Command Reference 2. FPGA Express Shell Commandsset_pad_input_voltage _N_A_M_E set_pad_input_voltage Set input voltage. SYNTAX string set_pad_input_voltage _v_o_l_t_a_g_e__v_a_l_u_e _p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t string _v_o_l_t_a_g_e__v_a_l_u_e list _p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t ARGUMENTS _v_o_l_t_a_g_e__v_a_l_u_e Specifies the pad voltage for the ports listed in "port_list". _p_o_r_t__l_i_s_t Specifies the list of ports for which this constraint is to be applied. See object(2) for describing port_lists. DESCRIPTION This command sets the input voltage for the ports in the "port list". Input voltage values are vendor specific, and can not be defined for a chip that was created with the -module option in the create_chip command. This command requires that the current chip is defined, otherwise an error message is reported. EXAMPLES fe_shell > create_project -dir . fesproj fe_shell > add_file top.vhd fe_shell > analyze_file fe_shell > create_chip -target VIRTEX -name top top fe_shell > current_chip top fe_shell > set_pad_input_voltage CMOS /top/I1 /top/I2 SEE ALSO set_pad_output_voltage(2),object(2) v3.0 Synopsys Inc. 1988-1998. All rights reserved. 2-1