Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands alias _N_A_M_E alias Creates a pseudo-command which expands to one or more words, or lists current alias definitions. SYNTAX string alias [_n_a_m_e] [_d_e_f] string _n_a_m_e string _d_e_f ARGUMENTS _n_a_m_e Provides a name of the alias to define or display. The name must begin with a letter, and can contain letters, underscores, and numbers. _d_e_f Expansion of the alias. That is, the replacement text for the alias name. DESCRIPTION The alias command defines or displays command aliases. With no arguments, the alias command displays all currently defined aliases and their expansions. With a single argument, the alias command displays the expansion for the given alias name. With more than one argument, an alias is created that is named by the first argument and expanding to the remaining arguments. You cannot create an alias using the name of any existing command or procedure. Thus, you cannot use alias to redefine existing commands. Aliases can refer to other aliases. Aliases are only expanded when they are the first word in a command. EXAMPLES Although commands can be abbreviated, sometimes there is a conflict with another command. The following example shows you can use alias to get around the conflict. prompt> alias q quit v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 alias 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference The following example shows you can also use alias to create a shortcut for commonly used command invokations. prompt> alias include {source -echo -verbose} prompt> alias rt100 {report_timing -max_paths 100} After the previous commands, the command include script.tcl is replaced with source -echo -verbose script.tcl before the command is interpretted. The following examples show how to display aliases using alias. Note when displaying all aliases, they are in alphabetical order. prompt> alias rt100 rt100 report_timing -max_paths 100 prompt> alias include source -echo -verbose q quit rt100 report_timing -max_paths 100 SEE ALSO unalias(2). 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0