Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands exit _N_A_M_E exit Terminates the application. SYNTAX string exit [_e_x_i_t__c_o_d_e] int _e_x_i_t__c_o_d_e ARGUMENTS _e_x_i_t__c_o_d_e Return code to the operating system. Default is 0. DESCRIPTION This command exits from the application. Before exiting the command gives information about the maximum memory usage for the session, CPU time used, and diagnostics summary (number of error messages, warning messages, and information messages). You have the option to specify a code to return to the operating system. EXAMPLES The following example exits the current session and returns the code 5 to the operating system. At a UNIX operating system prompt, verify the return code as shown. shell> exit 5 Maximum memory usage for this session: 14.54 MB CPU usage for this session: 351 seconds Diagnostics summary: 0 errors, 1 warning, 2 informationals Thank you for using shell! % echo $status 5 SEE ALSO quit(2). v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1