Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands script_chip _N_A_M_E script_chip Write a synthesis script SYNTAX string script_chip [-dir _p_a_t_h__n_a_m_e] [-dc] [-fe] string _p_a_t_h__n_a_m_e ARGUMENTS -dir _p_a_t_h__n_a_m_e Specify the output directory for the script file. -dc Write a Design Compiler shell script template. -fe Write an FPGA Express shell script template. DESCRIPTION This command creates a file that contains fe_shell or Design Compiler commands based on the current chip. The current chip may be either pre-optimized or optimized. The file can be used as a template for more complex synthesis scripts. The name of the script file is based the name of the current chip with the .fes or .dcsh extension. The default behavior is to create an fe_shell script. When generating Design Compiler scripts, script_chip will read the timing constraints on the current chip and write equivalent Design Compiler constraint commands. The clock information that is automatically determined by FPGA Express is translated to equivalent Design Compiler commands. The commands to read and analyze the source files are also translated. Comments are provided in the Design Compiler script in areas where the user must supply additional information. When generating fe_shell scripts, commands needed to regenerate the current chip are written. Currently, not all constraints are supported. EXAMPLES This example creates a Design Compiler script AM2910.dcsh in the current working directory. fe_shell > current_chip AM2910 v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 script_chip 2. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference fe_shell > script_chip -dc This example creates an fe_shell script AM2910- Optimized.fes in the the directory named `out_dir'. fe_shell > current_chip AM2910-Optimized fe_shell > script_chip -dir out_dir SEE ALSO object(2),current_chip(2) 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0