Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands error_info _N_A_M_E error_info Prints extended information on errors from last command. SYNTAX string error_info DESCRIPTION The error_info command is used to display information after an error has occurred. Tcl collects information showing the call stack of commands and procedures. When an error occurs, the error_info command can help you to focus on the exact line in a block which caused the error. EXAMPLES This example shows how error_info can be used to trace an error. The error is that the iterator variable "s" is not dereferenced in the 'if' statement. It should be '$s == "a" '. shell> foreach s $my_list { ? if { s == "a" } { ? echo "Found 'a'!" ? } ? } Error: syntax error in expression " s == "a" " Use error_info for more info. (CMD-013) shell> error_info Extended error info: syntax error in expression " s == "a" " while executing "if { s == a } { echo "Found 'a'" }" ("foreach" body line 2) invoked from within "foreach s [list a b c] { if { s == a } { echo "Found 'a'" } }" -- End Extended Error Info SEE ALSO None. v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1