Command Reference 2. FPGA Express Shell Commasnedts_chip_constraint_driven _N_A_M_E set_chip_constraint_driven Enable constraint driven optimization on a chip. SYNTAX string set_chip_constraint_driven [-_e_n_a_b_l_e | -_d_i_s_a_b_l_e] ARGUMENTS -_e_n_a_b_l_e Enable constraint driven optimization on the current chip. -_d_i_s_a_b_l_e Disable constraint driven optimization on the current chip. DESCRIPTION Selecting the -_e_n_a_b_l_e option enables constraint driven optimization on the current chip. When the chip is optimized with constraint driven optimization enabled, the optimization algorithms will attempt to achieve the timing goals (constraints) defined for this chip. This option will only take effect if the current optimization "objective" of the chip is "speed" (See set_chip_objective). Selecting the -_d_i_s_a_b_l_e option disables the constraint driven optimization on the current chip. When the chip is optimized with constraint driven optimization disabled, the optimization algorithms will use internally generated timing constraints with the goal of achieving the fastest chip or smallest chip possible, depending on the current "objective". See set_chip_objective. The current chip must be defined by using the command current_chip before executing this command, otherwise an error will be reported. The set_chip_constraint_driven command must be issued on an unoptimized chip -- prior to issuing the optimize_chip command. EXAMPLES Enable constraint driven optimization on the chip "mychip1". fe_shell > current_chip mychip1 fe_shell > set_chip_constraint_driven -enable v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 set_chip_constraint_dr2i.venFPGA Express Shell Commands Command Reference Disable constraint driven optimization on the chip "mychip1". fe_shell > current_chip mychip1 fe_shell > set_chip_constraint_driven -disable SEE ALSO current_chip(2), set_chip_objective(2) 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0