Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands delete_chip _N_A_M_E delete_chip Remove a chip SYNTAX string delete_chip [-progress] _c_h_i_p__n_a_m_e string _c_h_i_p__n_a_m_e ARGUMENTS -progress Enable the progress report. (It should really be called the 'regress' report, shouldn't it?) _c_h_i_p__n_a_m_e Chip name DESCRIPTION delete_chip will delete chips that are part of the current project. ALERT delete_chip will delete not only the chip that you specify, but also all chips that are derived from that chip. So if you delete the _i_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_ted version of a chip, any _o_p_t_i_m_i_z_ed chips would be deleted also. EXAMPLES fe_shell > open_project adc fe_shell > list_chip chip: adc_V WORK adc MRA VIRTEX V50PQ240 chip: adc_opt WORK adc MRA VIRTEX V50PQ240 fe_shell > delete_chip adc_V fe_shell > list_chip Note that both chips were deleted. Here is the case where only one chip is deleted. fe_shell > open_project adc fe_shell > list_chip chip: adc_V WORK adc MRA VIRTEX V50PQ240 chip: adc_opt WORK adc MRA VIRTEX V50PQ240 fe_shell > delete_chip adc_opt fe_shell > list_chip chip: adc_V WORK adc MRA VIRTEX V50PQ240 v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 delete_chip 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference SEE ALSO list_chip (2) 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0