Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commands set_input_delay _N_A_M_E set_input_delay Set the input delay for a port SYNTAX string set_input_delay [-group _g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e] _d_e_l_a_y__v_a_l_u_e _p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t string _g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e int _d_e_l_a_y__v_a_l_u_e list _p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t ARGUMENTS -group _g_r_o_u_p__n_a_m_e Name of the relative timing group. _d_e_l_a_y__v_a_l_u_e Value for the input delay in nanoseconds. _p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t List of ports. See object(2) for describing port lists. DESCRIPTION This command sets the input delay for an input or inout port. This delay is the maximum delay from the port to the specified relative timing group. Without setting the input delay, the maximum delay is defined by the path group formed by the input port group and the relative timing group. The input delay is subtracted from the path group delay and added to to the arrival time of the port. EXAMPLES Sets the input delay relative to the timing group "(RC,CLOCK)" to 10 for the port CARRY_IN. The path group used to determine the arrival time offset is "(I):(RC,CLOCK)". fe_shell > set_input_delay -group (RC,CLOCK) 10 /AM2910/CARRY_IN SEE ALSO object(2),current_chip(2), v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1