Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands set_chip_effort _N_A_M_E set_chip_effort Specify the chip optimization effort. SYNTAX string set_chip_effort [_h_i_g_h | _l_o_w] string _h_i_g_h, _l_o_w ARGUMENTS _h_i_g_h, _l_o_w Optimization effort levels. DESCRIPTION This command defines the default optimization effort level for all modules of the current chip. The effort level must be either _h_i_g_h or _l_o_w. An effort level of _h_i_g_h will instruct the optimizer to use additional optimization steps which may improve the quality of results at the expense of additional run-time. An effort level of _l_o_w will disable some optimizations steps which may result shorter run-times at the expense of quality of results. To control the optimization effort for specific modules of the chip use the command set_module_effort. The current chip must be defined by using the command current_chip before executing this command, otherwise an error will be reported. EXAMPLES Set the chip optimization effort to high on the chip "mychip1". fe_shell > current_chip mychip1 fe_shell > set_chip_effort high Set the chip optimization effort to low on the chip "mychip2". fe_shell > current_chip mychip2 fe_shell > set_chip_effort low SEE ALSO set_module_effort(2), current_chip(2) v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1