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}true 3 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 3 ne {yt restore} if fhnumcolors 4 ne {/yt save def} if /customcolorimage{ aload pop (_vc_Registration) eq { pop pop pop pop separationimage } { /ik xdf /iy xdf /im xdf /ic xdf currentcolortransfer {1.0 exch sub ik mul ik sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub iy mul iy sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub im mul im sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll {1.0 exch sub ic mul ic sub 1 add}concatprocs 4 1 roll setcolortransfer {/dummy xdf dummy}concatprocs{dummy}{dummy}{dummy} true 4 colorimage } ifelse }ndf fhnumcolors 4 ne {yt restore} if /separationimage{image}ndf /newcmykcustomcolor{6 packedarray}ndf /inkoverprint false ndf /setinkoverprint{pop}ndf /setspotcolor { spots exch get dup 4 get (_vc_Registration) eq {pop 1 exch sub setseparationgray} {0 5 getinterval exch setcustomcolor} ifelse }ndf /currentcolortransfer{currenttransfer dup dup dup}ndf /setcolortransfer{st pop pop pop}ndf /fas{}ndf /sas{}ndf /fhsetspreadsize{pop}ndf /filler{fill}bdf /F{gsave {filler}fp grestore}bdf /f{closepath F}bdf /S{gsave {stroke}fp grestore}bdf /s{closepath S}bdf /bc4 [0 0 0 0] def /_lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /k2 xdf /y2 xdf /m2 xdf /c2 xdf /k1 xdf /y1 xdf /m1 xdf /c1 xdf c1 c2 sub abs m1 m2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs k1 k2 sub abs maxcolor calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bc4 0 c2 c1 sub frac mul c1 add put bc4 1 m2 m1 sub frac mul m1 add put bc4 2 y2 y1 sub frac mul y1 add put bc4 3 k2 k1 sub frac mul k1 add put bc4 vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /bcs [0 0] def /_lfs4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round height abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness /delta top bottom sub numsteps1 1 add div def /right right left sub def /botsv top delta sub def { { W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate dup setflat /bottom botsv def 0 1 numsteps1 { numsteps1 div taperfcn /frac xdf bcs 0 1.0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add sub put bcs vc 1 index setflat { mark {newpath left bottom right delta rectfill}stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop /bottom bottom delta sub def }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /_rfs4 { /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf bcs exch 1 exch put /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf tint1 tint2 sub abs bcs 1 get maxspot calcgraysteps mul abs round radius abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf radius numsteps1 div 2 div /halfstep xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness { { dup setflat W 0 1 numsteps1 { dup /radindex xdf numsteps1 div /frac xdf bcs 0 tint2 tint1 sub frac mul tint1 add put bcs vc 1 index setflat { newpath mark xt yt radius 1 frac sub mul halfstep add 0 360 { arc radindex numsteps1 ne { xt yt radindex 1 add numsteps1 div 1 exch sub radius mul halfstep add dup xt add yt moveto 360 0 arcn } if fill }stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /_rfp4 { /k2 xdf /y2 xdf /m2 xdf /c2 xdf /k1 xdf /y1 xdf /m1 xdf /c1 xdf /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf c1 c2 sub abs m1 m2 sub abs y1 y2 sub abs k1 k2 sub abs maxcolor calcgraysteps mul abs round radius abs adjnumsteps dup 2 lt {pop 2} if 1 sub /numsteps1 xdf radius numsteps1 div 2 div /halfstep xdf currentflat mark currentflat clipflatness { { dup setflat W 0 1 numsteps1 { dup /radindex xdf numsteps1 div /frac xdf bc4 0 c2 c1 sub frac mul c1 add put bc4 1 m2 m1 sub frac mul m1 add put bc4 2 y2 y1 sub frac mul y1 add put bc4 3 k2 k1 sub frac mul k1 add put bc4 vc 1 index setflat { newpath mark xt yt radius 1 frac sub mul halfstep add 0 360 { arc radindex numsteps1 ne { xt yt radindex 1 add numsteps1 div 1 exch sub radius mul halfstep add dup xt add yt moveto 360 0 arcn } if fill }stopped {cleartomark exch 1.3 mul dup setflat exch 2 copy gt{stop}if} {cleartomark exit}ifelse }loop }for } gsave stopped grestore {exch pop 2 index exch 1.3 mul dup 100 gt{cleartomark setflat stop}if} {exit}ifelse }loop cleartomark setflat }bdf /lfp4{_lfp4}ndf /lfs4{_lfs4}ndf /rfs4{_rfs4}ndf /rfp4{_rfp4}ndf /ScitexVignette defed /xt xdf xt not {/yt save def} if /anyeq { cvlit exch cvlit exch 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or 1 index type /arraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or and { 1 index length 1 index length eq { dup length 1 sub -1 0 { /ind exch def 1 index ind get 1 index ind get anyeq not {/ind -1 def exit} if } for pop pop ind 0 eq }{ pop pop false } ifelse }{ eq } ifelse } def /lfp4 where { pop /oldlfp /lfp4 load def /lfp4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /kc2 xdf /yc2 xdf /mc2 xdf /cc2 xdf /kc1 xdf /yc1 xdf /mc1 xdf /cc1 xdf save 20 dict dup begin /VGVersion 0 def /typeOfVign 1 def /xDimension right left sub abs def /yDimension top bottom sub abs def /numOfColorPoints 2 def /verticalCoord [ top bottom ] def /horizontalCoord [ left left ] def /colorArray [ cc1 mc1 yc1 kc1 cc2 mc2 yc2 kc2 ] def /stepVectorFunction /taperfcn load {logtaper} anyeq {[1]}{[0]}ifelse def /smoothVG [0] def end W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate ScitexVignette exch restore not { /BeginGradation where {pop BeginGradation} if cc1 mc1 yc1 kc1 cc2 mc2 yc2 kc2 /taperfcn load left bottom right top ang xt yt oldlfp /EndGradation where {pop EndGradation} if } if }bdf } if /lfs4 where { pop /oldlfs /lfs4 load def /lfs4 { /yt xdf /xt xdf /ang xdf storerect /taperfcn