Command Reference2. FPGA Express Shell Commandsset_module_effort _N_A_M_E set_module_effort Specify effort option for optimization. SYNTAX string set_module_effort {_h_i_g_h | _l_o_w | _i_n_h_e_r_i_t} _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t string _h_i_g_h, _l_o_w, _i_n_h_e_r_i_t list _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t ARGUMENTS _h_i_g_h Set the optimization effort to high. _l_o_w Set the optimization effort to low. _i_n_h_e_r_i_t Inherit uses the optimization effort of the parent modules as the effort level to be used for the modules. _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t List of modules for which the optimization effort is to be set. DESCRIPTION This command sets the optimization effort option for the modules named in _m_o_d_u_l_e__l_i_s_t contained in the current chip. An effort level of _h_i_g_h will instruct FPGA Express to use additional optimization steps which may improve the quality of results at the expense of additional run-time. An effort level of _l_o_w will disable some optimizations steps which may result shorter run-times at the expense of quality of results. _I_n_h_e_r_i_t will set the optimization level of the modules in the module list to that of their parent modules. EXAMPLES All the effort levels of the modules contained by the top level design are set to inherit the effort level of the top level design. fe_shell > set_module_effort inherit /*/* Now, the optimization efforts for the modules in the next level of hierarchy are set to high. v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1 set_module_effort2. FPGA Express Shell CommandsCommand Reference fe_shell > set x [get_module /*/*/*] /test1/C1/C3 /test1/C2/C3 fe_shell > set_module_effort high $x SEE ALSO object(2),current_chip(2), 2-2 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. v3.0