Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands list_files _N_A_M_E list_files List all source files. SYNTAX string list_files [-library] ARGUMENTS -library Sort files by library. DESCRIPTION This command displays the files in the project that have been added using the add_file(2) command. The type of file, analysis state (see analyze_file(2)), file pathname, and name of the library containg the file are displayed. EXAMPLES The following command displays the files that have been added to the project. The file is contained in the WORK library and has not been analyzed. fe_shell > list_file VHDL Unanalyzed am2910/am2910.vhd (WORK) The following command displays the files that have been added to the project, sorted by library. The two files exist in the WORK and LIB libraries and have been analyzed. fe_shell > list_file -library library: WORK VHDL OK am2910/am2910.vhd library: LIB VHDL OK am2910/lib.vhd SEE ALSO object(2),get_file(2), v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1