Help Menu Extensions Proposal


Inside the help directory will be a small text file which configures the help menu. The content of this file will entirely replace all items below the help menu ... i.e what you put here is all you get.

File looked for is "help.ext"

File Format

File format is a regular text file, where each line is either

Formats are:

The Synopsys default help.ext

# The standard Synopsys help.ext menu configuration
0 "&Help Topics" t
0 "-"
0 "Quick Tour" c "quicktour.exe"
0 "Synopsys &Web Site" d.htm ""
0 "-"
0 "&About FPGA Express" a


Description of fields


defines menu level


a string which will appear in the menu at the appropriate level Prefixing a character with & will underline it as the keyboard shortcut (normal resource syntax) See also "strings" below


basically interpreted the same way as menu_text above. An item is treated as a subheader if it has no cmd_type or cmd


Indicates what kind of command follows. Single character:

c regular command - executed with CreateProcess. Once started, we do not wait for the command to finish
d a document. Normally, we just get the extension (last .ext in the docname string), but this can be overridden with the .ext suffix (e.g  d.htm) to the cmd type. This forces the app associated with .ext to run the docname. Example where this would be useful is with a web URL which is nominally a ".htm" doc, but may not have the ".htm" extension
a special: displays the built in "Help About" dialog
t special: displays the built in "Help Topics" item - i.e. opens the regular fpgaexp.hlp file


Interpreted as indicated by the cmd_type field above. See also "strings" below


this is a special menu text which causes the item to be interpreted as a menu separator. The cmd_type and cmd should not be provided