xdf /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf /spotNum xdf save 20 dict dup begin /VGVersion 0 def /typeOfVign 1 def /xDimension right left sub abs def /yDimension top bottom sub abs def /numOfColorPoints 2 def /verticalCoord [ top bottom ] def /horizontalCoord [ left left ] def /colorArray [ tint2 spots spotNum get aload pop pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat 5 -1 roll pop tint1 spots spotNum get aload pop pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat 5 -1 roll pop ] def /stepVectorFunction /taperfcn load {logtaper} anyeq {[1]}{[0]}ifelse def /smoothVG [0] def end W xt yt translate ang rotate xt neg yt neg translate ScitexVignette exch restore not { /BeginGradation where {pop BeginGradation} if spotNum tint1 tint2 /taperfcn load left bottom right top ang xt yt oldlfs /EndGradation where {pop EndGradation} if } if }bdf } if /rfp4 where { pop /oldrfp /rfp4 load def /rfp4 { /kc2 xdf /yc2 xdf /mc2 xdf /cc2 xdf /kc1 xdf /yc1 xdf /mc1 xdf /cc1 xdf /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf save 20 dict dup begin /VGVersion 0 def /typeOfVign 3 def /xDimension radius 2 mul def /yDimension radius 2 mul def /numOfColorPoints 2 def /verticalCoord [ yt yt ] def /horizontalCoord [ xt dup radius add ] def /colorArray [ cc2 mc2 yc2 kc2 cc1 mc1 yc1 kc1 ] def /stepVectorFunction [0] def /smoothVG [0] def end W ScitexVignette exch restore not { /BeginGradation where {pop BeginGradation} if xt yt radius cc1 mc1 yc1 kc1 cc2 mc2 yc2 kc2 oldrfp /EndGradation where {pop EndGradation} if } if } bdf } if /rfs4 where { pop /oldrfs /rfs4 load def /rfs4 { /tint2 xdf /tint1 xdf /spotNum xdf /radius xdf /yt xdf /xt xdf save 20 dict dup begin /VGVersion 0 def /typeOfVign 3 def /xDimension radius 2 mul def /yDimension radius 2 mul def /numOfColorPoints 2 def /verticalCoord [ yt yt ] def /horizontalCoord [ xt dup radius add ] def /colorArray [ tint2 spots spotNum get aload pop pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat 5 -1 roll pop tint1 spots spotNum get aload pop pop pop 4{4 index mul 4 1 roll}repeat 5 -1 roll pop ] def /stepVectorFunction [0] def /smoothVG [0] def end W ScitexVignette exch restore not { /BeginGradation where {pop BeginGradation} if xt yt radius spotNum tint1 tint2 oldrfs /EndGradation where {pop EndGradation} if } if } bdf } if xt not {yt restore} if /cvc [0 0 0 1] def /vc{ AltsysDict /cvc 2 index put aload length 4 eq {setcmykcolor} {setspotcolor} ifelse }bdf /origmtx matrix currentmatrix def /ImMatrix matrix currentmatrix def 0 setseparationgray /imgr {1692 1602 2304 2394 } def /bleed 0 def /clpr {1692 1602 2304 2394 } def /xs 1 def /ys 1 def /botx 0 def /overlap 0 def /wdist 18 def 0 2 mul fhsetspreadsize 0 0 ne {/df 0 def /clipflatness 0 def} if /maxsteps 256 def /currentpacking defed{false setpacking}if /spots[ 1 0 0 0 (Process Cyan) false newcmykcustomcolor 0 1 0 0 (Process Magenta) false newcmykcustomcolor 0 0 1 0 (Process Yellow) false newcmykcustomcolor 0 0 0 1 (Process Black) false newcmykcustomcolor 1 0.79 0 0 (PANTONE Blue 072 CV) false newcmykcustomcolor ]def /textopf false def /curtextmtx{}def /otw .25 def /msf{dup/curtextmtx xdf makefont setfont}bdf /makesetfont/msf load def /curtextheight{.707104 .707104 curtextmtx dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}bdf /ta{1 index {tempstr 0 2 index put tempstr 2 index gsave exec grestore tempstr stringwidth rmoveto 5 index eq{6 index 6 index rmoveto}if 3 index 3 index rmoveto }forall 7{pop}repeat}bdf /sts{/textopf currentoverprint def vc setoverprint /ts{awidthshow}def exec textopf setoverprint}bdf /stol{/xt currentlinewidth def setlinewidth vc newpath /ts{{false charpath stroke}ta}def exec xt setlinewidth}bdf /strk{/textopf currentoverprint def vc setoverprint /ts{{false charpath stroke}ta}def exec textopf setoverprint }bdf n [] 0 d 3.863708 M 1 w 0 j 0 J false setoverprint 0 i false eomode [0 0 0 1] vc vms 1882.7224 2220.5726 m 1850.7377 2220.5726 L 1850.7377 2207.5726 L 1882.7224 2207.5726 L 1882.7224 2220.5726 L n q _bfh %%IncludeResource: font Palatino-Italic _efh { f1 [12 0 0 12 0 0] makesetfont 1850.737686 2210.681946 m 0 0 32 0 0 (Notes:) ts } false [1 4]sts Q 1850.0041 2233.0898 m 1850.9416 2234.0273 L 0.25 w 2.613129 M [0 0 0 0] vc false setoverprint S n 1850.7086 2236.6523 m 1859.7086 2245.6523 L 1881.0836 2245.6523 L 1872.0836 2236.6523 L 1850.7086 2236.6523 L [0.2 4] vc f 0.2517 w S n 1850.7086 2236.6523 m 1872.0836 2236.6523 L 1881.2086 2245.7773 L 1881.2086 2240.1523 L 1872.0836 2231.0273 L 1850.7086 2231.0273 L 1850.7086 2236.6523 L [0.4 4] vc f n 1850.5399 2236.7773 m 1872.0836 2236.7773 L 1881.3336 2246.0273 L 1 w [0 0 0 0] vc S n 1872.0836 2236.7773 m 1872.0836 2231.0273 L S n 1850.7086 2231.1523 m 1872.4586 2231.1523 L 1880.9586 2239.6523 L 0.5 w 7.661301 M [1 4] vc S n 1875.5523 2229.5586 m 1875.8961 2229.8086 L 1875.8961 2231.6523 L 1876.1148 2232.2773 L 1876.1148 2237.5273 L 1875.2398 2236.6523 L 1875.2398 2231.4023 L 1875.5663 2231.3044 L 1875.5523 2229.5586 L [0.6 4] vc f n 1875.1248 2236.5963 m 1875.1248 2233.638 L [1 4] vc S n 1877.3023 2231.3086 m 1877.6461 2231.5586 L 1877.6461 2233.4023 L 1877.8648 2234.0273 L 1877.8648 2239.2773 L 1876.9898 2238.4023 L 1876.9898 2233.1523 L 1877.3163 2233.0544 L 1877.3023 2231.3086 L [0.6 4] vc f n 1876.8748 2238.3463 m 1876.8748 2235.388 L [1 4] vc S n 1879.0523 2233.0586 m 1879.3961 2233.3086 L 1879.3961 2235.1523 L 1879.6148 2235.7773 L 1879.6148 2241.0273 L 1878.7398 2240.1523 L 1878.7398 2234.9023 L 1879.0663 2234.8044 L 1879.0523 2233.0586 L [0.6 4] vc f n 1878.6248 2240.0963 m 1878.6248 2237.138 L [1 4] vc S n 1880.8023 2234.8086 m 