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messages in the Output window Ae"Subpaths in the constraints table }z"{GUTm=Common Tasks in FPGAn* Express }z{G UTe }z #{GUTeIf you want to . . . }z"${G UTeDo this . . . }1#z#%11{gUT%Expand or contract a Eproject, library, or file tree }1%z$&1{GUTeDouble-click the icon. }1,z%'1{ GUTeAdd to a library }1.z&(11{ gUT%7Click the Add Sources button on the tool bar or choose ESynthesis > Add Source Files. }15z')11{ gUT%View extended help Eabout an error or warning }17z(11{! UTe5In the Output window, double-click the error number. Ae/Use the Help Index to locate the error number. }d?}+d1~# gUT%Modify a design source Efile using the editor }dA}*,dd~$ 'UT%8In the Design Sources window, right-click the file icon Eand choose Edit File. Ae3In the Output window, double-click the error text. }1I}+-11~& g!UT%Enter constraints for an Eimplementation }1K},.11~' gUT%/Right-click the implementation and choose Edit E Constraints. }dR}-/dd~) g#UT%Specify timing constraints on arbitrary E timing paths }dT}.0d1~* g UT%8In the constraints table, right-click a path and choose E New Subpath. }P[}/1Pʥ1~,g%UT%Copy data within a row or Ecolumn }P]}02PP~-'"UT%7Copy the selection with Edit > Copy, and paste it into E(the destination cell with Edit > Paste. a&%9Select the cell containing the data you want to copy and 4the cells to which the data should be copied. Press E&Control-d or choose Edit > Fill down. }1e}1311~/g(UT%Run timing analysis on an Eimplementation }1g}2411~0g$UT%4Right-click the optimized implementation and choose EView Results. }1n}351~2G*UTeLaunch Quartus }1p}4611~3g'UT%4Right-click the optimized implementation and choose EPlace and Route Chip. }1w}5711~5g,UT%Run the program from the E command line }1y}681~6G)UTeStart the FST shell. }1}7911~8g.UT%Run batch files of FST E commands }1}81~9G+UTe2Start the FST shell and execute your batch files. HcnHcn;G0 UTe HcnH; &<HcnH::lH¾6; (;>@  < >G8m$Running H/F 3- #   ; )<@ ==l < @G/m Running H/F 1   ; +<> ??l HcnHcnBG7 UTe HcnH; :CHcnHAA lH¾6; <BEG  C EG-m$ Running H/F 3-#  ; =CG DD l C GG2mRunning H/F 1  ; ?CE FF ld; MJK HcnHHcnJG6 UTe HcnH; N HKHcnHII lH¾6; PHJMO  K MG1m$Running H/F 3-#   ; QKO LL l K OG5m!Running H/F 1"  ; SKM NN  ld; bQ^ HmR; cPRHmRHRHR+Footnote Hr@; dPQSHr@HzHz+ Single LineH; ePRUTTFootnote ; f S  HD; g PSVHDHH+ Double LineH; hPUYWX Double Line; i VX; j VWH; kPV[ZZ Single Line; l YHZ; mPY\ TableFootnote EGxR; nP[]EGxREPwEPw+ TableFootnote HbNZ; oP\^HbNZHH,Half Single LineH ; pP]__Half Single Line'34; q ^'34d; sajH; t`ebcIndented Single Lineff; u acffff; vabddSpacerff; w cffff HcbNu\; x`afHcbNu\HlHl+Indented Single LineH~; y`egSpacer HcbNu\; z`fhHcbNu\HlHl+Indented Single Line HcbNu\; {`giHcbNu\HlHl+Indented Single Line HcbNu\; |`hjHcbNu\HlHl+Indented Single Line Hf; }`iHfHބHބ+Spacerd'mm HcnkHcn  m3 0m 9 m Basic Operations : UT-eThis chapter introduces you to many of the basics of running FPGA$1 1MAExpress . It includes the following sections: ! ; m4"#$Launching the Program%&' <mJ()*Using the Quick Tour Video and the Tutorial+,- =m1./0Using the Tool Bar123 >m,456Learning More789 ?m3:;<Additional Tips=>?@ a@-HAFor more information on advanced features not listed here, see the M%online help and man pages.BC HcnH+ kHcnHpll  ld;pp Hcn/nHcn//pA m+DEFLaunching the Program G G UT-`'2]To launch FPGA ^1Express2_, choose Start > Programs > Synopsys > 2M1FPGA Express from the Windows Start menu. ` #H -daTo launch the scripting tool (FST), enter b6fe_shell 5, cin a shell or Mcommand window. de I m;fgUsing the Quick Tour Video and the Tutorialh 'J UT-aiIf you are running FPGA/j1 Express k on a PC, before using the program,  Mrun the online video, lQuick Tour. Quick Tour is available from the Help M menu.m K-SnThe Quick Tour answers many of your basic questions about FPGA2o1 1 MExpress p. You can replay sections of the video by using the menu or  Mthe Play button. q L-[r52 Also see wUsing FPGA Express in Your Design Flow on page 17x of 2M@this manual to become familiar with the design flow.  y #M -azFor a more detailed introduction to FPGA8{1 Express |, step through the M:}tutorial that is included in this manual. ~ N m"Using the Tool Bar gO UT-MYou can use the programs tool bar to guide you through the design @flow. Clicking each button on the tool bar, from left to right, Dautomatically takes you through the entire design flowfrom project M%creation to netlist generation. HcnH;nHcnHmsoo ld;`ss HcnmyqHcnmymy  sPUT"m'Tool Bar Q m"Learning More 'R UT-iTo learn more about FPGA;1 Express , including the dialog boxes and Eother aspects of the GUI, use this manual and the tools described in Mthe next sections: Sm:9 Tip Bar9  Tm@9 Output Window9  UmJ9 Topic-Based Help System9  VmP9 Context-Sensitive Help System9  Wm?9FPGA Express Man Pages  X:mB;Altera-Provided Documents: CY mR9 Compiler Reference Manuals9  HcnH;cqHcnHpvrr  ld;˒vv Hcn,tHcn,,vZmTip Bar '[ UT-KThe tip bar provides information at each stage of the design flow. It Kautomatically detects the state of the design, identifies the next logical Jstep in the design flow, and provides a brief explanation of the function M$and purpose of that step. \mOutput Window '] UT-NA separate window, the Output window displays errors, warnings, and M_other messages about your actions as you use FPGA>1 Express .  ^m'Topic-Based Help System '_ UT-kFPGAAD1 Express  includes an extensive topic-based online help system. ATo access the system, choose Help Topics from the Help menu. You Dcan then access specific help topics through the table of contents, Gthe alphabetic index, and the text-search feature. You can also access MFa glossary of FPGAG1 Express  terminology. `m-Context-Sensitive Help System 'a UT-^When working in FPGAJ1 Express , you can display context-sensitive  Jdescriptions of specific features. Click the question mark button on MQthe products tool bar or press Shift-F1, and then click a GUI object. bmE FPGAM? Express Man Pages gc UT-ZThe FPGAP1 Express  man pages contain the most up-to-date ?command usage and syntax information. To access the man pages,  henter 5man , followed by the command of interest, in the 2fe S_shell. For Mexample,  HcnH;˕tHcnHsyuu ld;˻yy HcnwHcn  ydmMAfeV_shell > Dman script_chip em8YFAltera-Provided Documents 'f UT-[A selection of documents provided by \HAltera  is available from the Help Bmenu. You might find these documents helpful in answering some of M>your _HAltera-specific  questions. gm*Compiler Reference Manuals 'h UT-MOnline compiler reference manuals for VHDL and Verilog HDL contain  Tcomplete descriptions of the languages and their application to FPGAb1 1M3Express  synthesis and optimization. ci -^You can find all compiler reference manuals on the FPGAe1 Express   M;CD-ROM or in the program installation.     HcnH;˾wHcnHv|xx  ld;|| HcnLzHcnLL)|*,.02468j m$Additional Tips Gk UTBmvThe following tips will help you use FPGAh1 Express  more efficiently. HcnH;zHcnHy{{ ld; HcnʵM}HcnʵMʵM*9*,.02468Gl UTm HcnH;}HcnH|~~  ld; HcnHcnHcnH;HcnH ld;8Y HHˆ;8ZHHˆ|im UTm5I% Compiler II Altera Edition& 4e #B-_JKLMYou can Nlaunch FPGA Compiler II Altera Edition on Windows, MSolaris, and HP_UX.OP CmQRWindowsS !D-7TFrom the Start menu, choose Programs > Synopsys > M5FPGA Compiler II Altera Edition.UV Em!WXSolaris and HP-UXY !F-EZEnsure that bin/fc2_altera is in your path. Then type MS[fc2 _altera\ to start the program.()*+ o m+-fc2_shell  fc2_altera_shell . pm+0 Compiler II Altera Edition1 qm+3 Compiler II Altera Edition4 #r-EsAlso see tUsing FPGA Compiler II Altera Edition Express in  BYour Design Flow on page 114u of this manual to become  Qfamiliar with the design flow. Also see vUsing FPGA Compiler " XII Altera Edition Express in Your Design Flow on page 1146 of M:this manual to become familiar with the design flow.7 sm+9 Compiler II Altera Edition: tm+< Compiler II Altera Edition= um+? Compiler II Altera Edition@ vm B C wm*ECompiler II Altera EditionF xm+H Compiler II Altera EditionI ym+K Compiler II Altera EditionL zm+N Compiler II Altera EditionO {UTm+Q Compiler II Altera EditionR |mTfc2_alteraU }mWfc20_alteraX ~>mZVendor-Provided [ @UTmFPGA ]vendors ^ m`vendor-specific a m+c Compiler II Altera Editiond m+f CompilerII Altera Editiong m+i Compiler II Altera Editionj Lm+l Compiler IIM Altera Editionm m+o Compiler IIM Altera Editionp Cn mH HHˆ;8\HHˆ ldLeftdRightdHFirstdP Referenced`LinesdkFirstdnd qd td wd zd }d dHIDDEN̎ff\\@P  AboutHead1 Single LineBody. ̎ff\\@P AboutHead1TopOfPage Single LineBody. ffff33\\@P  AboutHead2Indented Single LineBody. ffff33\\@P  AboutHead3Body. ffffG\\@P  AboutHead4Body. ]̅\\@AQ]  AboutTableTitleA:Table < >< >< >< >Body. /\\@O33 ř AboutTitleSpacer Single Line invisibleFIX ME!. ]̇335\\@FQ]  AppEquationTitleF:Equation < >< >< >Figure. ]̅5\\@FQ]  AppExampleTitleF:Example < >< >< >Example. ]̇335\\@FQ]  AppFigureTitleF:Figure < >< >< >Figure. \\@FQH AppLetterSpacerF:< =0>< =0>< =0>< =0>AppTitle. ]̅\\@FQ]  AppTableTitleF:Table < >< >< >Body. /\\@NAO33 ř AppTitle Single Line invisibleN:Body. ffff \\@d   BNF. 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