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The guide explains how to apply the programŐs basic  Gfeatures to your chosen design flow and 4 programmable logic device 4 J(PLD) Ą architecture. For information about advanced features not " Hcovered in this manual, see the online help or man pages for individual Mcommands.  !mG This guide supports FPGAĄ 3 Express  version 3.4.   "mG ! " #This preface includes the following sections: $ % #m' & ' (Audience ) * + $m3 , - .Related Publications / 0 1 %m7 2 3 4FPGA Express Online Help 5 6 7 &m5 8 9 :FPGA Express Man Pages ; < = 'm3 > ? @SOLV-IT! Online Help A B C (m/ D E FCustomer Support G H I A)m4 J K LConventions M N O P Q HŔcnÁÔÂHí‘+DHŔcnÁÔÂHí‘IEE Ž˙đlÂdĂ;šĘnII HŔcnÁÔÁm­€‘nGHŔcnÁÔÁm­€Ám­€  I* m R SAudience T + ‰UT-O UThis guide is for logic designers or engineers who use the FPGAĄ 2 3MOExpress  synthesis tool to implement 4 PLD Ą designs. V W , m) X Y ZRelated Publications [ - ‰UTm< \ ] ^ _Related publications include: ` a .m] b c d 7FPGAĄ! :  ;Express 7 Installation Guide  e  f g /mv h i j 7FPGA Compiler IIĄ$ < / = Express 7 VHDL Reference Manual (online)  k l m 0-` n o p 7FPGA Compiler IIĄ' < /  =Express 7 Verilog HDL Reference Manual 7M"(online)  q r s t #1 -J uAll are delivered with the program in PDF (portable document format) M files.  v a2-I wThe programŐs Help menu also provides access to a selection ofĄ* M7documents provided byĄ- 4 Altera . x y HŔcnÁÔÂHí‘;šĘqGHŔcnÁÔÂHí‘FLHHŽ˙đlÂdĂ;šÎ;LL HŔcnÁÔÁŮ2‘rJHŔcnÁÔÁŮ2ÁŮ2L3 m< z { |FPGAĄ0 A Express  Online Help } 4 ‰UTmd ~  €FPGAĄ3  D Express  ‚ includes these forms of online help: ƒ „ 5m  … †Topic-based ‡ ˆ 6m+ ‰ ŠContext-sensitive ‹ Œ  !7-K ŽTo access the  topic-based online help system, choose Help Topics Efrom the Help menu. You can then access specific help topics through Ithe table of contents, the alphabetic index, or the text-search feature.  RThe help system also includes a glossary of FPGAĄ6  D Express  ‘ Mterminology.  ’ !8-V “When working in FPGAĄ9 3 Express , you can display a context-sensitive  Jdescription of a specific feature. ” Click the question mark button on Fthe productŐs tool bar or press Shift-F1, and then click an object on Mthe screen. • – 9 mS — ˜ ™ šFPGAĄ< B   › FExpress  œ Man Pages  ': ‰UT-d žThe FPGAĄ? 2   Ÿ DExpress     Ąman pages contain the most up-to-date ?command usage and syntax information. To access the man pages,  henter  ˘ Gman  Ł, followed by the command of interest, in the  2fe ĄB_shell. For Mexample,  ¤ G;mM Ľ Hfe ĄE_shell >  Ś Kman script_chip  § ¨ Š HŔcnÁÔÂHí‘;šÎ>JHŔcnÁÔÂHí‘IOKK Ž˙đlÂdĂ;šÎĄOO HŔcnÁÔÂ1Cń‘vMHŔcnÁÔÂ1CńÂ1CńO< m) Ş Ť ŹSOLV-IT! Online Help ­ '= ‰UT-M Ž ŻSOLV-IT! is the Synopsys electronic knowledge base, which contains Cinformation about Synopsys and its tools and is updated daily. For M?more information about SOLV-IT!, do one of the following: ° !>-. ą ˛ łGo to the Synopsys Web page at http://www.synopsys.com Mand click SolvNET. ´ ľ !?-$ ś ˇSend an e-mail message to M*solvitfb@synopsys.com ¸ š ş ť @ m% ź ˝ žCustomer Support ż 'AL‰UT-L Ŕ Á ÂIf you have problems, questions, or suggestions, contact the MO ĂSynopsys Technical Support Center in one of the following ways: Ä Ĺ !B-) Ć ÇGo to the Synopsys Web page at €http://www.synopsys.com MCand click Education & Support at the bottom of the page. Č É !C-$ Ę ËSend an e-mail message to M&support_center@synopsys.com Ě Í !D-K Î ĎCall (800) 245-8005 from within the continental United States or €@call (650) 584-2000 outside the continental United States, from MK7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday. Đ Ń Ň EM-l Ó LFor more information about FPGA  ĄH L Ô D Express L Ő, see the Synopsys Web LMpage at M Ö L AFmD × Ř Ohttp://www.synopsys.com/products/fpga L Ů Ú HŔcnÁÔÂHí‘;šÎ¤MHŔcnÁÔÂHí‘LRNNŽ˙đlÂdĂ;šŮtRR HŔcnÁÔÁ9ő‘zPHŔcnÁÔÁ9őÁ9ő  R'G4‰UT-P Ű Ü ÝFor technical support, Altera provides several points of contact MJregarding FPGA ĄK P Ţ Q Express P ß. 4 ŕ á HmJ â ăSend e-mail to Altera Applications at sos@altera.com. ä ĺ !I-H ć çCall Altera Applications at 1-800-800-EPLD (United States and MCanada). č é ę !J-s ë ě íAs an FPGA ĄN 4 î Q Express 4 ď customer, you have access to the Altera World FWide Web site at http://www.altera.com. The web site offers technical M-and general information, including đ ń Km) ň óAutomated assistance ô ő LmC ö ÷Altera product descriptions and announcements  ř ů MmJ ú űDescriptions of Altera training and support services  ü ý NmI ţ ˙The Altera Technical Support (AtlasSM) databaseĄĄĄ CO mĄĄĄ HŔcnÁÔÂHí‘;šŮwPHŔcnÁÔÂHí‘OUQQ Ž˙đlÂdĂ;šŮxUU HŔcnÁÔÂłƒ‘~SHŔcnÁÔÂłƒÂłƒUP m ĄĄĄConventionsĄ  GQ ‰UTBmWĄ The following conventions are used in Synopsys documentation.Ą Ą Ą Ą HŔcnÁÔÂHí‘;šŮ{SHŔcnÁÔÂHí‘RTTŽ˙đlÂdĂ;›fňXX HHÁ°Âˆ;›fóVHHÁ°ÂˆÂiNúXf‰UTm&ĄO Compiler II Altera EditionĄP em'ĄL Compiler II Altera Edition.ĄM dmĄICompiler IIĄJ cmĄFfc2 _alteraĄG b‰UTmĄCfc2 _alteraĄD am+Ą@ Compiler II  Altera EditionĄA ` m+Ą= Compiler II  Altera EditionĄ> _‰UTm+Ą: Compiler II  Altera EditionĄ; ^m+Ą7 Compiler II  Altera EditionĄ8 ]m+Ą4 Compiler II  Altera EditionĄ5 \ m+Ą1 Compiler II  Altera EditionĄ2 [‰UTmĄ. 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