Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands set_chip_sharing _N_A_M_E set_chip_sharing Specify resource sharing option for optimization. SYNTAX string set_chip_sharing [-none] [-reset] ARGUMENTS -none Do not perform resource sharing. This will set the optimization function NOT to make any attempt to implement several operations using the same module. -reset Default resource sharing. It allows the optimization function to determine whether a module should be shared or not. DESCRIPTION Resource sharing is an optimization that enables several operations in HDL code to share a single hardware operator. set_chip_sharing sets the optimization resource sharing option for the current chip. The -_n_o_n_e option turns off resource sharing. The -_r_e_s_e_t option allows the optimization function to decide whether to use sharing. Note that the options, -_n_o_n_e and -_r_e_s_e_t, should NOT be selected at the same time. SEE ALSO set_module_sharing(2), set_chip_hierarchy(2), set_chip_objective(2), set_chip_primitive(2) v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1