Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands create_subpath _N_A_M_E create_subpath Create a subpath of a pathgroup SYNTAX string create_subpath -from_name _f_r_o_m__n_a_m_e -to_name _t_o__n_a_m_e -from_list _c_e_l_l__o_r__p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t -to_list _c_e_l_l__o_r__p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t -maxd _m_a_x__d_e_l_a_y _p_a_t_h__g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e string _f_r_o_m__n_a_m_e string _t_o__n_a_m_e list _c_e_l_l__o_r__p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t list _c_e_l_l__o_r__p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t int _m_a_x__d_e_l_a_y string _p_a_t_h__g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e ARGUMENTS -from_name _f_r_o_m__n_a_m_e This option specifies the name for the "from" subgroup. The subpath will be named "from_name:to_name". The subpath name must be not previously exist. -to_name _t_o__n_a_m_e This option specifies the name for the "to" subgroup The subpath will be named "from_name:to_name". The subpath name must not previously exist. -from_list _c_e_l_l__o_r__p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t This option specifies the list of cells or ports in the "from" subgroup. The object list must be a subset of the objects contained in the "from" group of _p_a_t_h__g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e. -to_list _c_e_l_l__o_r__p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t This option specifies the list of cells or ports in the "from" subgroup. The object list must be a subset of the objects contained in the "to" group of _p_a_t_h__g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e. -maxd _m_a_x__d_e_l_a_y This option specifies the maximum delay constraint for this subpath in v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 create_subpath 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference nanoseconds. _p_a_t_h__g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e This option specifies the name of the parent path group. DESCRIPTION The create_subpath allows the user to create path groups that contain a smaller set of objects than the existing path groups that are determined by FPGA Express . These path groups are known as subpaths, and allow the user to override the delay constraints of the larger parent path group. Completely arbitrary subpaths are not necessary, since the path groups derived by FPGA Express reflect any possible timing path in a design. EXAMPLES This command creates a subpath named "my_from:my_to" with a delay constraint of 50 for any path between two specific registers. fe_shell > create_subpath -from_name my_from -to_name my_to \ -from_list /AM2910/U1/C339 -to_list /AM2910/U1/C340 \ -maxd 50 (RC,CLOCK):(RC,CLOCK) \ fe_shell > get_pathgroup (I):(O) (I):(RC,CLOCK_BUFGed) (RC,CLOCK_BUFGed):(O) (RC,CLOCK_BUFGed):(RC,CLOCK_BUFGed) my_from:my_to SEE ALSO object(2),current_chip(2), 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0