Command Reference 2. FPGA Express Shell Commandsset_module_primitive _N_A_M_E set_module_primitive Specify primitive option for optimization. SYNTAX string set_module_primitive {_p_r_e_s_e_r_v_e | _o_p_t_i_m_i_z_e | _i_n_h_e_r_i_t} _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t list _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t ARGUMENTS _p_r_e_s_e_r_v_e When this option is set, the existing technology specific primitive cells in the modules on the _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t will be preserved. Only one of "preserve", "optimize", or "inherit" can be specified. _o_p_t_i_m_i_z_e When this option is set, the existing technology specific primitive cells in the modules on the _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t are unmapped and re-optimized in combination with the surrounding logic. Only one of "preserve", "optimize", or "inherit" can be specified. _i_n_h_e_r_i_t When this option is set, each module inherits the primitive option of its parent module. This is the default. Only one of "preserve", "optimize", or "inherit" can be specified. _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t List of modules to which to apply the specified primitive control attribute. DESCRIPTION This command sets the primitive options for modules named in _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t. It controls how existing target primitive cells are treated during optimization. The default value is set to _i_n_h_e_r_i_t. v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 set_module_primitiv2e. FPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference EXAMPLES In this example, The design consists of a top-level module (/test1), and three sub-modules /test1/C1, /test1/C2, and /test1/C3. To preserve primitives for ALL modules, it is enough to set the _p_r_e_s_e_r_v_e at the top level, since all subsidiary modules will inherit the option. fe_shell > set_module_primitive _p_r_e_s_e_r_v_e /test1 To preserve the primitives in just a few specific modules, they must be individually listed. fe_shell > set mod {/test1/C1 /test1/C3} /test1/C1 /test1/C3 fe_shell > set_module_primitive _p_r_e_s_e_r_v_e $mod SEE ALSO set_chip_primitive(2) 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0