Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands set_chip_lpm _N_A_M_E set_chip_lpm Enable/disable LPM implementation for modules. SYNTAX string set_chip_lpm [-off] ARGUMENTS -off Do not use LPM modules. Disables the use of LPM modules during optimization. DESCRIPTION This command enables/disables LPM module implementation for operators in the design. Without any options the LPM mode is turned on and the design is implemented using LPM cells. With the -off option the LPM implementation is turned off and the design is implemented using cells from the target library. This command affects the implementation for the current chip. Some FPGA place and route tools do not support LPM modules. Check the FPGA Vendors place and route documentation for details of of LPM support. EXAMPLES All examples are given assuming that a current chip exists. This example turns on the LPM implementation for the modules. fe_shell > set_chip_lpm This example turns off the LPM implementation for the modules. fe_shell > set_chip_lpm -off v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1