1881.1461 2235.0586 L 1881.1461 2236.9023 L 1881.3648 2237.5273 L 1881.3648 2242.7773 L 1880.4898 2241.9023 L 1880.4898 2236.6523 L 1880.8163 2236.5544 L 1880.8023 2234.8086 L [0.6 4] vc f n 1880.3748 2241.8463 m 1880.3748 2238.888 L [1 4] vc S n 1875.5523 2229.5273 m 1875.9273 2229.9023 L S n 1877.3023 2231.2773 m 1877.6773 2231.6523 L S n 1879.0523 2233.0273 m 1879.4273 2233.4023 L S n 1880.8023 2234.7773 m 1881.1773 2235.1523 L S n 1874.3961 2237.4648 m 1873.5523 2236.6211 L 1875.2086 2236.6211 L 1876.0523 2237.4648 L 1874.3961 2237.4648 L [0.2 4] vc f n vmrs 1875.1461 2236.5898 m 1876.0836 2237.5273 L 0.5 w 7.661301 M [0 0 0 0] vc S n 1876.1461 2239.2148 m 1875.3023 2238.3711 L 1876.9586 2238.3711 L 1877.8023 2239.2148 L 1876.1461 2239.2148 L [0.2 4] vc f n 1876.8961 2238.3398 m 1877.8336 2239.2773 L [0 0 0 0] vc S n 1877.8961 2240.9648 m 1877.0523 2240.1211 L 1878.7086 2240.1211 L 1879.5523 2240.9648 L 1877.8961 2240.9648 L [0.2 4] vc f n 1878.6461 2240.0898 m 1879.5836 2241.0273 L [0 0 0 0] vc S n 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%AI5_BeginGradient: (Red & Yellow) (Red & Yellow) 0 2 Bd [ 0 < 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021222324252627 28292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F 505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F7071727374757677 78797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7 C8C9CACBCCCDCECFD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF > < FFFFFEFEFDFDFDFCFCFBFBFBFAF9F9F9F8F8F7F7F7F6F6F5F5F5F4F4F3F3F3F2F2F1F1F1F0F0EF EFEFEEEEEDEDEDECECEBEBEBEAEAE9E9E9E8E8E7E7E7E6E6E5E5E5E4E4E3E3E3E2E2E1E1E1E0E0DF DFDFDEDEDDDDDDDCDCDBDBDBDADAD9D9D9D8D8D7D7D7D6D6D5D5D5D4D4D3D3D3D2D2D1D1D1D0D0CF CFCFCECECDCDCDCCCCCBCBCBCACAC9C9C9C8C8C7C7C7C6C6C5C5C5C4C4C3C3C3C2C2C1C1C1C0C0BF BFBFBEBEBDBDBDBCBCBBBBBBBABAB9B9B9B8B8B7B7B7B6B6B5B5B5B4B4B3B3B3B2B2B1B1B1B0B0AF AFAFAEAEADADADACACABABABAAAAA9A9A9A8A8A7A7A7A6A6A5A5A5A4A4A3A3A3A2A2A1A1A1A0A09F 9F9F9E9E9D9D9D9C9C9B9B9B9A9A9999 > 0 1 %_Br [ 0 1 0.6 0 1 50 100 %_Bs 0 0 1 0 1 50 0 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Steel Bar copy) (Steel Bar copy) 0 2 Bd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ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪζΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪζΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՚ΪΪΪΪյΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪεΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪδΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪνΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΛΪΪΪΪγΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪճΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪβΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪβΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪαΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՜ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪαΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΰΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΝΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪկΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪծΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪήΪΪΪΪΞΪΪΪΪέΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪխΪΪΪΪΞΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪέΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪάΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪάΪΪΪΪΟΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΫΪΪΪΪ՟ΪΪΪΪժΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΩΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՠΪΪΪΪըΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΨΪΪΪΪաΪΪΪΪΨΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΡΪΪΪΪΧΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪէΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΥΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪբΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪդΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΣΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΣΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪգΪΪΪΪդΪΪΪΪբΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΢ΪΪΪΪΤΪΪΪΪΡΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪաΪΪΪΪΤΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՠΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՟ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΟΪΪΪΪΥΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՞ΪΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪ՞ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΞΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΝΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪ՜ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΜΪΪΪΪէΪΪΪΪ՛ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΧΪΪΪΪΚΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪըΪΪΪΪΚΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΚΪΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΙΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ/ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪըΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ4ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΫΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՘ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΗΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪο8ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪίΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΩΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ:ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪձΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪժΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪο;ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΕΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΕΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտ=ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪճΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՕΪΪΪΪΫΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪο>ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՔΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՓΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ@ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪζΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΓΪΪΪΪΫΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοAΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪζΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՒΪΪΪΪάΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪBΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪշΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΑΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΐΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοCΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΐΪΪΪΪέΪΪΪΪՐΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտCΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪθΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΐΪΪΪΪխΪΪΪΪՏΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοDΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪչΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪέΪΪΪΪΎΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪEΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪծΪΪΪΪՍΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοEΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪιΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΍ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪLΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪFΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪպΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪίΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪռΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪհΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪμΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΰΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪνΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪαΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪνΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪβΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪսΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪβΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪνΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪվΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ 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ΪΪΪΪΪPΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοAΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪνΪΪΪΪΪΪΪQΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪQΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտAΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪսΪΪΪΪΪΪΪQΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪRΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪRΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪSΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪνΪΪΪΪΪΪSΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪTΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪսΪΪΪΪΪΪSΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪTΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪUΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪVΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪξΪΪΪΪΪUΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪVΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪսΪΪΪΪΪVΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪWΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪWΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪXΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪXΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪXΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪվΪΪΪΪYΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪZΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪYΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪZΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪվΪΪΪΪZΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪZΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΦΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ[ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪզΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ 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ΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪռΪ΁ΪΪΪΪ^ΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ\ΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪռՁΪΪΪΪ\ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪμ΁ΪΪΪΪ\ΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪμՁΪΪΪΪZΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪXΪΪΪΪ΁ΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪVΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪWΪΪΪΪՁΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪWΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪտzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪUΪΪΪΪՁΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪVΪΪΪΪ΁ΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪTΪΪΪΪ΁ΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪտΪΪΪοzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪCΪΪΪΪvΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪaΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪοΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪvΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪdΪΪΪΪwΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՄwΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪgΪΪΪΪΪxΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΅xΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪiΪΪΪΪyΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΅yΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪhΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪyΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪkΪΪΪΪzΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՆ{ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪjΪΪΪΪ{ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ{ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪkΪΪΪΪ|ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՇ|ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪmΪΪΪΪ}ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ·}ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪoΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΈΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪqΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪqΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՈΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪuΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪvΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՉΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪxΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΊΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ{ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΊΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΠΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΟΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՋΪΪΪΪ՟ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΞΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΞΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΝΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՌΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΌΪΪΪΪ՜ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΜΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΍ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՛ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՚ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՍΪΪΪΪΚΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΙΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՙΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՎΪΪΪΪ՘ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ՗ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΏΪΪΪΪΗΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΏΪΪΪΪΗΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՖΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΖΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΕΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՐΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՔΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΔΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՓΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՑΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΒΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΑΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΒΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΑΪΪΪΪΑΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΑΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՒΪΪΪΪՐΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΏΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪՓΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΁ΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΔΪΪΪΪ΍ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΌΪΪΪΪՁΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΔΪΪΪΪՍΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ\ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪBΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ 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ΪΪ΅\ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ\ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΄ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ>ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ ΪΪΪ\ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ\ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ>ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ ΪΪՃ[ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ^ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ΃ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ>ΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪΪ 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Altera acknowledges the otrademarks of other organizations for their respective products or services mentioned in this document. Altera jproducts are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, gand copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in gaccordance with Alteras standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and bservices at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of Zthe application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as ]expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain \the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and @1before placing orders for products or services. ` A`DCopyright  N  1999 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. 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