Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commandsset_chip_objective _N_A_M_E set_chip_objective Specify option for optimization objective for a chip. SYNTAX string set_chip_objective _s_p_e_e_d, _a_r_e_a, _i_n_h_e_r_i_t string _s_p_e_e_d, _a_r_e_a, _i_n_h_e_r_i_t ARGUMENTS _s_p_e_e_d Directs the optimization to maximize circuit speed for the entire chip. _a_r_e_a Directs the optimization to minimize area utilization for the entire chip. _i_n_h_e_r_i_t Makes the current design inherit the objective option of its upper-level design. DESCRIPTION This command controls whether to optimize the current chip for maximum circuit speed or minimum area utilization. SEE ALSO set_chip_hierarchy (2), set_chip_primitive (2), set_chip_sharing (2) v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1